The Words of the Pace Family |
Universal Peace Women’s Dinner
Sharon Pace
May 29, 2007
Kernersville Community Center
Today, May 29th, 2007 we held the first women meeting under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation. Three groups of women gathered together with the mission and purpose to become part of the Welcome Committee for Mother Moon and her daughter-in-laws in preparation of our upcoming event on June 6th, 2007, in North Carolina. We were blessed to receive Yeon Ah Choi Moon, who spoke at the Hawthorn Inn and Conference Center in Winston-Salem.
Twenty-nine women gathered at the Kernersville Community Center at 6:30 pm for food, fellowship and learning. The women came from Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem and Morrisville. They represented the Christian and Islamic traditions. They were black, white, and oriental women. It was a beautiful rainbow of colors.
After a delicious Chinese buffet dinner we were blessed with two beautiful songs, powerfully presented by Evangelist Carlotta Fleming from Winston-Salem. Then Minister Vanda Gabriel presented a worship dance. Her message was reaching our hearts and souls.
Following the entertainment of those powerful women ministers, Mrs. Sharon Pace, North Carolina President of the American Family Coalition and North Carolina UPF chairwoman, addressed the women on the topic of Ambassadors for Peace.
Then Rev. Burgi Hutcherson, the MC of the event shared about the purpose of the Women Welcome Committee.
Everyone was in expectancy of the final highlight of the day. Rev. Ethel Hayes, co-pastor of the Glory Land Missionary Baptist Church from Houston, Texas, came forward with a great heart of love to give her keynote address. She spoke very powerfully about the role of women in God’s providence. She talked about commitment, compassion and courage, which we can learn from the Bible. Ruth is an example about compassion; Esther is an example of courage. She said that we need a word from the Lord. Rev. Hayes spoke with a lot of heart. Everyone could appreciate what she had to say.
The event was so wonderful. We concluded with announcements and a closing prayer.
Many women expressed that they would like to come back for further meetings.
Rev. Ethel’s Outreach the Following Day
The next day, Wednesday, May 30th, 2007 Rev. Ethel Hayes had a lunch meeting with Rev. Marquita Friend, Pastor of the Now Faith Holy Church, Mrs. Sakiko Tanaka and Rev. Burgi Hutcherson, Women in Ministry coming together in heart.
In the evening Rev. Ethel prayed for Rev. Barbara Carvers’ brother in the hospital in Burlington. He was very sick and by the grace of God he was healed.
North Carolina is appreciating the visit of Rev. Ethel Hayes. She brought the holy spirit of healing, comforting, wisdom, and understanding for our sisters and women.
We hope to see her again in the near future.