The Words of the Seuk Family

Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for 3,600 New Tribal Messiahs

Joon Ho Seuk
August 10, 2012

"Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for 3,600 New Tribal Messiahs" (신종족적 메시아 원리본체론 특별교육) continues to be held at the Central Training Center in Korea, where 2,100 participants are joining this time. In the opening ceremony on HC 6. 23 (Aug. 10), Rev. Seuk said the following:

"As of now, 8,500 members of Blessed families have participated at this special workshop. I believe that Korea, God's fatherland will become True Parents' nation at an early date. On HC 6.13 (July 31, 2012)[1], Father said 'HC 6.1 (July 19, 2012) was like the day the flood in Noah's time ended, and HC 6.4 (July 22, 2012) was like the day when Noah settled on land. Therefore, liquidate everything and make a new start." After that, on HC 6. 19 (Aug. 6, 2012), from which there were 200 days to go before the Foundation Day, Father started a special Jeong Seong period of 200 days. Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, our international president gave us an order on HC 6. 21 (Aug. 8, 2012)[2] that during the 200-day period, we should do 사생결단 전력투구(a life-or-death commitment completely investing oneself), fulfill the mission as the New Tribal Messiahs, and establish a Hoon Dok Hae tradition in each family. Through this workshop, please put on new clothes and make a new start in your life."


1. The following are the notes I sent before regarding Father's special proclamation made on HC 6.13 (July 31, 2012), which I hope provides the spirit of the message:

A banner and a cake were provided to commemorate the 6th anniversary of 참부모님 천정궁 입궁 대관식 (True Parents' Entering the Cheon Jeong Gung and Coronation Ceremony). Prior to cutting the cake, Father, standing with Mother (his left side) and Hyung jin Nim (his right side), made a proclamation and the following are some of his words:

"Starting today, which is like the end of the flood judgment of Noah's time, until my birthday and the 13th day (of the first month by HC, which is the Foundation Day), this is the period when Blessed husbands and wives are supposed to consecrate their relationship to God (성별기간 / 聖別期間)."

"Today is the day of gratitude when I can proclaim '해방, 석방, 완성, 완결 (Liberation, Complete Freedom, Perfection, and Conclusion.).'"

"From now on for at least 43 years to come, you need to celebrate today as an important anniversary in all the countries of the world, and every single material must be registered and offered to Heaven without exception."

"Starting today, the Royal Seal (옥새 / 玉璽) must be affixed on the documents of every single asset including all the materials the True Family has, even clothes and diapers, and on the name list of registered families in each nation. The new tribal messiahs are in charge and need to share them. There is nothing you can possess. Do you understand? You do not have your parents. You do not have your sons and daughters yet."

"This is the moment when we celebrate the central day for final victory and eternal commemoration. With the name of True Parents and registered children, today is the day to celebrate that one will be able to be registered to the four dimensional world (4차원세계), directly go to Heaven after birth, and realize 조국광복 and 정주광복 (restoration of God's fatherland and Jeongjoo, Father's hometown). Don't forget that what I said now must be informed as the special direction through the official memo, and those who are here must be prepared well in your mind to participate at this ceremony. ('Yes.') Then we start now. I pray and proclaim that this moment is the origin of 안착 (safe arrival) and 정착 (settlement) in the midst of the attention of heaven and earth. ('Aju.')"

Then Father lit the candle, True Parents blew it, and Father cut the cake. A representative couple offered flowers to True Parents. Before Father was seated, he started to speak again.

"Here is the Cheon Jeong Gung, which is the palace of heaven and earth and the center of education. Pledge here that you will not spare a penny without having the right of possession."

"Raise both your hands and say 'Aju.' ('Aju.') 하나님 만세. ('하나님 만세.') 참부모 정착 만세. ('참부모 정착 만세.') I proclaim that the children of the owner of the world will be registered, enter the palace and become perfect people of the Cheon Il Guk. Aju. ('Aju.') Let's bow together. (Father also made a half bow)"

"You should remember clearly that you must be registered as the fruits of the Tree of Life. Do not miss this. Do you understand?"

2. The following are the special instructions by Rev. Hyung Jin Moon for the Blessed families regarding the 200-day period of Jeong Seong, given on HC 6. 21 (Aug. 8, 2012). I also attached the official memos regarding this.

1) All members of the Unification family should engage themselves with a life-or-death commitment, completely investing themselves towards their respective goals during this special 200-day Jeong Seong period given to us by True Parents.

2) All blessed families should conduct Hoon Dok Hae every morning with their family at home or with their congregation at the church. Please be sure to observe this tradition.

3) Please offer Jeong Seong of 120 bows each day, fulfill your mission as a new tribal messiah, and welcome the Foundation Day in victory.

4) Please lead a life focused on bringing achievements rather than on reporting them. 

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