The Words of the Tengan Family |
Report on Los Angeles ACLC Monthly Prayer Breakfast
Mark Tengan
April 26 2008
Our ACLC Monthly Prayer Breakfast was held on Saturday, April 26, at True Vine Baptist Church in Inglewood. People were streaming in the bright morning sunlight into the beautifully decorated sanctuary with warm, welcoming by ushers.
Elder Otis Wright, Church of God in Christ, greeted to begin the program as emcee. His humorous talk warmed up everybody. Rev. Shinsei Hokama, Founder of the East-West Outreach and Better Living Center, read the scripture. He has been a pastor of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and was awarded as the Parents of the Year in Nikkei Parents’ Day Festival in 2007.
Dr. Eva Benson’s reading of the Peace Message made the room even brighter. Reverend and Mrs. Henning explained the significance of the Holy Wine Ceremony of marriage. In the beautiful atmosphere, Reverend Millsap’s couple and other couples were called to come to the front. Participants together received the holy juice.
After the Global Peace Festival DVD presentation, Rev. Tengan announced the event in August in Washington, DC, encouraging all to participate. He also spoke about the ACLC membership drive, which is a tool to strengthen the member’s ownership consciousness.
Minister Blinky Williams, music minister to the late Dr. E.V. Hill and sister of the day’s keynote speaker, performed a special musical interlude with Rev. Naoko Hiraki’s song “Jesus Loves Me.” Minister Williams’s song and keyboard, joined by Rick Joswick’s drums, made a joyful upbeat sound that everybody could sing and dance to.
The keynote speaker, Dr. Austin Williams, opened his church for the ACLC that morning. He greeted Dr. Cecil Murray, mentioning his talk on the radio, and introduced his work with Inglewood community and training youth in his church in witnessing. His message, “Pass the Salt” (Salt of the Earth, Light of the World), was deep, touching everyone and helping us to make a fresh start to reach out to people of the world to accomplish God’s ideal. After the offering prayer by Dr. Cecil Murray, the Praise Dancers (teenage girls) of True Vine Baptist Church performed.
Warm homemade breakfast was served in the fellowship hall. Volunteer sisters worked in the kitchen from 6:00 a.m. Their serving with bright smiles made breakfast even tastier. Guests shared a table over the breakfast and the whole room had an atmosphere like a family reunion. New guests talked and laughed at the table just like old friends, with clergy and members whom they met for the first time. We thank all those who worked together and made this whole program a beautiful offering.