The Words of the Reinbold Family |
Recently our family in the Central African Republic had the chance to present the True Parents and the Divine Principle to the television audience in Bangui, the capital. Soutevo, our first member, has been witnessing to the General Director for about a year, and recently our sisters met him again while selling Afrique Espoir. He came to the center and promised us a period of time on Sunday morning to appear on his program. The response of the people was very good, since many had not heard about the Unification Church and were very delighted by our presentation -- which was totally improvised and inspired by Heavenly Father.
We made a second tape for television, teaching the ideal of creation and the fall of man. Yet, the first time it was to be presented, the local electrical company was not functioning and the second time the television and radio stations were on strike. Anyway they promised us that it will be shown. Also, we have been given permission to speak on the radio Sunday mornings. I feel that we have to do it, as some condition to proclaim True Father's name and work to this nation, so his victory and glory can be multiplied. I feel it is like a spiritual condition we have to establish during this time period.