Making Solomon Islands a Model
Nation of Peace in Oceania (Greg Stone - November 29, 2008)
Consultation in Sydney on Peace and
Security in the Pacific (Greg Stone - June 17, 2012)
Leadership Conference Held in Sydney
(Greg Stone - October 6, 2012)
World Congress of Families VII in
Sydney (Greg Stone - May 18, 2013)
Ambassadors for Peace: “Future
Directions for Interfaith: A Young Person’s Perspective”
in Australia (Gregory Stone - February 2, 2015 pdf)
Interfaith Forum Seeks Common Ground
(Gregory Stone - February 17, 2015 pdf)
UPF-Australia Starts Peace Council
in Victoria State (Gregory Stone - April 18, 2015 pdf)
Pacific Nations Plan for Action in
2016 (Greg Stone - December 2, 2015 pdf)
Australians Honored for Living for
Others (Greg Stone - December 7, 2015 pdf)
World Interfaith Harmony Week
Observed in Australia (Greg Stone - February 1, 2016 pdf)
40 Australian Ambassadors for Peace
Discuss a More Inclusive Society (Greg Stone - April 4, 2016
The UN International Day of Families
was commemorated by UPF-Australia (Greg Stone - May 1, 2017
Australian Ambassadors for Peace
meeting in UN Day against Drug Abuse (Gregory Stone - July 3,
2017 pdf)
Inaugural Conference of IAPP took
place in Sydney Australia - 80 attend (Greg Stone - August 19,
2017 pdf)
IAPP Is Launched in Sydney,
Australia at an event attended by more than 80+ (Greg Stone -
August 19, 2017 pdf)
Samoan chapter IAPP was inaugurated
in Apia with the Samoan Head of State (Gregory Stone - January
16, 2018 pdf)
The first Oceania Leadership
Conference conducted in Fiji (Greg Stone - February 4, 2018
UPF Australia's 2018 Peace Building
Seminar Building a Culture of Peace (Greg Stone - February 17,
2018 pdf)
CARP University of Technology
Sydney, Australia recruits on campus (Greg Stone - March 25,
2018 pdf)
UPF-Australia's Seminar on Egypt's
Historical Role In Peace Building (Greg Stone - June 16, 2018
UPF's 2-Day Oceania Leadership
Conference Launches IADP in Vanuatu (Gregory Stone - June 21,
2018 pdf)
UPF Brisbane, Australia's Oceania
Leadership Conference Convenes (Greg Stone - July 4, 2018 pdf)
UPF Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea's
Oceania Leadership Conference (Gregory Stone - July 7, 2018
The annual Australia Winter Workshop
for 2018 was held in Ingleside Scout Camp (Greg Stone - July
12, 2018 pdf)
Brisbane, Australia holds Oceania
Leadership Conference with 48 attending (Greg Stone - August
18, 2018 pdf)
UPF Sydney, Australia one-day
Oceania Leadership Conference for leaders (Gregory Stone -
August 18, 2018 pdf)
UPF Sydney, Australia's
International Day of Peace at Oceania Peace Embassy (Greg
Stone - October 1, 2018 pdf)
UPF anf WFWP Melbourne, Australia's
UN International Day of Peace 2018 (Greg Stone - September 22,
2018 pdf)
UFP-Australia celebrated UN
International Day of Peace 2018 at Peace Embassy (Greg Stone -
October 1, 2018 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's
Peace-Building Seminar with Blessing and Awards (Greg Stone -
October 20, 2018 pdf)
UPF Sydney Australia's Living for
Others Awards Night at the Peace Embassy (Greg Stone -
December 10, 2018 pdf)
UPF Sydney, Australia's Living for
Others Awards Night 2018 (Greg Stone - December 10, 2018 pdf)
UPF Melbourne's Nelson Mandela Day
Commemorative Committee of Australia (Greg Stone - December
31, 2018 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's seminars
explore Australian family's challenges (Greg Stone - February
23, 2019 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's Nurturing
Resilience and Family Strengthening (Greg Stone - April 8,
2019 pdf)
UPF and WPFW Melbourne, Australia
hold their Second Peace-Building Seminar (Greg Stone - June
15, 2019 pdf)
IAPP Sydney, Australia held the 2019
Australian Leadership Conference (Greg Stone - July 12, 2019
UPF and WFWP Melbourne, Australia's
UN International Day of Peace 2019 (Greg Stone - September 21,
2019 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia
co-organizes a performing arts event promoting peace (Greg
Stone - October 12, 2019 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's John
Bellavance: Reasons We Need Value Education (Greg Stone -
