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Clergy Honored at Detroit ACLC True Family Values Banquet
David Rendel
May 5, 2007
Five clergy were honored at the American Clergy Leadership Conference Fifth Annual True Family Values Banquet on Saturday, May 5th, for their work in the area of marriage ministry and community service. Archbishop George A. Stallings was our guest speaker.
The program began with representatives of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths offering scriptures and prayer. It continued with a letter of congratulations sent by Governor Jennifer Granholm and presented by Gregory Roberts of the governor’s Office of Community & Faith Based Initiatives. Then Dr. Claude Young, president of the Michigan Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, gave welcoming remarks. Archbishop Stallings did a wonderful job of giving a message that moved both the Christian pastors and the Muslim guests.
To give the awards we sent out a press release asking for people to nominate their pastors for an award in the area of marriage ministry, interfaith work or community service. As people sent in nominations, our pastor committee voted on the best to receive a certificate and a $100 gift.
Awards were given to Rev. Abraham Adeniji, of Redeemed Christian Church of God, Bishop Wayne T. and Beverly Y. Jackson of Great Faith Ministries International (represented by Rev. & Mrs. Morris), Pastor Hanna Sullaka, of Middle Eastern Outreach Ministries, Rev. Eddie L. Beal of Pentecostal Temple, for their work in marriage ministry and to Rev. Lawrence Ventline of Sacred Heart Catholic Church for his work in community service.
The WAIT Team gave an energetic performance. WAIT stands for Washington Aids International Teens. The Ohio Team came up from Columbus to train our young people and then they presented a skit together. Dr. Claude Young of SCLC is a medical doctor. He was first on his feet applauding the work of these young people. He invited them to perform on the SCLC weekly TV program which is produced in Detroit.
Enough cannot be said about our Japanese sisters and their heart. Under the direction of Tokiko Richardson their choir really moved the hearts of the people as they sang and prepared the atmosphere for Archbishop Stallings to speak. Bishop Ki Hoon Kim, from ACLC headquarters and our District Director Rev. David Rendel both gave closing remarks.
Many guests commented on how good it was to see the three Abrahamic faiths, the various Christian denominations and the sisters from Japan all coming together in harmony.