The Words of the Kihara Family |
Sharing This Sunday's Message - Elder Sister Edna Macesar-Hirae
Internal report on the GPF Japan victory Sermon at Fukuoka church by Mr. Kihara, Fukuoka church leader 2008 Nov. 23
Took this down from a simultaneous translation by Mrs. Kan. Facts may need to be rechecked and may contain errors. For a more accurate information, consult your area leader. This is the "spirit" of the message -- Edna
1st part - brief video showing of the GPF Japan (Nov. 15, 2008) with a longer focus on Hyun Jin nim's speech.
2nd part - The theme is "Adjust yourself to the Time." To become the master of Cheon Il Guk. Last Sunday, Nov. 16, there was a HDH at the training center and a victory party for Japan GPF and national leaders' meeting were held.
On the victory party for the GPF Japan, Chairman Tokuno made a report. Chairman Tokuno said at the HDH - on the GPF rally, since Nov. 12, there was an International Leadership Conference. Hyun Jin nim met so many political leaders of Japan.
From 9:00 am, he met a big shot (VIP) who's managing the admission of True Father in Japan. He (the VIP?) replied with determination, "I'll do my best with sincerity."
26 consul members came. At that time, Hyun Jin Nim gave the Diet members (parliament, present diet members) a message. Afterwards, Hyun Jin Nim met a former Prime Minister of Japan and Hyun Jin Nim gave a big mission to him. Former Prime Minister said to Hyun Jin Nim "You really resemble your father."
For 30 min., Hyun Jin Nim gave a message to him. After that, he met a prospective Prime Minister (name not given). For 1 day he met many big shots of Japan. Chairman Tokuno was excited.
Big result Hyun Jin Nim brought about. During the GPF rally, in the beginning not so many people gathered. 50% was church members. Even though Tokyo has a big population, to mobilize 25,000 is not easy.
The great point is that 50% of the audience is new. How much power Hyun Jin Nim has. Mobilization rally is successful. It's amazing that they could mobilize 50% newcomers.
Until the last moment, there were many troubles regarding invited celebrities. Ex. Antonio Inoke (?) struggled if he should go on the stage. After Hyun Jin Nim speech, he went on stage. VIP came, also among the audience, big shots who can move Japan came.
Those people were amazed by the words of Hyun Jin Nim. The staff members and venue management were impressed by Hyun Jin Nim's words. They came to protect Hyun Jin Nim. Many miracles happened.
To adjust yourself with the time is to keep up with the heavenly fortune. The fortune given by God goes (comes?) very quickly now. But it doesn't matter, the situation is fluctuating. They key is to adjust yourself with the time.
True Mother, True Father gave us a call after the GPF was finished. True Parents are really glad to see this victory. Hyun Jin Nim went to see True Parents. True Parents said Japan did well so Japan will have a big fortune from now on.
Dae Mo Nim (?) also said spiritually -- this was the best rally as envisioned from the spirit world, not only the physical world. I want you to realize you should be glad. Hyun Jin Nim said, because of this victory, let's give thanks to God and True Parents. Offer gratitude to God and True Parents. This is led by Hyun Jin Nim. Thinking is always to return glory to God and True Parents.
Japan is newly started from Nov. 15. Japan really changed and received a new fortune. This nation was nationally changed. Hyun Jin Nim said, when he saw the VIP, "because of the providence of God, you're standing as VIP."
The success of the GPF has to be connected with the achievement and merit and merit of True Parents' work. This period is the same as that in 1945 (within 7 years, Christianity should have supported Father). Father should have been the King of the world.
True Father said it should not have been necessary to build UC.
Hyun JN told a VIP that Rev. Moon came to fulfill the ideal of creation, "he is not just my biological father." All humankind have to form a true family. God will be released when the last person from humankind is liberated.
These words were given to leaders during the GPF victory party.
During a short message by Hyun Jin Nim, he said this time is the same as that of 1945. Political leaders became aware of the GPF. News company posted advertisements of the GPF. Broadcast media aired a 30 min. program on the GPF (?).
The mass media had changed. UC is now releasing the info and disclosing the secrets. So other mass media is thinking they should also do it. The big realization of the dream is coming true.
This is the footstep of victory. This is exactly at the same time that True Father wanted to unify Christianity.
The rest of the 89 days we have to go over the peak. The goal of True Parents and dream of God is relying on Japan so we want to unite as one. So go forward and think positively.
Adjust yourself with the time. Please start anew. Hyun Jin Nim reported that GPF Japan is best in quantity and quality, compared to other countries. Japan GPF is the best. So Japan has hope in this sense.
Soon the day will come when True Father can enter Japan. Fukuoka youth group collected PET bottle caps and was successful. Owing to your cooperation, Fukuoka is top in the no. of bottle caps collected.
Total cap collected was 1 Million. Chuo Fukuoka collected 7% of the total caps. The total no. 70,450(?) caps were gathered in Fukuoka. 1110 km from Fukuoka to Tokyo the PET caps traveled...
Upcoming event/schedule: 18 Dec., 2008 - Daemonim will come and hold a 1-day seminar in Saga City from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM