The Words of the Saito Family |
Here in Tennessee we had a huge natural disaster recently. Last Friday (April 30) it began raining continuously in Middle Tennessee until Sunday evening. Cumberland river, Harpeth River and other rivers, streams overflew everywhere because of too much rainwater.
Bellevue area received one of the worst flood disaster. Beech Bend Drive and Harpeth Bend Drive (our church center locates) run along Harpeth River. Sunday morning one third of the backyard was covered with the flood water at 6 am. Gradually the water came up to the church center building. After Sunday Service (10:30 am) the two-third of the back yard was covered with the water. We conveyed electric items and others to upstairs with my family. I parked my car on the higher road. In the afternoon, the water covered the Harpeth Bend Drive and backyard completely.
Finally, following neighbors' advice, we evacuated to the Jewish Community Center which is located on the hill. We stayed there for two nights. Electricity is back. But phone line still disconnected and we cannot use even cell phone (no antenna sign) until now in my area.
Fortunately, the water stopped at the 1 inch under the front door height. Although the garage and duct room under the house was occupied with flood water, the inside of our church center was saved. Thank you, Father!
The Yamada family was completely isolated for 2 days because the only way to their area was covered with flood water. The huge soccer field in the lower place along the road looked like a lake. People in the area was relieved with a boat. Electricity and phone line were down. Cell phones did not work. We could not reach the family at all. We worried about their safety. Her husband was in Chung Pyung, Korea to attend the Azalea Festival with his second daughter.
But electricity was back on Monday and because of fine weather for several days the water was gone. The Yamada family came out of the area on Tuesday finally. According to Mrs. Yamada, her house had no problem with the flood except phone and electricity.
After the flood, people came back home to clean up. Many houses don't have a flood insurance because they have never imagined this kind of tragedy more than 40 years. Now my family and neighbors help others to take out all the furniture which were flooded. It's a good chance to practice Lovin' Life Ministries.
We appreciate everybody who prayed for us and had a concern on us. We are all fine. Thank you!