The Words of the Tardy Family |
The Unification Church now has a live Sunday service from coast to coast. Lovin' Life Ministries weekly worship service began live streaming nationwide to over 100 locations on Feb. 7, 2010. On that day, Lovin' Life Ministries' founder and Senior Pastor Reverend In Jin Moon opened her sermon with a historic greeting: "I would like to extend a warm welcome to churches all across the country who are joining us through live broadcast."
Since Lovin' Life's opening service on April 12, 2009, more than 1,200 church members from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have been attending the worship services held at the Manhattan Center every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. Many have also driven from as far away as Columbus, Ohio and Washington, D.C. to be a part of the live action.
With a new gleaming Liberace piano seen on stage together with Lovin' Life Ministries' budding and ever-talented band and choir, Lovin' Life Ministries is no longer only New York's "best kept secret", but is now available for each person who can make it to a local church facility across the country to experience live showings each Sunday.
As congregations in various cities tuned in and were welcomed by Lovin' Life Ministries' Master of Ceremonies, David Hunter, churches around the country reportedly erupted with cheering. One Unificationist member from San Francisco explained, "At the bottom of the screen you could see how many people were already watching the sermon live. When I saw this and heard us being welcomed, I actually felt connected to them. All of our members across the country were watching the same thing and hearing the same message!"
Due to time differences around the country, some church sites accessed on-demand service recordings at later times for their congregants. San Diego being one of these locations gave feedback including one Unificationist, Justin Harding, who responded that his daughter Reyna, age eleven, responded, "Perfect voices, perfect songs, perfect, perfect, perfect! They have great talent and ability." Harding shared, "What more can a Dad and Mom hope for when their kids actually like church?"
The national service follows a path of church growth already pioneered by mega-churches in the United States. In a previous Lovin' Life Ministries sermon given on January 24, 2010, Rev. In Jin Moon shared with the congregation, "As a movement, let's believe in all the possibilities that we can accomplish." An example was given of a church that started out with a congregation of 600, grew to 15,000, and now is looking toward 30,000. She stated that she was sure a lot of people back then said to themselves, "Impossible!", however by utilizing the video equipment that they had, they could touch 15,000 people.
"Think about the Manhattan Center," said Rev. In Jin Moon. "We have everything we need here to touch America. So I ask everyone to continue to support our efforts here at Lovin' Life because, although we may be in New York, through the Manhattan Center's facilities and the equipment available here at our fingertips, we can touch all of America. Not just America, but we can touch the world."
Rev. In Jin Moon finished her sermon on the morning of February 7th with clarity for all who were present around the country, "This is what Lovin' Life Ministries is all about: understanding who we are, unleashing our greatness, tapping into that infinite reservoir of true love; about being the dream, living it, and making it a reality."