The Words of the Tokuno Family |
Moscow, Russia -- The first meeting of the Russian Peace Council with the new Chairman of UPF-Eurasia, Mr. Eiji Tokuno took place in Moscow on March 20. One of speakers, Dr. A.F. Volkov in his speech touched upon the history of relations between Russia and Mr. Tokuno's native nation, Japan. He spoke of the necessity of good-neighborly relations between the two nations not only during the days of tribulations but also in everyday life. The participants welcomed the speaker's viewpoint and unanimously expressed their consent in recommendation of rendering overall help to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami. Thereafter, the participants rose in commemoration of those who died during the tragedy of March 11, and observed a minute of silence.
Ambassadors for Peace shared opinions about their work. In the course of discussion, they discussed the issue about how Ambassador for Peace activities could promote developing friendly contacts with our eastern neighbor. In his speech Mr. Tokuno described the main values that guide the activity of the Universal Peace Federation. He formulated 16 main points from the UPF founder Dr. Sun Myung Moon's teaching that can serve as guidance for all people who seek to create world peace.
The atmosphere at the meeting was warm and friendly. After the meeting, guests continued sharing informally, and each participant received a copy of Dr, Moon's autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen.