The Words of the Patterson Family |
Profile of C. Patterson - Outstanding Student to be Honored by Pace University’s Lubin School of Business (Douglas Burton - May 7, 2009) |
Managing Mental Disorders (Megan_Patterson - August 2010) |
Life at Belvedere in the 1960's - a visit from the former caretaker's granddaughter (Charles Patterson - June 27, 2018 pdf) |
Teresa Rischl resigns as the CARP USA National President - Kaeleigh Moffitt to serve as Interim CARP USA Staff Manager (Charko Patterson - February 23, 2020 pdf) |
Memory: In 1975 our UC Pioneers were welcomed by Church Bells in every town (C. Patterson - November 24, 2020 pdf) |
True Mother's November 20, 1993 visit to Kiev, Ukraine on her 1993 world tour (Charles Patterson - February 27, 2022 pdf) |
FFWPU USA Leadership Changes: Hyung-tae Ha; Mason and In-Ja Hwang; Dong-hun Lee; Elizabeth Patterson; Ben and Shizuka Pehling; Natascha Phillips and Takayoshi Miyamoto (Demian Dunkley - August 19, 2024 pdf) |