The Words of the Valdez Family |
By Acting Secretary General as approved by the Board of Directors (Note: Secretary General Norlina Braganza is on official leave and will be back to active responsibility in few months.)
I. The First Family Gathering and Raffle Bonanza (May 17, 2009) (Please see photos attached.)
Through thorough planning and volunteerism, the BOD of UFPDI decided to take all costs of the activity by themselves to set the precedent of living for the sake of others for all family members.
The Directors individually chose what they can voluntarily contribute for the gifts and prizes that were given away. The goal was for every participant to receive something and not go home empty-handed. Gifts and prizes prepared were an abundance of kids' treat, rice and variety of household items, personal care product, umbrellas, water dispenser, bread toaster, blender, a portable keyboard and a flatbed scanner.
Participation in the activity comprised of many kids, family members of Baguio City and neighboring provinces of La Union and Pangasinan, a representative of Laoag FFWPU, a faculty member of Baguio Central University and his friend, and 4 Japanese student members of Pines International Academy (PIA).
The atmosphere was sheer fun and enjoyment which started with games, then sing-along, kids' song and dance presentations and culminated with the much-awaited raffle draw! Everyone hoped to have a repeat of the activity with anticipation of much wider participation.
II. Moving forward through the 2nd Quarter of the year
A. Completion of SEC requirements and registered at last!
After some 4~5 weeks of securing a valid name which the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) could accept, and procuring the requirements, at last the Unified Families for Peace and Development International (UFPDI) was officially registered on June 17, 2009 under the SEC Registration Number: CN200929060
B. Opening of 2 bank accounts for UFPDI namely:
1. Savings Account with Philippine National Bank (PNB) for Project Fund -- under the name of UFPDI, with Aurelio Dela Pena, Leopoldo Lagpao and Ariel Gascon (President, Vice President for Internal Affairs and Treasurer respectively) as signatories.
PNB Account: Unified Families for Peace and Development International (UFPDI) PNB Session Road, Baguio City
It was earlier approved by majority vote at a BOD meeting that this savings account be opened with Metrobank but was shifted to Philippine National Bank (PNB) through an emergency majority vote-gathering by phone and text-messaging. Metrobank's requirements were more complicated, whereas PNB honored our official documents at once.
2. Checking Account with Banco De Oro (BDO) for Operational Expenses -- under the name of UFPDI, with any of the three: Aurelio Dela Pena, Ariel Gascon and Leopoldo Lagpao as signatories of any bank transaction. Membership fees and donations for operational expenses should be sent to this account.
BDO Account: Unified Families for Peace and Development International (UFPDI) Banco De Oro Session Road, Baguio City
* Although the names specified above were the signatories representing the Association, all bank transactions, either for project use or operational expenses, must be with the knowledge and approval of the Board of Directors.
* Donors can donate either for Project Fund or for Operational Expenses, and are advised to clearly state this matter when reporting, for proper recording by our Treasurer, and the donor's personal reference as well.
C. Consolidation of existing funds into one account under the newly opened PNB Savings Account of the UFPDI intended for Project Fund.
Mr. Aurelio Dela Pena and Mr. Jose Braganza, the nameholders and signatories of the Landbank Account created many years ago could withdraw all amount in it and used the money to open the two abovementioned accounts with PNB and BDO for UFPDI recently. In support of this move to consolidate existing funds for the Property Project, Luzviminda "Spring" Valdez has expressed her willingness to transfer the fund she has collected the soonest time possible and deposit it to the PNB Project Fund account. Details of donors in the previous accounts collected by Aurelio Dela Pena, Jose Braganza and Luzviminda "Spring" Valdez shall be included in full in the next report to come very soon.
Furthermore, in the latest BOD Meeting, the quorum unanimously agreed to request that all other donations in the past years, including those collected abroad by concerned Baguio groups be consolidated into the new UFPDI Project Fund account made with the PNB.
The UFPDI Board of Directors is therefore appealing to the groups particularly in Japan and the United States, their leaders, fund holders and members to consider this request in line with the longstanding dream of putting up a property for God and True Parents' use in our beloved city.
In the next report which shall come very soon, we shall be posting prospect properties to purchase, and we are delighted to share that while we prepare for this project, Heavenly Father has been doing His own preparations for our purpose! True enough, more than our most earnest desire, our Heavenly Father is too anxious to move forward to establish His foothold in very respectable way!
4. The UFPDI website - We have already created a website for information, discussion and learning forum to focus mainly on our development initiatives and projects. Everyone is encouraged to join. Please register and log in to know all details of this top priority project as well as others to come. Share your opinions, comments and suggestions freely, and play a significant part.
We understand that brothers and sisters who were either given birth to in Baguio City, or were connected in one way or another to this city, have the heart to contribute in whatever way they can. However, location of each and everyone undoubtedly affect direct participation. For practical, organizational and systematic ways of moving forward, the Board of Directors was created. Nonetheless, we highly regard every concerned member's input. That is why we put up the UFPDI website, for wider participation, for every member to have the access to details in every step toward our goals, and as an avenue to put forward your valuable comments, suggestions or whatever opinion, which shall be taken in a positive light for overall improvement and progress. The BOD shall then carefully consider and discuss all inputs at the website in every BOD meeting. To go to the website, please go to groups.yahoo.com/group/UFPDI/
5. Quick References
a. PNB Project Fund Account: Unified Families for Peace and Development International (UFPDI) PNB Session Road, Baguio City
b. BDO Operational Expenses and Membership Fee Account: Unified Families for Peace and Development International (UFPDI) Banco De Oro Session Road, Baguio City
c. SEC Registration - (June 17, 2009)
d. Membership Form
e. UFPDI Website: groups.yahoo.com/group/UFPDI/
Prepared from minutes of all 2nd Quarter BOD Meetings by:
Luzviminda E. Valdez
Acting Secretary General
Approved by the Quorum in the 14th UFPDI Board of Directors Meeting, July 18, 2009
For the information of everyone, the following comprise the UFPDI Board of Directors:
Aurelio "Leo" Dela
Dulce E. Buyayo
Leopoldo "Leo" Lagpao
"Norlie" Braganza
Guillermo "Boy"
Luzviminda "Spring" Valdez
Ariel Gascon
Allen Glenn Gascon