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Latest Update Letter from WTIMD Secretary General
Takamitsu Hoshiko
November 14, 2007
International Secretary General
To: TIMD Continental Leaders, International Instructors,and National Instructors
From: Takamitsu Hoshiko, Vice-President and Secretary General
Date: November 14, 2007
(Research for the success of the 4th Peace Cup, Curriculum of Martial Arts University, International Training Center, How to run it, How to be self-support, etc.)
Dear TIMD Continental and International Leaders and Instructors,
May the blessing and love of God and True Parents be with each continent, nation and providential organization as we usher in the era of Eog Mansei for the Sacred Era of Peace in the Cheon Il Guk Realm of Cosmic Peace.
Thank you so much for your hard work in the TIMD providence in your continent. The following agenda below are Dr. Seuk's recommendation for each TIMD Continental leader to study/research and present your proposal during the conference in Thailand:
1. How to bring success in the upcoming 4th Peace Cup in Korea.
2. What is our TIMD promotion system, such as promotion fee and others.
3. How to receive Sponsorship from governments, etc.
4. What is the curriculum for the International Training Center, such as, 1) 6 months course, 2) 1 year course, etc.
Please take note with an open heart and humility the following important message from Dr. Seuk which I received (Nov. 14, 2007) for your guidance, action, and consideration.
Draft Version:
We should promote Peace Cup throughout the world. From now on, we use the term Peace Cup instead of Peace King Cup. You should collect all the reports of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Peace Cup. The 1st was put already in Tong-Il Seigei in Korea. The report of the 2nd Peace Cup needs to be translated into English and Korean. That of the 3rd Peace Cup also needs to be translated into Korean and Japanese. The 1st World Cup this year report will be made by Rev. Cho and you. This will be translated into Japanese and English. We also put the report and reflection in internet.
All the TIMD Continental Leaders, International Instructors, National Instructors, as well as all the participants are encouraged to make their own home page or blog, so through them they themselves can send their own report about the 1st World Cup this year. For that, all people can see and get 100% reports not only in English, but also in Korean through the internet.
We should develop and improve our own website and learn from World Cup Soccer Game website. We should delegate Atsushi-san and or anyone who is capable to do it not only in English but also in Korean.
We need to promote TIMD and promote as well its greatness. There are many wonderful reflections in the past 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Peace Cup and the said reflections should appear in the internet. We should promote TIMD and Peace Cup world wide.
Every year, we do World Cup or Peace Cup. This year we have World Cup, next year Peace Cup, then in 2009 World Cup. Every year alternately we have World Cup and Peace Cup. So we can control Martial Arts World Cup as our own brand since we can't use the words "Martial Arts Olympic".
As for now, there are many sports which they may use World Cup. However, we create World Cup in our jurisdiction. We are the only World Cup for all different Martial Arts event. We can use World Cup and Peace Cup so that we can get support from government. We need to discuss these matters in Thailand.
By 2013, we should have the solid foundation of TIMD in 192 countries worldwide. For this, World Martial Arts Academy needs to be established. That was the name of my Dojang when I was teaching in USA. So International Training Center can be "International Training Academy". We will train our future TIMD students there through 6 month, 1 year, or 3 years course. The following possible Subjects to be considered are as follows:
1. Martial Arts techniques
2. Martial Arts Philosophy
3. Management skill
4. Service Project
5. English skill
6. Computer skill, and so on.
Service Project can be like Cleaning the Street, Crime Prevention Program, Drug Prevention Program, Smoking and Drinking Prevention Program for teenagers, True Love Campaign, etc. Through these Service Projects, we can get/receive support from parents and teachers.
TIMD should be most comprehensive and popular martial arts. We call this as International Martial Arts Academy. Chiang mai weather condition in Thailand is not so cold and not so hot, and close to China. Initially we train those from Shaolin Temple, Oceania- Island countries, and also Asians, Europeans, South Americans, and people from all over the world. Have a big hope!
World Martial Arts Tournament -- Invite Martial Artists beyond national boundaries from Aikido, Kick Boxing, Tae Kwon-Do, Karate, Philippine Martial Arts, etc. And have them compete in form, special form, and even sparring according to World Cup rules.
The important thing is harmony, working together for World Peace. The most important thing is that everybody should study Martial Arts Philosophy. They should understand the value of this. Each Instructor should study it and pass the test, and get the official Black Belt of their own styles.
Teach this Philosophy to all the Martial Artists otherwise some of them may become gangster, mafia, and yakuza misusing Martial Arts Techniques without spiritual education. People must study the Philosophy of Martial Arts. Globalize Martial Arts Philosophy. This is our goal of our Peace Cup and World Cup.
Once you have a good system of promotion, you can become financially self-sufficient and independent.
Above 1st Degree Black Belt Promotion: TIMD National level Leader recommends to Continental level Leader. Then Continental level Leader recommends to International Promotion Committee. Then the International Promotion Committee will examine the promotion and decide.
Once he or she is approved, then he or she can get the certificate with the signatures of the President and Secretary General of World Tong-Il Moo-Do Federation. And he or she becomes the official TIMD Black Belt.
We should have such clear system. We issue not only TIMD Certificate but also Black Belt Identification Card (ID) to those who earn Black Belt Degree. World Cup and Peace Cup have different flavor. We embrace all kinds of Martial Arts.
They can wear TIMD uniform. Because TIMD symbolizes that 1)They accept Unification (Universal)Principle as new Martial Arts Philosophy, and 2)They pursue the world of Peace and Unification. The common points are: 1) They accept Tong-Il Moo-Do philosophy. and 2) They aim for World Peace.
TIMD Philosophy should not be just for TIMD, but for all Martial Arts. They should teach universal value of Martial Arts. All different Martial Arts styles should study New Martial Arts Philosophy. When they receive Black Belt, they do so not only technically, but also philosophically. Train and raise those who are Mafia, gangster, and Yakuza to become good people. Think about the matter all the time and improve day by day to have a better system.
We will create an International Training Academy immediately in Thailand. Starting from those who come from Shaolin Temple, and Oceania, you can start training them through the courses such as the following: 1) 6 months, 2)1 year, 3)3 years, etc. All the TIMD Continental, International, and National Leaders should discuss how long we need to raise qualified TIMD Instructors and immediately start training program for them.
After the 1st World Cup, you should have days to spend time to focus to create an album and bring all these materials to Korea and prepare all the said matter with Rev. Cho for True Parents.
Sincerely yours,
Takamitsu Hoshiko
Vice-President and Secretary General
World Tong-Il Moo-Do Federation
Noted by:
Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
World Tong-Il Moo-Do Federation
[1] This whole content is not refined, but just over all content, and may have potential mistake. This is not complete version of what Dr. Seuk wants to convey.