The Words of the Nacorda Family |
August Bohol UPF Rally and Holy Wine Ceremony
Edgar Nacorda and Rey Estoce
September 13, 2007
Tagbilaran City - Bohol- UPF Peace Rally and Holy Wine Ceremony was held at JJ's Sea Food Village in Tagbialran City, Bohol last August 19,2007. The Rally and Ceremony was done from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
A glimpse of Bohol
Tagbilaran City is known to be a city of friendship due to the historical blood compact done by the first Spanish Governor General who went to the Philippines in the 16th century Miguel Lopez de Legaspi and the late Datu Sikatuna of Bohol.
The 4th century old church, the church Paraphernalias, books and even the personal belongings of the Catholic friars who went in Bohol can still be seen at the Baclayon church museum at these were preserved. This church is one of the oldest buildings in the Catholic church in the Philippines.
Francisco Dagohoy launched his revolt against the Spanish Catholic friars in the 17th century for 80 years because of the priests who refused to bless by sprinkling a holy water to his brother's dead body. He left his brother's body in front of the altar hoping that the priest would sanctify it later on. However, the following day, his brother's body was found lying outside the church beside the drainage and the Catholic church was firm in the tradition not to sanctify dead bodies of person who have not confessed his sins prior to his death.
Dagohoy's name was derived from the Cebuano's dialect "dagook sa hoyohoy" which in English is roughly translated as "the sound of the breeze." With his strong men and bolo-battalion, they kicked out all the priests in Bohol. For about 80 years most of the priests stayed in Cebu. During the time, the Spanish National Government in the Philippines did not consider Bohol as part of the Philippine archipelago. Bohol then, managed its existence by circulating its own economy and money inside Bohol only. After Dagohoy died due to old age, the Catholic Church gOt back and strengthened Catholicism again in Bohol.
The FFWPU Church history of Bohol
1981- Bohol Center was pioneered by three Filipinos, Lydia Marquez, Tessie Edig and Allan C. Cadano and was opened late of the year after the first 40-day Intl Workshop held in the Philippines.
1982- Bohol was awarded as one of the 3 Outstanding Centers nationwide due to their witnessing results even at their early years in pioneering. The Catholic Church strongly persecuted our church by all means at the time. The recognition was done during the God's day national celebration in 2003 in Antipolo Training Center.
1984- The center was temporarily closed until now. There were no fulltime members staying in there but IW's who sometimes visited the home members in there.
Last August 19, 2007 a UPF Peace Rally was organized by one of the fruits of Bohol pioneering in the person of Mr. Edgar Nacorda. The Peace Rally and Holy Wince Ceremony was held at JJ's Sea Food Village on August 19,2007 with a total of 98 participants attending. Among the participants, there were 35 of them from Barangay Panaytayon, Valencia where the Barangay Captain Cirilo Baldon was elected and presently leading the barangay.
The delegation was organized and brought by Brgy Captain Baldon to the peace rally. The rest of the participants were the neighbors, relatives and friends of the Nacorda Tribe. Mrs. Loise Lim of FFWPU Cebu, read and shared the True Parents' Peace message after Chairman Cirilo Baldon gave the welcoming remarks. Mrs. Naty Estoce, a CPA, read the prayer of peace and Mr. Nemesio Monton, the Provincial Chairman of the Phil Boxing Assn and regional representative to the National Peace Council, gave the closing remarks.
A lot of the participants expressed their appreciation to the lecture presented on the five-points of peace done by Mr. Rey Estoce, the Assistant to the Regional Director of FFWPU-Cebu. Mr. Edgar Nacorda, the master of ceremony sponsored the entire event. He was supported by his blessed sisters who are now based in Japan, Wilma Konod and Liza Nakazaki in the financing of the said rally and holy wine ceremony. The blessing officiators were the couple of Crescencio Malig-on. The newly blessed participants were congratulated by Mrs. Natividad Estoce.
The Pure Love staff did all the technical support as well as preparing all the materials needed for blessing. Two of the VIPs were so impressed by the peace rally and they even wanted to be involved in every activity that we will be conducting in the future.
Finally Bohol Family would like to give thanks to the Nacorda Tribe for sponsoring this special event, to Mrs. Lim, who really traveled from Cebu just to share to us the message of our true Parents, Captain Cirilo Baldon for bringing the most number of participants, also the Pure Love staff as well as the couples of Crescencio Malig-on, Antonio and Imee Danigoy the COMELEC Supervisor of Alicia, Bohol and to the rest of the brothers and sisters who make the event successful. Thank you very much and God Bless all.