The Words of the Sorongon Family |
To All Visayas Family Members, (Now it including Cebu, Leyte, Samar, Dumaguete, Bohol, Iloilo, Roxas and Bacolod)
Greetings to all our members!
We just had finished the 2-day strategic planning on reaching the 12,000 goal for the realization of CIG (Chun Il Guk) in year 2012 for the Visayas. It was held in YMCA Conference Room in Cebu City last September 5 and 6, 2008. All leaders from the Visayas which includes Cebu, Leyte Samar, Dumaguete, Bohol, Bacolod, Roxas, and Iloilo were present.
After the meeting, all these regions are considered one -- The Visayas.
All regional leaders agreed that in order to reach the 12,000 goal for one year we have to have a Mobile Witnessing Team -- MWT. This team will go from one place to another and will be composed of 14 members sent by the different regions which area of concentration for witnessing is Cebu.
Simultaneously, at their respective regions like Dumaguete, Bacolod, Leyte, Samar, Bohol, Roxas and Iloilo they also have to copy this set up and have their continuous witnessing and seminars until we reach this goal. It would depend for each particular region to initiate strategic planning to reach their individual goal.
There must be continuance on follow ups and education of said members so to be able to get future leaders. Just not to witness but to raise spiritual children.
All coming from the Visayas region has to unite for the sake of the fulfillment of this goal.
After our True Parents and the other 14 people were saved in the July 20 helicopter crash, our movement had advanced to another level of the providence.
It was a turning point, and True Father pledged before heaven and earth to move forward toward a victorious nation, over which God can exert absolute dominion. He declared that all our ancestors in the spirit world can receive the blessing and return to God's embrace.
As followers and devoted members of our True Parents' Movement we have the responsibility to share this good message of our True Parents' and the Divine Principles. In this regards, we are holding series of seminars 2-day, 7-day, 21-day and 40-day. These seminars can help them understand the purpose of life, the reason why we are living in suffering and chaos and how God used people in the past to help in the providence of restoration. We have to share the blessing and the good news not only to our families but also to every people we meet. So we encourage you to at least invite one person to the said seminars.
For more information, please contact the local leaders.
We would like to ask you to invite your relatives or members of the family to attend these seminars and help in anyway you can the region where you came from.
We are looking forward for your participants. Thank you and more power to your family and mission.
Kuya Lito and Ate Genes