Phillip Sanchez Is Honored
(Margaret Slaby - September 7, 2006)
Bauang La Union 4th leg UPF Rally
Report (Felix Sanchez and Joseph Paneda - November 22, 2006)
The Spanish HDK Group Had A
Successful 6th World Tour Speech Reading At The Church (Frank
Sanchez - May 4, 2007)
Bauang-La Union Peace Assembly and
Sanchez Tribal Blessing (Felix and Augie Sanchez - September
11, 2007)
UPF La Union Conducts Medical
Service in Bangar, La Union (Augie Sanchez and Cesar de Loza -
November 26, 2007)
Spreading True Parents Word
through Soccer in Ohio (Frank Sanchez - June 28, 2015 pdf)
Unification Church of Columbus,
Ohio hosted a Special Grace Ceremony (Frank Sanchez - August
14, 2016 pdf)
Intervie with Enrique Miguel
Sanchez Motos: How the Unification Church in Spain received legal
Recognition by the Constitutional Court in 2001 (Peter Zoehrer
- November 6, 2016 pdf)
Columbus, OH re-dedication
International Marriage and Blessing Ceremony (Frank Sanchez -
April 29, 2017 pdf)
Blessed are the peacemakers -
Their services will always be needed on earth (Loretta Sanchez
- February 5, 2020 pdf)
Mothers Took the Lead -- Racial
unrest in Anaheim, California, my hometown (Loretta Sanchez -
July 2020 pdf)
FFWPU USA Latino Ethnic Community:
1 Day Spanish DP workshop at Belvedere (Rafael Sanchez - May
17, 2022 pdf)