The Words of the Yu Family |
Rev. Yoo spoke very fast. There were around 200 members present.
There were celebration and seminars in Hawaii King Garden in 2007…True Father always establishes gardens connected to events of historic importance. There is the East, North Garden etc. The Original-Divine Principle seminars started in Hawaii, where the highest peak of the world rises – Mount Kona is higher than Mount Everest if measured from his foundation at the bottom of the ocean. On top of his peak True Parents offered in tears their prayers.
Now after entering Cheon Il Guk the time has come to teach the Original Divine Principle which is not stressing so much the Christian aspect which was necessary during the course of restoring the lost foundation of Christianity. Thus teaching the Divine Principle to non-Christians will be easier, it addresses people of all faiths and good conscience. Our elder brother Yo-Han Lee who was is now over 90 years old listened to Rev. Yoo presentation and was really impressed (Yo-Han Lee participates original Divine Principle two times).
We need to have a family so that we can feel, have a substantial experience what love really is. The family is also the most vital organ of society and nation- if they are in trouble then we should look into the families, without fixing the families we cannot save the nation or the world. The family must be centered on absolute sex, love and lineage. The parents must safeguard the sexual purity in the lineage. In order to do that we must pledge to do so and this is the reason to say the Family Pledge. In the Bible it says do not swear, but we must say this pledge. Even animals have a skeleton and so they can stand, the bone structure of the family is the Family Pledge and it also allows the family to stand upright. The constitution of Cheon Il Guk are not some laws but the laws of the true family of God.
We cannot see God and do not know how to relate to Him. The Family Pledge connects us with God and that is the reason we should recite it every day, it opens the Gate of Heaven, it is the key. Into heaven we cannot get by our desire alone – we need a key. Even Jesus spoke about the need of a key to enter the heaven. This key is the God-centered family. We can pray but God will not be able to answer if we are not praying in unison with the law of heaven contained in the Divine Principle. The Family Pledge is the prayer is the prayer of all prayers. But we have to LIVE the pledge, we have to become the substantiation of its contents. In a way we can say the Family Pledge is the result of all the battles fought by our True Parents, it contains everything what they have accomplished.
If husband and wife or siblings are fighting they are not qualified to recite the pledge, first unity must be established. As long as we are connected to the fallen emotions of this world we have nothing to pledge for. We cannot go to heaven by just praying a lot, we have to substantiate the Family Pledge. We receive training in the family – how to become absolutely one. Let us get rid of everything inherited from Satan, and let us fight to establish the foundation of the Family Pledge.
When Father arrived in Kodiak and spoke about the Peace Messages he dedicated 4 days to establish 1 part of the Family Pledge and he asked me and others if we live that. No one could say Yes and we very ashamed. Every verse includes much to think about what we need to accomplish. If we do not understand the Family Pledge we do not understand the Peace Messages, so precious is it.
The first verse speaks about Cheon Il Guk centering on True Love. Some speak slowly, some very fast – but we should be united in spirit with every word. It could take a full week to discuss the content. The 14th Peace Message gives some explanation. Chon means the unity of man and wife, even Jesus said that 'when two or three people come together, I shall come among them…..". We do not speak about True Parents family but our own family who needs to do that. Everyone is the owner of Cheon Il Guk based on the three generations.
We need to experience the absolute true love of a mother, and of a father. Then we can think my existence came about because of them. We are the result of the sexual organs of this couple centered on God. Who thinks that God has reproductive organs' This is serious – all living beings come from a mother but the female needs a seed from the male. So within God there must be something which resembles the reproductive organs of the male and the female.
Also theologians have to think about that -- how can God have sexual organs. But without that we cannot exist and not establish the Kingdom, we need this pure sexual organs to come into existence. With what did you create your children – with your hands. But because Satan used the sexual organ to make man fall, we curse the sexual organ. The lineage will us bring back to the world which should be. So the sexual organ is a vital part of establishing the Kingdom. We need to seek in God where this love came from. And this is also the core of Divine Principle. I asked True Parents, why did you not include this content into the pledge. Father said because I would be killed for it. We need time until the time is ripe to do so. It is our responsibility to safeguard and maintain sexual purity the leaders of society do not understand this. Without that our 95 percent never can be fulfilled. That responsibility is central because without it Heaven and Earth cannot become one.
What is the original homeland – the world of creation. The kingdom needs to be established on earth, like the mind needs the body. We need rebuild what has been restored, destroyed. Who is teaching us about that/ it is the Messiah. All families members have to cooperate to establish the kingdom on this earth. God is not building it for you. It is human responsibility. We as the owner of the nation. When other people are sleeping we, the owners cannot sleep. We represent the responsible parents. The children may be sleeping but the father cannot sleep because he is responsible. The owner must take an interest in it. How much are we concerned with Cheon Il Guk. When we are the owners, we have to have most interest in it, personal interest "how can we raise the original homeland." Put that in your conscience.
For Verse 2 of the Family Pledge to be realized we need to achieve Verse 1 and only after that we can come to fulfill verse 2. We cannot shout -- Oh God, come in our family…" God will not come. But if we establish verse 1 and 2 God will come automatically. The good spirits will be drawn to us as it is God. Always attend God and True Parents in your family.
Parents which are the cause of our existence are the natural center of attention. Think – I am born because of my mother and father, their unity. We should not think of them as separate beings. If the first parents had not fallen, they would be one, and the following generations would live in unity. Everyone would refer to God as "father", all generations of a family would call him "father". The parents sacrifice everything for their children. We love the parents with all our heart because they sacrificed everything for me. We have not be able to establish a peaceful world because of the separation of husband and wife.
The united couples can establish a peaceful world. Patriots are willing to sacrifice everything for the kingdom, the nation of Heaven which we call Cheon Il Guk. As patriots we have to love all the people living in the nation. We cannot love all the men and women of the nations, we need to love the ONE we are married with. Many people think of the Four Great saints who wanted to establish this world who sacrificed their live for that purpose. We must be able to follow the laws of Cheon Il Guk here on Earth as in Heaven. How we live here, we live in the Spirit World. We have to follow the laws of the country and the laws of the Heavenly Palace. Only the person who can do that it the "divine son", or the "divine daughter". The divine child lived according to these laws. We think that we have accomplished all this. No, not true – only True Parents have accomplished that, not we. True Parents gave the Blessing to the Four Saints, this is an incredible thing. One brother who died of cancer and went to the Spirit World was asked by the spirits over and over again "what did you do on earth" and he said that he gave lectures about VOC. They were not satisfied and asked and asked the same question until he begged God to return once more to the earth so than he can do seriously pastoral work. God made this possible, he returned to life. Slowly the brother recovered and regained strength. In the years after – and he is doing that until today – that brother established more churches than anybody else.
Every day we should unity with the Spirit World as our partner, we need to center to advance the unification of Spirit and Physical World. We cannot rest or retreat. We have to invest into the advancement of the unity of both worlds. If the parents and children, husband and wife cooperate, the unity will grow.
Verse 6 says that we represent the True Parents. Even the family fortune is very big – if the nation crumbles, our family will be destroyed. To follow God means to inherit the heavenly fortune. If God walks to the west, we have to follow. We need to find the heavenly fortune which is contained in the heart of God. If parents lose their children, they cannot sit but will search them until they find them. The heavenly fortune is not for our church, but for all people. God has so many things to you but we cannot hear because we speak different languages. Still we think it is the right way to speak different languages. If you are going to the Spirit World you should be able to say "Oh, I have blessed hundreds, thousands of people to become Gods children". This person will be the most appreciated person in the Spirit World. There is nothing more precious than to pass on the Blessing which we received from True Parents.
Once we live for the sake of others, the Culture of Heart is established.
Verse 8, why we speak about the Completed Testament Age – it is the age of the Blessing, the age to receive directly Gods World. The people in the Spirit World still have original sin. Only when all are restored and liberated, the Kingdom will be easy to establish. We need to establish a Blessing movement. The Spirit World Union will be established in 2013, after there will take incredible changes in this world. We should prepare for that happening. True Parents already prepare for that, they look forward for that to happen. ….
