The Words of the Kamins Family |
Myung Moon in Nigeria, July 15, 2011
"Then, how can the salvation of
humankind be accomplished? Through the providence of the Tribal
Sun Myung Moon, November 23, 2010, East Garden,
NY Unofficial notes: Katsumi Kambashi
In recent comments, True Father has reemphasized his direction to all Blessed Central Families (BCFs) to accomplish Tribal Messiahship by witnessing and blessing 180 couples before Foundation Day, January 13, 2013.
"Then, how can the salvation of humankind be accomplished? Through the providence of the Tribal Messiahship. Father told us to be Tribal Messiahs in 1957 for the first time, then in the 80's, and also in 1992, when he declared the hometown providence. Tribe for us means our families and relatives, and the community where we live. We need to give them God's words and the Blessing, and become the Tribal Messiah like Boon Bong Wangs. This is the formula for establishing God's Kingdom while attending to the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind."
The plan outlined below can be done by anyone. It's designed to be duplicable because organizationally, this is most ideal. The emphasis is on daily practice of the 7 Habits of Successful BCFs.
My family and I practice this model. We are personally field testing all the activities in the plan. I will keep a diary log on my website www.unifiedfamily.org so anyone who's interested can read our reports.
By way of introduction, my wife Teresa and I were blessed in 1982 at Madison Square Garden. I spent 11 years as a foreign missionary and Teresa has many years' experience witnessing. After operating a successful advertising company during the last 21 years, we recently joined a network marketing company. Some of the practices outlined here are adopted from professional social and network marketers.
For the last seven years, I have been studying our movement's outreach practices along with a small group of first generation BCFs. In the section on this website, www.UnifiedFamily.org, you can find some of my memos, proposals and findings of various projects.
If you've formed "small group" dedicated to outreach with friends in your community, the material in this section will provide a good starting point for discussion and action on the practice of Unificationist outreach and Tribal Messiah providence. In our community in San Francisco District 11, we are moving to adopt strategies developed nationally and locally and put them into practice. We'll do our best to report on our experiences.
Going Tribal The Goal – Build my tribe In order to accomplish a significant or difficult task, the first step is to set a clear goal. In the case of building a Blessed Central Tribe, the goal defined by Father is to bless 180 couples and make them aware of the advent of True Parents based on God's 6,000 year providence of restoration.
When setting goals, it's helpful to carefully write down your personal and family goals AND the steps you intend to take to reach them. Napoleon Hill calls this your "Definite Purpose Statement." By repeating your Definite Purpose Statement out loud daily, you notify your subconscious and the spirit world of your intentions.
Declare your intent to Heaven and your family by reading your Definite Purpose Statement out loud on a daily basis. Visualize yourself already having achieved your goal, see yourself succeeding, see in your mind's eye the vision of what your tribe will look like. This practice transmits the images of your desired result to the spirit world and engages their support. Your liberated ancestors, who are living with you, don't necessarily know what you want them to do. You have to give them direction and this kind of visualization is a language they understand. For more resources on goal setting, the power of positive thinking, see my web page www.UnifiedFamily.com under "Positive Thinking." It is essential that Blessed Central Families foster an awareness of our identity, mission and responsibility to succeed as Tribal Messiahs as well as the benefits of doing so.
The average person has 200 family, friends and acquaintances. This group is called a person's Circle of Influence and, in network marketing lingo, is called a "warm list," meaning these are people you already know. To find and bless 180 couples, it will obviously be necessary to meet many, many people and find those who are "prepared." Your Circle of Influence is the place to get started. Remember, each one of your 200 acquaintances also has Circle of Influence of 200. This means that every person starts out with connections to 40,000 people. Father has often said that it's important to make friends with all kinds of people. You never know who they know. For instance, if you're at an event, you might see a grandfather sitting by himself. Go up and introduce yourself. That grandfather may have dozens of grandchildren and hundreds of connections. When meeting new people, be spontaneous and go with first inspirations. As long as we maintain parental heart, Heaven will guide us.
