The Words of the Rigney Family |
If you would like to search for the Original Plan that Was in God's mind before He created, here is a list of "search phrases" and words what Father has given to us to enable us to find God's Original Plan.
Searching is easy. Open Google search. Put in "UNIFICATION", and then put in a "search phrase" from the search below.
This is God's Agenda. God has given us our 5% responsibility to find His Original Plan in True Father's textbooks and teaching materials. For four years I have been studying Father's words and have found these phrases in the list below that Father gave us to use in finding God's Plan.
a central ideology of the Universe
a central organization
a centralized system
a formula form
a fundamental ideal
a new direction out of this battleground
a new ideology
a new ideology that can drive away any other kind of thought or ideology
a pattern for all people to follow to create the ideal family and world
a pattern of love
a spiritual revolution
a standard of value in terms of the whole
a system of values
absolute values that apply with consistency to individuals, families, societies, nations, the world and the cosmos
atomic bomb of love
Axis around which revolve parents and children
backbone of the individual, family and society
base to transform the self into a larger self
basic axis
central energy force
central ideal
central ideology, the formula course
central principle of love
central rail
central standard
central theme
centrally harmonized civilization
common ideal
connecting point for my original mind
core of parental love and true love
core of the universe
core of truth
cradle of eternal ideal
culture of harmony
culture of heart
culture of love
door of the mind
dynamo of true love
epoch-making proposal
eternal and unchanging axis
everyone is connected through absolute love, absolute life and an absolute lineage.
flow of heart (love)
fundamental neucleous of a peaceful world
give and take with true love
God centered ideology
God centered theocracy
God-centered ideolog
God-centered view of values
Godism, the absolutely God-centered ideology (79-07-08)
God's concept of leading the world
God's high way
God's ideal
God's original blueprint for the ideal of Creation
God's original creation ideal
God's palace of peace
God's pattern of life threads along one vertical line
God's True Love Ideology
God's truth and love
God's way of life
God's Word
golden mold
governing factor of the entire universe
Governing nucleus
harmoneous give and take
headwing thought
headwing value system
heavenly life
heavenly system
heirarchical systen
historical linkage
Home Church system
homeland of God
I will be a winner continuously. That must be the pattern of your lives as well.
ideal family concept
ideal form
ideology of True Parents becomes the true center of the SW and the PW
ideology of unselfishness
inevitable revalation
law of the universe
laws of give and take action
New ideology capable of unifying all the existing religions and ideologies of the world
New ideology capable of unifying all the existing religions and ideologies of the world
new mind movement
One Principled Standard
one tradition of love
one vertical line
order and discipline of love
original concept
original form of
original form of love
original form of the world
original ideal of god
original pattern
our everyday criteria
our way of life
pair system
path that transforms the individual into the greater world self
pattern of your lives
Pattern to create the Royal Family of God.
perfect plan in God's mind
philosophy coming from the mind of God
pillar of true love
principle of integration
principled rulled world
providencial path
purpose is the center
realm of love
realm of the unified ideal
roundly harmonized civilization
spiraling system of God's love
spirit of promoting love for others from the perspective of a God-centered view of values
spring culture
spring of heaven
standard of everlasting universal truth and love
standard of goodness
standard of value
standard of value
straight highway back to God.
structure of the hometown of God
structure of the peaceful kingdom
system of God's thought
the axis of truth and love
the axis of truth love and order
the backbone of the spirit and thought of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth
the built-in nature
the center of heart
The center of the spirit world
the central ideology of the universe
the core truth of the Universe
the cosmic spring
the dual characteristics of Sungsang and Hyungsang
the formula system
the formula way
the God-Centered spring civilization
the highest public purpose based upon a transcendent ideal
the ideal path to the kingdom of heaven
the ideology based on true love
the ideology of heart
the law system
the mystery of the universe
the only way
the only way
the only way of walking
The original concept and purpose
the original creativity based upon heart
the original system
the original view point and perspective
the original way: to think and act in order to
realize the purpose of creation, in other words, to realize the Kingdom of
Heaven. 31
the overall picture from God's point of view.
the path of sacrifice and love
the path toward peace and happiness
the pattern of love
The pattern of True Love
the principle of integration which can embrace everything in oneness while preserving the special features of all the religious doctrines and philosophies. I named this thought "Unification Thought" or "Godism."
the road to the ideal world
the root of the mind of men and women
the standard of the original nature of humanity
The system of thought that can unite the realm of love, mobilize the spiritual world
the theory of logos based on heart
the true path
the unification system
the Universal Prime Force (UPF) is the center of every pair system
the vertical line concept
The Vertical purpose
the way
The way of love stretches from eternity to eternity
the world of the unified ideal
the worldview of One Family under God
This particular pattern does not change from the East to the West
This spirit of loyalty and filial piety, together with integrity
Tradition of life
True Family ideology
true foundation for freedom
True Parents-centered ideology
true standard
unchanging pillar
UnificationThought (God's thought)
unified ideal
unified ideology
unified thought
Unified thought system
Unity of life
universal idea
Universal Prime Force
universal support system
vertical axis of absolute value:.
vertical center