The Words of the Powell Family

WON-HWA Principle: the Theory and Philosophy of WONHWADO

James Michael Powell
September 21, 2011

WON-HWA Principle, the theory and philosophy of WONHWADO, contains the Divine Principle and Unification Thought as first taught by Great Grand-Master Han's spiritual mentor and guide, Father Moon. Its content, however, which can collectively be referred to quite simply as the 'Principle', must not be confused with the textbooks that have the same names. Such textbooks teach the truth but are not the truth itself. Yet, without understanding WON-HWA Principle it is impossible to understand how WONHWADO works in practice beyond the limits of the martial art concept, or to gain real results. Great Grand-Master Han, emphasizing the need of all members of WORLD WONHWADO to study the Principle, said: "Through the Divine Principle we learn about mind-body unity; through WONHWADO we can achieve it."

Here is a typical passage as found in the Divine Principle:

"When the circular movement of the subject partner and the object partner on a single plane becomes a spherical movement in a three dimensional orbit, the dynamism and creativity of the universe unfolds. Variations in each orbit's distance, shape, state, direction, angle, force and velocity are manifest in the beauty of creation in its infinite variety."

The Principle is full of terms relating to WONHWADO; it describes not only WONHWADO in the universe, but also as it originates within God and how it is manifested in human life. To practice WONHWADO in any context without studying WON-HWA Principle is to create form with limited content, and results will also be limited. In such a situation, one would just be going around in circles. Likewise, to practice WONHWADO as simply a practical martial arts system is to practice WONHWADO in its smallest capacity, as confirmed by the words of Great Grand-Master Han: "If we have a circle with 360 degrees, only one degree is fighting techniques."

Here is a typical passage as found in Unification Thought:

"When a correlative relationship of subject [partner] and object [partner] is formed centering on a common purpose, either between two elements within a being or between a being and another being, there comes about an action of the giving and receiving of a definite element or force. Through this action, the entities involved maintain their existence and are able to move, change, and develop. This kind of action between subject [partner] and object [partner] is called 'give-and-receive action'."

It would probably be difficult for a casual learner to understand WON-HWA Principle. The area it deals with is vast and not limited to one field. In WONHWADO we practice circular motion to grasp the feeling of it rather than to learn numerous techniques. The same can be said for WON-HWA Principle; when we grasp the heart of WON-HWA Principle we can master diverse fields of mental discipline. Likewise, Father Moon said about WONHWADO: "When you master the circular movements you can become the champion in all the movements in the world."

To practice WONHWADO and at the same time live in opposition to the Principle is: to conflict with the founding purposes of WONHWADO; to give a false image of WONHWADO to others; as well as to negate the real benefits of WONHWADO from coming to the practitioner. A person may train WONHWADO without studying the Principle, but such a person cannot say that they really practice WONHWADO. There are members of WORLD WONHWADO today who practice WONHWADO due to the feeling that it gives them, yet due to their lack of understanding they cannot share what it is they are feeling. In contrast, those members of WORLD WONHWADO who do study the Principle are able to exactly describe what they are feeling, and are able therefore to develop it.

In a speech given by Father Moon on October 3rd 1988, he said:

"When I teach about spiritual theory I feel strongly that martial arts and athletics must be built upon a Principle foundation. Therefore, I have taught spiritually for many years. Yesterday I ordered Master Han to establish WONHWADO in 120 countries. Do you understand my meaning? [120 is a Principle number, one third of 360 degrees] …When you master the circular movements you can become the champion in all the movements in the world. I have taught it to Master Han Bong Gi. Centered on him WONHWADO was systematized in a theory."

During a meeting in France in 1989, Master Sang Gi Lee recorded words given by Great Grand-Master Han to members of WORLD WONHWADO:

"Through WONHWADO practice you can develop a sound mind in a sound body. A sound mind is a Temple of God. As we study the Divine Principle, the growth of our spirit self is connected to the good work done by our physical body. Doing good work is important, but meditation is also very important for the growth of our spirit self. There should be give and receive between the internal theory and the external techniques… It is important to train internally in your mind. We must have a strong and deep principled life. The WONHWADO Father has in mind is not just external techniques, but is much deeper."

Great Grand-Master Han made it clear that studying WON-HWA Principle is essential for the good and harmonious development of both our physical mind and body and our spirit mind and body. More than this, only with the proper understanding of our actions can we willingly and effectively perform WONHWADO; without the proper understanding we cannot fulfil the purpose of WONHWADO no matter how we look at it.

WON-HWA Principle draws upon the wisdom of various religious, spiritual and scientific texts and traditions, as well as introducing completely new revelations of truth fitting for the new and higher levels of intellect and spirituality that people possess today. Without eradicating our ignorance we can never attain mind-body unity. This is a central reason why we engage in WON-HWA Principle education. WON-HWA Principle deals mainly with eight areas of spiritual knowledge and discipline:

1. Knowledge of God
2. The reality of evil
3. Understanding the human condition
4. Knowledge and understanding of the spirit world
5. Knowledge of historical central figures
6. Knowledge of the core contents of various religious texts
7. Knowledge and understanding of the goal of human history
8. True family values

(Source: "Thirteenth Message of Peace – True Parent's Work for Peace")


James – Red Dragon WonHwaDo 

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