The Words of the Santillan Family |
This could be considered as interfaith alliance the counterpart of the phrase interfaith blessing that we expressed in every marriage blessing that we simultaneously conducted in the major cities in Mindanao and the Visayas respectively sooner will be conducting the culmination and the finale of this interfaith blessing at the Smart Araneta Coliseum come 12th of January 2013 which will be graced by the wife of the founder of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
This procession car (karo/carroza or carriage in English) was donated for the benefit of the people of barangay Patao, personally by my family through the request of the catholic leaders in our barangay having been inspired and pretty well knew of the various charitable and voluntary deeds that I made not only in bantayan but also in other parts of the Philippines such as in the province of cotabato, cebu and negros oriental and even in abroad basically in the country of Nepal. This consists of classrooms, computers, school gates, books, school supplies, tents, feeding and used clothing distributions. Almost all of these were in full video coverage and appropriate photo documentations so as with the pertinent certificates of appreciation duly signed by the recipients.
The people of Patao clearly knew that I was married to a Japanese national and that I' m a member of the Unification church or movement founded by the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. There are statements that I am no longer a catholic, but I was not offended for such remark rather I just simply answered to them by stating that the official name of the group that I joined is THE HOLY SPIRIT ASSOCIATION FOR THE UNIFICATION OF WORLD CHRISTIANITY. The goal is so difficult in a sense that the scope is so vast but we firmly believe that the Holy Spirit has the power to unite and we understood that by denouncing our faith and disrespecting and criticizing others will only end up in conflict and disunity. We give credit on the four great religions in the world, ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM and CONFUCIANISM and bow down our heads to their founders for without them, the HSA-UWC will not be born. As a matter of fact all of us members came from different religious backgrounds and furthermore we had been inspired by our password "TRUE LOVE" and this doesn't mean on the secular pretext, I love you truly, I love you from head to foot, I love you till death do us part etc. but rather this is just summarize in a very short and simple phrase "LIVING FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS."
This is the battery pack that energized me from the time I joined HSA-UWC up until the present. I and my wife Masayo had firmly believed that an ideal world could only be established centering on God-centered families. Together we invest the fruits of our sweat, tears and blood with an earnest hope that someday all of us could live in this world in an atmosphere of lasting peace. All the things that we did big or small, even the various holy wine ceremonies and blessings that we sponsored there in Bantayan were all geared towards the above-mentioned objective and purpose not that my name would be known or be honored by anybody I have nothing to dream of after all my father is just a simple tubagatherer and my mother just earned for our living by way of praying the rosary at Bantayan Catholic Ceremony I am the fourth son of the couple Mang Henio and Mang Mada and the younger brother to Anie Santillan ug Sana Santillan nga mga maid sa mga pamilyang Pestano diha sa Binaobao, Bantayan, Cebu and even myself was serving as the boy sa poultry and driver at the same time of the same family prior to my back to school adventure.
Even if you look at my physical brothers and sisters you can see their piteous spectacle and life situation biting my lips in mercy for them I strived to give them joy and little convenience to others hoping that through this I could comfort the heart of God which is suffering for six thousand years in biblical history. Even Rev. Moon himself could not prioritize his own family since he must give priority to members who were working to advance the providence of God. Me also the same I had just replicated the words and deeds that he set for us as the model course. That is why without much ado and in the absence of any document supporting such karo donation verbally I committed and pledged to finance its construction with just a simple request that they(catholic leaders)will allow me to write this caption to the procession car (karo) as follows; on the top center will be the engraved logo of unification then following it below; Donated by: John and Masayo Santillan FFWPU member, Fukuoka, Japan Created in memory of the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon date 2013.
In actions like this always my tribe members will facilitate even this photographs were taken by my nephew, Genesis Caranzo hopefully this karo could be of use by next year if possible the same date of the foundation day of HSA-UWC. My heartfelt thanks to the Catholic leaders of Patao, and I hope that the barangay captain and the parish priest of kampingganon will grace and sanctify the karo in a formal and solemn turn-over ceremony in the presence of all believers and constituents of Patao.