November 19, 2019 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia webinar:
Being Self-Aware, Responsible and Loving (Greg Stone - April
25, 2020 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's Being
Self-Aware, Responsible and Loving webinar (Greg Stone - May
2, 2020 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's
International Day of Families Webinar (Greg Stone - May 16,
2020 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia Being
Self-Aware, Responsible and Loving Webinar (Greg Stone - June
13, 2020 pdf)
UPF Oceania's Webinar on
Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (Gregory
Stone - June 20, 2020 pdf)
UPF Oceania conducted the IAPP Peace
Talks Webinar with over 300 participants (Gregory Stone - June
27, 2020 pdf)
Inauguration of International
Association of Academicians for Peace Oceania (Gregory Stone -
July 18, 2020 pdf)
International Association of
Academicians for Peace inaugurated in Oceania (Gregory Stone -
July 18, 2020 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia: Are
Political Parties Ready for the 2020-2021 Elections (Greg
Stone - August 8, 2020 pdf)
Australian Ambassador for Peace
Speaks at 2050 Pacific Strategy Meeting (Greg Stone - August
10, 2020 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia Community
Leaders Hold Consultations on COVID-19 (Greg Stone - August
22, 2020 pdf)
UPF and WFWP Melbourne, Australia
Commemorate International Day of Peace (Greg Stone - September
21, 2020 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's Online
Seminar on the Topic of Wellbeing (Greg Stone - October 17,
2020 pdf)
The International Media Association
for Peace launches its Oceania chapter (Gregory Stone -
November 7, 2020 pdf)
UPF Sydney, Australia inaugurated
Its International Media Association for Peace (Gregory Stone -
Saturday, November 7, 2020 pdf)
IAAP in Oceania held its first
strategic planning meeting online (Greg Stone - December 13,
2020 pdf)
UPF and IAPD Sydney, Australia's
Towards Peaceful Unification of the Korea (Gregory Stone -
March 6, 2021 pdf)
UPF and IAPP Melbourne, Australia
Launches Values Education Summit (Greg Stone - March 27, 2021
UPF Sydney, Australia Ambassadors
for Peace Conference on Landmine Epidemic (Greg Stone - May
12, 2021 pdf)
UPF-Asia Pacific Observes
International Day of Families (Greg Stone - May 15, 2021 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's Second
Values Education Summit (Greg Stone - June 19, 2021 pdf)
UPF and WFWP Melbourne, Australia's
Peace Seminar with Focus on Marriage (Greg Stone - July 3,
2021 pdf)
UPF and WFWP Oceania: UN Peace Day
virtual conference is here again (Gregory Stone and Anne
Bellavance - September 8, 2021 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia: 75
prominent peace activists observe Day of Peace (Greg Stone -
September 18, 2021 pdf)
SBS Arabic Radio interviews
UPF-Australia Vice President, Will Abdo (Greg Stone -
September 21, 2021 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia Convenes
IAAP Values Education Summit Series (Greg Stone - February 26,
2022 pdf)
UPF and WFWP Melbourne, Australia's
Peace Seminar Explores 'Headwing' (Greg Stone - April 2, 2022
UPF and WFWP Melbourne, Australia:
Meeting Global Challenges Together, Beyond Religious and
Ideological Divides (Greg Stone - May 14, 2022 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia's UN Day of
Peace: End Racism. Build Peace Program (Greg Stone - September
24, 2022 pdf)
UPF Sydney, Australia celebrates
the 2022 UN International Day of Peace (Greg Stone - September
24, 2022 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia Launches
Peacebuilding Seminar Series (Greg Stone - April 15, 2023 pdf)
UPF International - Peace Summit
2023: Session III-A: Focus on Asia Pacific (Greg Stone - May
3, 2023 pdf)
UPF Melbourne, Australia Holds
Second Peacebuilding Seminar of 2023 (Greg Stone - May 6, 2023
UPF Australia: The Living For The
Sake Of Others Award Event (Greg Stone - December 2, 2023 pdf)
Yutaka Yamada and Greg Stone visit
Vanuatu to prepare for Entrance Ceremony (Song Yong-cheon -
October 2, 2024 pdf)