The Words of the Veselova Family |
During my second 40-day Workshop I came to understand and to feel how much dedicated True Parents and Dae Mo Nim are toward Heavenly Father. True Parents and Dae Mo Nim are truly restless working for God's providence. It's touched my heart really so that I do not want to take rest now also. Through the lectures I came to love the word of God more sincerely and study it more diligently. I feel that I really started to love Heavenly Father, True Parents, Dae Mo Nim and brothers and sisters during this workshop with more sincere heart.
To summarize, I think the most precious experience is that I came to love, care and want to live my everyday life like True Parents and Dae Mo Nim.
Because of meeting many times personally Dae Mo Nim, experiencing her love and very good lectures made it happen.