The Words of the Hisano Family |
to right) Yoshikimi Hisano, Yoshika (Hisano) Ramanujam, Amji
Ramanujam, Mrs. Kinue Hisano, Mr. Takayoshi Hisano, Terumi (Hisano)
Okano, Masao Okano, with their two year old son, Emory
Takayoshi Hisano passed into the spiritual world on October 12, 2010. Our community is proud to join together with his precious family to celebrate his time with us and support his peaceful and victorious ascension to his new life with our Heavenly Father.
Hisano san was diagnosed with mesothelioma in August of last year. Hisano san and his wife, Kinue, moved from Salt Lake City to Worcester just one month ago. Knowing that their remaining time together was coming to an end, they relocated to Worcester so that three generations of their "family could be together. Hisano san was particularly eager to be together with his beautiful grandson, Emory Okano, and newly born granddaughter, Amara Okano.
The Hisano's family in Worcester is comprised of their eldest child, Tarumi and her husband Masao Okano; their two year old son Emory and new born daughter Amara, plus their son Yokshikimi. Their middle child is Yoshika who lives in Utah.
Takayoshi Hisano was born April 20th, 1948 in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. He participated in the 1800 couples Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Unification Church. He joined the Unification Church in 1969 and has always been a leader in whatever activities he participated in (witnessing, fundraising, business, VOC). He came to America in 1979 as a business pioneer for Happy World, Inc. and then helped to build the foundation for Golden Gate Seafood (now part of True World Foods). Most recently, he pioneered a very successful church restaurant business in Utah in 1986 which he passed on and started his own business in a new location in 1997.
The Seunghwa Ceremony for our brother Takayoshi Hisano was held on Saturday, October 16th at 10 AM at the O'Connor Brothers Funeral Home (592 Park Avenue in Worcester, MA).
This notice was written and provided by James Edgerly, Unification Church Massachusetts State Director.