The Words of the Harding Family |
Another letter from Justin Harding to his wife Yuriko
July 20, 2007
Hey there Shimjung Momma!
Very good to hear from you! I always feel so drained after visit with Grandpa and Iona whether at home or in New Jersey. Interesting Sgt. Fields asked me today about if you received the card. I will let him know. Yeah I definitely don't want to be Amish - I like my video games too much!
So this week is so busy for me and I got in trouble too.
We had very high level people visiting three different groups. The first was General Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs (basically the highest level military person under President Bush). Next was General Mattis who is the Commanding general of I MEF basically head guy in charge of First Marine Division. And last but, not least was the unit that was going to replace us here. They had many officers and VIPs who wanted to research our area and find out how successful and what mistakes and what they can improve.
So I know General Mattis from the time I was sent to Quantico for Combat Lessons Learned. I don't know him but, fee comfortable around him as we spent several days just talking about Iraq War etc. Other Officers with 2/5 and Senior Enlisted this is there first time to meet him. It was my 5th time to meet him so I am sort of familiar - like understand his character a little.
So our Officers gave him a brief about Ramadi and it is very serious and all military business. So the General stands up to leave and of course we all stand up at position of attention. He says relax, so does anyone have any questions for me? He waits for about 10-15 seconds and no one asks a question. Everyone is so serious and doesn't want to be embarrassed for asking stupid thing. I have seen this many times at many meetings with high level Marines.
So the Gen. Mattis says what if I tell you I am not leaving and going on a tour of your area without at least two questions? Again no one asks anything and there is pause. So the General says a third time: "Gentlemen 2 questions"
So Boot SSgt Harding raises his hand and he says "Yes, Staff Sergeant what is your question?"
I reply "Sir this has nothing to do with Ramadi or the War but, I was wondering if you have ever heard of Rev. Moon?"
He looks me in the eyes and says "NO who is he?" I hear Marines in the background whispering "Oh shit he's going to say... "Cause they all know I am follower of True Parents.
So I say to the general, Sir I believe he's the Second Coming but, we can talk about that later!"
The General smiled and said "Now ok that question doesn't count!" Suddenly all these officers start asking questions.
Man you should have seen the faces of the 2/5 Officers: Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, The First Sergeants and Master Gunnery Sergeants, and Gunnies. They looked like they were going to kill me. One Major's face turned beat red after I told General Mattis that Rev. Moon is the Second coming.
Then I had many high level people looking for me to "beat me up" I had Sergeant Day lock me in my room after we did the tour and tell people I was at the PX.
Marine Generals and Officers especially in formal military briefings are not very open minded when it comes to God and Religion and jokes. My intention was for my question to be an ice breaker ya know make everyone laugh and break the tension everyone was so uptight because it was General Mattis who is famous Marine for his invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq. All Marines really respect him a lot. They thought I was insulting him in some way.
So half of the officers in the room laughed (because they know I talk about Rev. Moon a lot) the other put out a death warrant for me.
In the end it was all good. The mad people calmed down because General Mattis was so inspired by the work Two Five is doing in Ramadi and how much success we have at working together with the locals to kick out the insurgents.
Bottom Line: The Lt. Col Kozeniesky counseled me and banned me from talking to Generals for the rest of the tour. Sergeant Major talked to me and my direct boss Gunner Beltran counseled me. I didn't care because after the meeting the General came up to me and my boss introduced me to him.
My boss is a devout Catholic and said "General Mattis this is my PSD commander he's following that cult leader he spoke of in the brief." The General smiled and said "I know who he is now... doesn't Rev. Moon own the Washington Times?" And I replied "Yes Sir he does, I imagine you have been invited to some of his events down in DC" The General replied "No as a matter of fact I have not" I replied " Well Sir I will make sure you are on the guess list next time" The General replied "Well I am sort of busy these days but, OK"
Wow what a day - General Mattis told all the Marines:" President Bush doesn't care about what the media is saying about the War in Iraq. President Bush feels this is the best course of action for our Nation's security and the world's stability and he won't listen to the media but, will let history be HIS judge."
So the General asks me, "And do you believe Rev. Moon is the Second Advent?" I said, "Yes Sir - and just like the President I am not going to listen to media about Rev. Moon if you look him up on Wikipedia you will get many different opinions, I will let History be the judge of what I said".
It was so interesting. I remember in CARP we used to train for the 3 minute speech. The scenario was this: if you were on an elevator and someone important walked on the elevator with you and you only had three minutes to witness what would you say?" Then we practiced over and over.
I thought this Mission Briefing was just going to be another standard Mission Brief but, in my heart I feel General Mattis is a very Able type High Level person who is really protecting God's Nation of America from so many dangers. He was a young lieutenant back in Vietnam fighting Communists.
Anyway the week is over and it has been a tough one. All I could think about was getting back to Camp Ramadi, emailing you, doing my Patrol Debriefs, and playing Star Wars. So step one is complete on to my work.
So needless to say I miss you and pray for you. I have to focus though. So many people are very complacent due to the heat and not so much enemy activity. I am not though and it drives my Sergeants nuts they think I am too intense or serious.
They would rather spend time on the phone or internet or go to the Gym. They don't see the Cosmic Picture of restoring God's Sovereignty, the see the Big picture in bringing freedom to Iraqi people, and they are bored of doing humanitarian work: like distributing food, providing security while people rebuild the water lines, electricity, and deliver fuel.
Every marine wants to go into battle but, not so many this time will experience it because so many Sheiks support us.
Our Golf Company in Fallujah hit a bad IED while they were dismounted. One marines leg was broken on his thigh with the bones sticking out and the other had shrapnel in his legs but, no one died. They were lucky. If the trigger man waited a minute more many more would have been hurt.
Don't worry about me, I know last time we were here everyone thought we are home free. I still see that I have 70 days or so of combat and that the enemy can sneak attack at any moment. I don't care if they call me crazy, I don't care if they misunderstand my dedication, I don't care if they think I have PTSD, I don't care if they talk behind my back and say I should relax more, go to chow hall, take showers.
I am 100% committed to bring all these Marines who... My joy will be seeing them with their families on the parade deck once we return. My joy will be to see you and our lovely children there. It is dangerous to think of such things. I am thinking of tomorrow what enemy attacks have occurred around Ramadi, where my friendly units are, how will the enemy try to sneak attack my platoon, and how I will respond. This is my life right now.
On my Wall I wrote "Pray for all your Marines they are your Family. Without them you may never see your family so pray for them first and one day God Willing "In Shallah" you will see your family.
Can you send to everyone I only need: Power Bars, Gatorade, Cup of Noodles in the Styrofoam cups I can heat up with my boiling water pot. I have all snacks I NEED.
Noriko Benzel sent me a second package it made my eyes tear up I know her life is tough but, she still take time out to think of Marines. This is God's True Love.
I love True Love. It is so tasty and delicious and wonderful. Please let brothers and sisters know I am very grateful for their prayers and support. Mohammed in Spirit world must be so happy and other righteous Muslims too.
Anyway a long, long letter. I attached a picture of me, Sgt. Day and Sgt. Fields.