The Words of the LeRoy Family |
Our Ambassadors for Peace meet the Vice-President of Congo-Kinshasa (Alain LeRoy - April 13, 2007) |
Men's Brain and Women's Brain: Boxes versus wires, Handling Stress (Alain and Siew Lian LeRoy - September 1, 2008) |
Profile: Alain Leroy (Kevin Thompson - March 22, 2010) |
Honoring the Coronation, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Legacy of Peace on the Foundation of the Abel UN (Alain LeRoy - May 9, 2010) |
Pursuing Success -- A Principled Perspective -- Interview with Alain LeRoy (Jeremy Francis - August 2011) |
FFWPU USA SubRegion 5 HTM Coordinator David Roberts replaced by SiewLian Le Roy - David Roberts now Idaho State Leader (Kevin Thompson - November 25, 2020 pdf) |