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Cochin, India -- Are you ready to change your world this summer? Religious Youth Service offers an opportunity to take part in a community service project that will directly improve the lives of the most at-risk and impoverished children in the region. The July 20-27 program will focus on giving nurturing care and attention to impoverished children at a local school in Cochin, a coastal city in southwestern India. You may find yourself teaching a group of children in a classroom with no electricity or even under a mango tree with only a chalkboard and your own skills to share. The service component project will mainly focus on renovating an old school building which shelters more than 250 impoverished children.
Participants will have an opportunity to share in a life-changing experience, and come to understand a new culture of heart on a personal level. By working together with other youth to accomplish shared goals, they will reach toward a world of peace.
The purpose of this project is to train and support youth to hone their skills and talents which they will use to recreate the world to be a better place to live in. This project applies a strategy for peace building through service, education, and shared culture, yielding a winning formula for the growth of a more balanced individual.
Participants will share experiences with the people whose lives have been impacted and will return home a more confident global citizen with genuine appreciation for our multicultural world.
The state of Kerala, where Cochin is located, is a popular tourist destination because of its natural beauty. It is also notable for its religious diversity: 56% of Kerala's residents are Hindus, 24% are Muslims, and 19% are Christians. In addition, Cochin is home to people of other faiths, including Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism.