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Jun Sook Nim Stirs The Hearts And Spirits Of Inspired Interfaith Gathering In Detroit
Ed Taub
June 2, 2007
Detroit, MI
Over 300 people attended the Detroit Universal Peace Federation program featuring Jun Sook Nim as guest speaker on Saturday evening, June 2nd, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Romulus, Michigan. While many people were slow to arrive, by 6:30 PM the main ballroom was filled to capacity. The crowd was multi-colored and multi-national as is typical of a Universal Peace Federation event. Prayers were offered in English and Arabic by representatives of all three of the Abrahamic faiths.
The program Master of Ceremonies was Art Roselle of the Universal Peace Federation, who kept to the rigid schedule with great precision. Assisting him with the burning and blessing ceremony, as well as the Spirit readings, was Rev. David Kasbow of the Family Federation for World Peace. Music was provided by the ten-member Japanese Missionary Choir, who performed several songs in both Japanese and English, and by Crystal Heuft, a second-generation college student, who played the violin. Many guests commented about the holy atmosphere which was created by the music, which was played throughout the program, including delightful instrumental Holy Songs played during dinner. In particular, the audience was charmed by the operatic singing of Tokiko Richardson and Hiromi Wakabayashi.
The women's Welcome Committee was introduced and eight pastors were presented Family Church of Peace Flags. One of the women highlighted was Rev. Glasgow from Unity Temple in Highland Park, who officiates at an annual "World Day of Prayer."
The event really got going when Rev. Jesse Edwards took the stage. In his unique Pentecostal style, he challenged the audience to show some emotion."They say this is a hotel, but wherever I am is immediately a church. Can somebody say 'Amen?' We are all one here. Muslims, Christians, and Jews are all brothers in the family of God." People in the audience started singing, dancing, and shouting.
The audience was then ready for Jun Sook Nim, who was introduced by District Director, David Rendel, and who began her remarks with a crowd-pleasing comment: "I am excited to be in Detroit. How about those Pistons? Shall we pray for them?" She went on to deliver her speech with great poise. It was interrupted numerous times by spontaneous applause and cheers, as well as by the more traditional, "Amen's." After the speech, she was presented with a gift by representatives of the three sponsoring organizations - Women Federation for World Peace, Women in Ministry, and Ambassadors for Peace.
After she departed, more awards were presented to Ambassadors for Peace and Women of Faith, who had been nominated by their pastors. One Catholic priest from Eastpointe nominated three women from his parish. One of them, Marjorie Hallman, was asked for her comments. She said, "I am so grateful for this award and to be here with you this evening. We are one people. We are God's people. I believe there can be peace on earth. I hope we can learn to understand each other."
Public comments were offered by Dr. Ossimiri, a female business professor, who had just returned from the International Universal Peace Federation Conference in Washington, DC. Dressed in native Nigerian clothing, she spoke powerfully: "This revolution of love being called for in this generation by Rev. Moon is far different than the one called for in the 1960's. God is doing the calling now. We can transfer this hell on earth to the Heaven on earth that God originally intended."
In closing, Bishop Raphael Williams of the Greater Faith Assembly of Detroit said: "I just returned from Israel on a trip sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I now have a vision that we can come together as one family under God. Let's join hands and pray together for that vision to become a reality."
Following are some additional comments gathered from those in the audience:
"This event has stimulated me to further study the Bible and to contemplate its references to peace. I don't preach on that topic very often, but now I'm going to start." Rev. Eddie Beal, Sr., Pastor, Pentecostal Temple Baptist Church, Detroit.
"The thoughts expressed in the speech seemed to come right from the heart of God. The role of America in God's providence and in the world will ultimately help realize God's final purpose for man. I've known Rev. Moon and his movement for 25 years now, and I'm finally understanding why he has invested so much time and energy into America."
Rev. Mack Vincent
Pastor, St. John Providence Baptist Church
"This is awesome. All nations and all peoples coming together as one. We will only have peace when we can worship God together. After all, it was God who told us to 'love one another.' "
Evangelist Rachel Campbell
Minister, Straight Gate Non-Denominational Church
"This was my first event. I liked seeing the different religions together. In my life, I hadn't seen that before. I wish everyone could be so friendly."
Kimberly Jones
Women in Ministry