The Words of the Harding Family |
Another letter from Justin Harding to his wife Yuriko
July 2007
Hey there shimjung momma!
How was the flight with all the kids? I have tried to call home twice and once to Princeton but, no luck. I sang Happy Birthday for Reyna on the phone so you should have some nice messages waiting for you when you return from your vacation! Can't wait to see the pictures.
Well I don't know where to start. I am under a lot of stress but, manage to deal with it by singing while we are driving around town. Yesterday I escorted a Fox News crew all around Ramadi. They were doing a story on children who were very badly crippled by all the fighting here over the last four years. I hope they do a good story.
All three of the guys were British so we got along very well cracking jokes and singing " I want you to love me, I need yoooou to love me do da do da do.... you see me crying, I want you to love me...." Do you know or recognize the song?
Anyway it was a crazy day as my platoon split into two sections - one with the Battalion Commander and the other with me and the Fox guys. We went all over the place even outside of our area. Once place we went to the Women's and children's hospital of Ramadi - it was very tough. They didn't want us to film in their and for a women's and children's hospital there sure were a lot of men hanging around.
The reporters felt like it was an insurgents hiding place because they know we can't go in there without permission from the Iraqi Police and their are a lot of bad guys who were shooting at us 6 months ago but, because of pressure from the Elders and Sheiks of the "Awakening Movement" they joined police but they are still dirty.
That being said so many amazing good things happening here. Destroyed buildings are being torn down; they are painting the bridges and cemetery walls, painting the curbs on the street. The city is slowly restoring - you can see families out playing soccer in the street with their kids. Now it ain't paradise still have very little running water, electricity, and sewage and garbage is a big problem spreads so much disease. But the bombs and bullets have 95% stopped flying around.
Now I am not stupid I know that evil and very dangerous 5% is still out there waiting to attack us. A new group called Hamas of Iraq has moved into the city and is trying to pay and recruit young teenagers to attack Americans. The insurgents lost support of the people because so many innocent families have been killed in the fighting.
Hamas has vowed not to attack the Iraqi Police, or Army, or harm civilians like Al Quaeda did. There goal is to kill Americans. Luck for us there are some very strong positive sheiks our commander meets with.
One sheik said "A gun pointed at an American by a terrorist is a gun pointed at an Iraqi" Words like this inspire me to keep working hard for the Peace Kingdom here. I think it is almost easier here because family and morality is so deep here. It is just people don't have material things so they are very sincere people.
Americans have so much so they don't feel the need for family, morality, and sincere relationships. They just want to have fun any way they want. The Arab culture is so much more deep and pure in the good people. However, the evil people here are ruthless.
We found the body of a Police Chief's cousin. The terrorist set up illegal checkpoints posing as police and kidnap people and ransomed them for money to buy weapons and food and supplies. This cousin of the Police Chief was kidnapped.
They cut his feet off at the ankles and then cut his arms off at the elbows and then shot him in the back of the head and buried him in a shallow grave. This is the greatest from of disrespect for a Muslim - they must be buried before Sundown in their religion. It makes the Police here so mad and revengeful so the Hamas group was spotted and kicked out quickly.
Anyway I am talking too much about "War" and not about "love". Your packages are such an inspiration to me. I loved Reyna's bracelet and have hung it up with my Eagle's feather for protection. I love my boxers and new socks too! I have received so many care packages I am loaded I don't even need to go to the chow hall and can still be fat and happy. I have 1000's of gummy bears stocked up!
Soon we go to visit our brother company in Fallujah. I am nervous because the roads are the most dangerous sort of what Ramadi was like last time but, it is nothing I haven't dealt with before. So I will try to give you a call around July 4th or 5th.
It is very lonely being a Platoon Commander as a Staff Sergeant. I never went to officer school but, am expected to do all these things I didn't train for. Today I had to give a brief to the four highest officers and their staff on Jump Convoys.
It was very stressful but, I am a good talker and made a few jokes - everyone was so serious though. I know I did my best and there is an officer Gunner Beltran who has helped me out very much. He always checks my presentations and asks me questions that I didn’t think about.
He doesn't tell me what I missed he just asks and lets me figure it out. He has been the biggest pain in the butt in a good way and a great supporter I am deeply grateful to God for his helping me navigate the world of officers because I am not one but, am expected to perform on their level.
So Mathew's getting some serious braces - I had them and it was miserable. When? And how about Big Rey? Same thing I imagine. So I have been thinking about my next duty station. Do you want to stay in California or move out to the East? Coast closer to Grandpa and Iona? My plans this time are to attend Staff NCO Academy and then to get my back fixed. It is sooo painful each morning. Once I stand up there is a knife pain two or three times and then whatever is out of place get back and I am good.
How's your old aches and pains? I am happy Mathew is such a good boy and can give you back rub. We can just spend a whole day giving each other back rubs when I get back - sound good?
Well If you get a call from me around July 4, 5, 6 you know I didn't get blown up! Hey I just got the photos and Ben Gay patches good timing. Well just wanted to touch bases with you before we took off. I am going to be very busy for the next 3 or 4 days but, will call.
Hope everything is good and you can get some rest while you are in Princeton please give a big Hello to Grandpa, Iona, Jason, Lisa, Will, Lucy and big hugs from Daddy to Mathew, Reyna, and Maxwell my words will never match the deep love I feel inside for our family. So I will work as hard as I can to support and protect these Marines and help this Iraq people as much as possible without sleep or eating until the job is done.
It is so rewarding to have gone through all these training mission go to war in OIF 1 and 2 and see the changes because we held our ground and now people can see our intentions are to help rebuild their country not take over their religion or steal their women.
I love you!
Take a load off and relax go shopping with Iona and spend some money on yourself or you can go out and spend money on me - like video games!
Love, Justin