Invitation to Ascended Families
Retreat (Celia Roomet - May 2, 2009)
Stand Up for Your Right to
Religious Freedom and in the Process, Create the Most Successful
Chapter in CARP's History (V. Roomet - June 2010)
How to Network (V. Roomet -
October 2010)
How to Not Burn-Out at School
(V. Roomet - June 2011)
How To Make The Most You're Your
College Experience -- Advice From Those Who've Been There (V.
Roomet - August 2011)
CARP: An Organic Development --
Interview with V. Roomet (Kim Landers - October 2011)
Get Connected To CARP (V.
Roomet - December 2011)
CARP -- Our Vision (V. Roomet -
December 2011)
CARP’s First Woman President,
V. Roomet, Looks Forward To Supporting Unificationist College
Students (Ariana Moon - December 15, 2011 pdf)
CARP Scholarship Winners of 2011!
(V. Roomet - January 6, 2012 pdf)
In Honor of MLK Day: A Little How
To (V. Roomet - January 16, 2012)
Unificationist Youth Leaders Urged
to Learn from Generation Peace Academy (Ariana Moon and V.
Roomet - February 1, 2012 pdf)
Unificationists and Friends
Challenge Faith Breaking in Japan at Pace University - V. Roomet
(Yoshie Manaka - March 21, 2012 pdf)
CARP “Refresh” Handles
Hot Topics - V. Roomet (Yoshie Manaka - June 29, 2012 pdf)
CARP President V. Roomet Resigns
(Krista Moon - April 18, 2013 pdf)
Blessing Groups (Celia Roomet -
August 15, 2014)
Letter to my FFWPU National Council
representative re: the whistleblower report (Celia Roomet -
November 21, 2017 pdf)