The Words of the Tokuno Family |
On November 28-29, 2010 a Northeast Regional Leaders' meeting took place in Moscow, Russia. National leaders of Mongolia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia, as well as leaders of different cities and departments of Russia for the first time welcomed the new Regional President, Rev. Tokuno and his wife.
The meeting started from Sunday service where leaders and local members received a sermon given by NER Vice President, Mr. Marion. After that Rev. Tokuno gave a strong speech emphasizing the importance of achieving Absolute Faith by going a path of total self-denial in front of God and True Parents. He emphasized that self-denial is necessary for anyone without exception regardless of his status or position.
Rev. Tokuno also stressed the importance of the recent speech by True Father which is being given in New York, Las Vegas and Seoul, especially the last 6 points of the speech.
He shared with brothers and sisters the good news from recent Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents where the current Prime Minister of Solomon Islands pledged in front of True Parents to register his nation in the Abel UN. Also everybody was inspired to hear that in these very days the lectures on the Original Divine Principle are being broadcast nation-wide in Nepal.