Get started by making a list of everyone you know in order to identify your Circle of Influence. I found it handy to look through my phone book. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into four columns for Family, Friends, Business Associates and Community.
I find it useful to keep these names on a spreadsheet. The Xs next to some names show contact information. The 1st X means I've talked to them recently, the 2nd X means I gave them holy wine.
I keep a copy of this list on my prayer table and pray for each person out loud by name every day. I will add phone numbers and email addresses to each entry so I will remember to stay in touch on a regular basis.
Our ultimate aim is to teach our tribe members the value of the change of blood lineage and the New Covenant that is now culminating in the providence centering on True Parents. We can accomplish this by teaching the Divine Principle.
However, before we do that, we must build relationships of trust. The fastest way to do this is to listen to their stories. In Jin Nim calls this "natural witnessing." People love to talk about themselves. They long for a bit of sympathy and understanding. Learning how to prompt people to talk about themselves is as simple as being genuinely interested in them.
In his popular book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People," Dale Carnegie gives the perfect formula and four simple rules: "Sympathy is what three-fourths of the people you meet are thirsting for. Give it to them, and they will love you." "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." "A good conversationalist is a good listener." "Always make the other person feel important." Learn to be a good listener. Most people I've known will gladly tell me their whole life's story if given the opportunity. People love to talk about themselves, share their challenges, their frustrations and their hopes. In the process of talking about themselves, they will tell you everything you need to know about themselves to deepen your relationship. "What happens when you truly listen to another person? The whole relationship is transformed. What it means is that your "prospects" could say this about you: "She listened to me. She didn't agree or disagree. She was just listening and I felt as if she were seeing the world through my eyes. And in that process I found myself listening to myself. I started to feel a sense of worth in myself." -- Stephen Covey: "7 Habits of Effective People"
Rick Warren in "The Purpose Driven Church," says that membership is as much about "belonging" as it is about believing. Of the top three reason's people join our church, Wonderful Community was the most important. A majority of people desire to have more friends and meaningful relationships. Regular tribal pot-lucks where everyone can meet and greet will grow your tribe quickly. If your church community is having a guest friendly event you can invite them that, too. Be a good friend, a true friend. Be a good listener.
It's ESSENTIAL to pray for our tribe members. They don't know it, but each one has ancestral debt that affects their lives. You have to make the conditions to clear that away for them to meet and make a relationship with God. Then, you want to teach them how to do this for themselves and for those they care about.
I asked Onni Durst what was the most important element in the Oakland days of successful witnessing and she replied that it was the spiritual fire they brought down through non-stop prayer, fasting and bowing.
Father has said repeatedly that we should give holy wine to as many people as possible. Shower holy wine in all the nations. Wouldn't everyone be revived after drinking holy wine? The liberation of the fallen world would be hastened. CSG p 963 Your existence before and after the moment you drink is entirely different. Drinking this wine is more important than husband and wife's making a relation of love. This wine represents the connection of life.
"You should be Mother's representatives and Father's incarnations… The Blessing which you give using the Holy Wine is recognized as Blessing, too. …give it to your relatives and children; you must hand it over. I'm telling you, give Blessing." HDK April 26, 2007 Blessed Central Families are granted spiritual authority as representatives and family members of the True Parents to give a tribal level blessing and change of blood lineage thru giving Cheon Il Guk holy wine.
The completion stage, cosmic level blessing can only be delivered by the True Parents of Heaven and Earth. Nevertheless, tribal level blessing is tremendously important and delivers a grace of profound value to the recipient. It makes the recipients part of your Blessed Central Family as spiritual children. True Parents have given the responsibility to deliver Tribal Level Change of Blood Lineage to Blessed Central Families. At this stage, we must pray very sincerely for our tribe members and take responsibility for their spiritual wellbeing.