The Words of the Verheyen Family |
In the past years the nation of Holland has been up and down in trying to lay the foundation for the restoration of the people of Holland.
I have been working for the restoration of this nation for 4 years and 8 months.
Many times in these 4 years there have been devoted followers who have betrayed me and our Fathers great truth. But I always picked myself up and felt even more the great responsibility that God had trusted me with I could not give up, I had to restore the 13 million people in this nation.
It was after I had been here three years, that a small foundation was laid. In January of 1969 everything began to turn for the good and I have been overjoyed at the progress that has been made within this year. I know there overjoyed at the progress that has been made within this year. I know there is a long way to go, but we have the snowball started and it can only get larger and larger until the whole 13 million people will be inside it.
In January we were able to rent a large house for the Center and fine members moved into it. We worked on it repainting and getting it just right for the people who would be coming in later.
Within 3 months three people had accepted the Principles and moved in.
In March our Leader came to Essen to give Europe her blessing. There were 8 couples blessed in Essen. I was one of these who were blessed on March 28.
My wife (Pauline) and I returned to Holland to start a whole new and different life. We were to work together with more power and zeal to restore this nation. We bought a truck and a printing machine and began to print many hand bills. We used to truck and once a week we went out to 7 villages to give out hand bills and proclaim the truth to the small villages.
Many times we preached on the main streets and gave out hand bills.
Within 3 months we had given out 300.000 hand bills. We mailed out to 12.000 top people in Holland. We received many replies by mail from these hand bills.
We were able to be on a very famous radio program and tell about the Unified Family all over the world.
I was able to come out with a new and better translation of the Dutch Principle. I printed them on the small printing. We made new song-book for the Center.
We had a training for the members all summer and into the fall. I would choose one member to go to another city for 3 days each week. There they could not eat or sleep the first 24 hours.
They had to spend these 3 days talking to people and giving four thousand hand bills. Everyone wanted to do this. They grew in spirit and responsibility. We will start this training again in the spring time.
We gave the first test on the Divine Principle to 5 members on Parent's Day of this year. They all passed the test and become very good teachers of the Principles.
In May of this year we opened a new Center in a university; city near Amsterdam. There we are able to work with students.
We have established 3 centers now in Holland, within this year.
October was a big month for all of Europe. The first conference was held in London. When we returned I felt it was important to quickly send a missionary to Greece (Athens). On Oct, 7 we took one of the young men to Greece. He is now teaching the Principles to the Greek people.
A very wide spread magazine heard about our Leader and wanted to do story about our movement. In November a very good story was written in the magazine. The story was about the ideal marriage. The magazine reaches about 70.001) people in Holland and Belgium.
This year Germany and Holland joined together to witness and work together. All the members expressed how they grew and were able to learn from each other witnessing. We could do this because of the short distance between Amsterdam and Essen.
We are going to student house and are giving lectures to students. All together 6 people have accepted the Principles and are now good teachers. We have now 18 members in the 3 centers in Holland.
We are striving for 1970, unity, within ourselves, in the family and with people of all walks of life. We are trying to understand people goals, desires and hope and work according to their understanding of God's will. In our heart we feel great progress will be made in 1970.
Father is working in every face of human life to prepare for God's new dispensation. Every year we see great changes. The great changes are outward as well as inward in order to restore
God's original desire to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth 1970 will be a year of very great change. We have great plan to reach out in many directions in that year.
The heart of the Father is reaching out to all his lost children. So we will find these children and bring them back to their true parents,