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Book Report: You Don't Have to Take It Anymore
Kaarina Jager
May 16, 2007
Below is a book report by Kaarina Jager, our sister in Arizona, on a book by Dr. Steven Stosny who is famous for helping men overcome anger and resentments and saving their marriages.
The book is called You Don't Have to Take It Anymore.
It's available on Amazon (used for $4) www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/002-1635296-1877634?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=You+Don%27t+Have+to+Take+It+Anymore&Go.x=7&Go.y=8
I'm sure it is available at local libraries as well.
I know many of you are reading good books out there. I encourage you to write a short book report like this that can benefit other brothers and sisters.
God bless,
Jim, here is my very brief take on this book by Steven Stosny: You Don't Have to Take It Anymore
The book mainly deals with restoring husband and wife relationships from the depths of resentment, but could be applied to any relationships for that matter, by emphasizing the person's need to work on himself/herself to restore their own core value instead of blaming the other person. Ideally, of course, both persons involved would participate in the healing process.
The book also gives some practical tools through the intense workshops, but one could do much of this at home too, becoming more aware of one's emotional hurts, reactions, and improvements by journaling, in other words discovering who you really are. Then, by forgiving yourself and others, have compassion for yourself and for others struggling in the midst of resentment. Keep having compassion for other people. They lash out because they hurt, too.
Dr. Stosny also points out some differences between men and women in harboring resentments; women especially seem to cling to them instead of taking the resentment and other negative feelings as a sign to start taking more care of themselves and others and improving their situations! At the end, God willing, we will all emerge less resentful, one step at the time, embracing each other with plenty of hugs which he also recommends.
With Love,
Kaarina Jager