The Words of the Weber Family |
Perhaps you have read some of his great stories that Ken Weber has published on this site.
Brother Ken had an amazing gift to write and tell stories for children.
According to the announcement I saw on FB he passed away Jan. 25th shortly after midnight.
The message and pictures below were published on Facebook today.
May God rest his Soul and be with his Family in this time.
Seonghwa Service and Won Jon for Ken Weber this Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 11:00 am Fort Lincoln Funeral Home and Cemetery 3401 Bladensburg Rd, Brentwood, MD 20722
Kenneth Carson Weber September 16th 1948 – January 25th 2014 A life of Joy and Dedication Ken was born in Denver, Colorado and later moved to Molina, Illinois...s where he was raised by his mother Peggy and his stepfather Donald. As an only child Ken was often lonely but had a strong relationship with his parents who instilled a deep love of God in him during his youth.
After graduating from high school Ken graduated from the Brooks Institute with a degree in photography, after which he enlisted in the U.S. Army and was assigned to work in a photo lab in Washington DC. It was there he first met the church and began attending lectures. While still enlisted, he joined the church in 1971, moving into the center while continuing to work at the lab. When his term of service was up he left the army and began work as a photographer for the True Family.
In 1975 he attended the 1800 couples matching and blessing where, on February 8th, he married Diana Swank. During their separation, which lasted over 5 years, he continued to work for the True Family and he also worked for New Future Film for many years, photographing many of the major church campaigns. After their separation, he moved to be with his wife Diana at UTS where he did photography and video projects under President David Kim.
It was during this time that Ken and Diana had their two children Christina and Eric. Eventually the family moved to the Washington DC area where Ken worked for the World and I magazine for several years. When the magazine was closed there were several years of financial struggle for the family. Ken worked very hard at a number of difficult and low-paying jobs in an effort to make ends meet. He had a very deep heart and an unwavering work ethic and never complained about the difficult jobs he had to endure to support his family.
He always put his family before himself and never asked for help. Eventually, Ken was hired by a government contractor called General Dynamics where the security clearance he had obtained during his service in the army enabled him to get a well-paying job which alleviated a lot of the difficulties he had gone through. Throughout his life, ever since there were children in the church old enough to attend Sunday school, Ken was a dedicated teacher. No matter what else was going on in his life he always taught Sunday school, using videos and stories of his own creation as well as many other creative materials. He was dedicated to the mission of teaching children to understand their value in the eyes of God and recognize their unique talents.
He ceaselessly strove to bring joy and learning to the community's children. His face would light up at seeing them happy and he was always the most prepared and consistent of any of the teachers no matter where he went. Being a teacher and a parent were his greatest joys in life. In his early 60's Ken was diagnosed with a type of frontal temporal degeneration called Pick's disease.
It is a type of terminal early onset dementia. Eventually Ken moved to an assisted living facility that specialized in caring for dementia patients where his family visited him and continued to help care for him. It was a difficult time but also helped bring the family closer together. When the end was getting close his family began to gather to be with him. Only 20 minutes after the last of his family members arrived, Ken passed away. He seemed to have been waiting for them. He is survived by his wife Diana, daughter Christina, son Eric, daughter-in-law Coree, and his precious grandchild Alyssa. He will be greatly missed.