The Unification Principle is not only for our own members but for all people. No matter how big our number, how many member we are, the most important thing -- no one wants to fight, everyone wants to unify. If we want to continue this way there is no chance. There are 4 reasons for the need of the Principle – we need to resolve all our problems. The Principle teaches how to resolve all conflicts in the world. The conflict came about because of one couple, later it produced a multitude of different problems. The first step towards conflict solution is to seek God. The answers will change our lives. Every single person in the past, present and future struggles with the same fundamental problems.
Change first the view, than the behavior change will follow. Let us examine the human structure in the mental sphere. The body follows the mind, reflects the mind. The first step includes a change of mind and heart. The solution to world problems lies within ourselves. Usually we think 'oh, how terrible these politicians are…" This is completely wrong way of thinking. We need to look into our hearts...
The present family breakdown is more terrible than a natural disaster or economic breakdown in a nation. Right now mankind has reached a state where it cannot go further on. Even blessed families are breaking up but people in the fallen world think that this not a tragedy but "normal". Just look how famous actresses live, they have no center in their lives, no rules. No one can resolve this chaos except God. If we are separated from God we cannot do anything against it. We should become true sons and daughters of God and raise children in this spirit. This is a very serious task. All these tragedies have to do with the sexual organs. Satan know how God wanted to create the ideal family, so he destroyed to instruments to do that by destroying, defiling the sexual organs.
There are women marrying women, man a man. All animals look for the opposite sex, and all of creation acts principled in matters of sex. San Francisco is a metropolis of homosexuality and politicians who want to be elected they need their votes and cannot oppose them even if they thing that homosexuality is wrong. We face the most serious problems in that context. Nobody can control young people not to engage in sexual activities. The 21st century will not be judged like in the Bible, but there are sexual transmitted diseases which wipe out mankind. Example: a Korean business went abroad, later after returning he went to hospital was tested HIV positive. He made it very clear that he had only sex with his wife, after some more tests his wife was found to be HIV infected. They discovered that in the absence of the husband she went swimming and had an affair with the swimming teacher.
Actually, the wife had infected the husband. The schools have violence problems because the children do not know what the purpose of life is. They become restless and upset easily, tend to violence because being ignorant of the value of human life. Racial problems cannot be if people accept each other as a child of God. Borders, who has created them. In nature we see no borders established, there are only different climate regions etc. There are conflicts of ideologies like Communism versus Democracy, or atheism against religions, etc. There is environmental pollution – what is the solution? If the temperature of the ocean changes there will be serious problems.
All summits had no or little result because the biggest nations dominate the others and care only for their interests, not for a global solution. There are countries which throw away food, and others who cannot provide basic foods. In poor countries there are also intelligent children who do not receive no education and live a miserable life due in ignorance. The ignorance harms even more since people are unable to pass in a state of peace into the Spirit World. True Parents have opened the gates to the highest region, people are not properly prepared have incredible difficulties in their life thereafter. How we live here on earth is more precious than positions of president of a county.
Even religious leaders have lived in line with fallen nature. All these issues are related to the question of absolute sexual purity. The time is coming, do not be confused, be prepared! The new age is coming! Let us teach the fundamental principles of live. We need to be the masters of the new age. The Unification principle needs to become known in the world, I and you we should teach the Principle as long as we live in this world. The Principle alone can establish absolute value centered society. Clarifying clearly what is a lie and what is a lie, what is true and what is false.
I was in Japan for 10 years but many Japanese still do not know what happened in Korea during the colonial rule. All the separation of families, the division between North and South. In Japan the Koreans fight each other, even True Father could not bring them together for many years. so I had to give lectures to both groups. At the beginning they were very suspicious about what I am doing. In the seminars I thought them the Principle and they were accusing me to make the members. So they moved out of the lecture room. Then after some negotiations, they returned but nobody wanted to pray, nobody wanted to close their eyes – they were so suspicious.
After giving the first lecture, again nobody wanted to leave the room. At the beginning some people even refused to shake hands! The 2 groups after listening and accepting our Principle it was no problem anymore to communicate with each other. For 61 years they could not become one because they had different value system, ideologies. As soon as they listened to our lectures, the door was opened. For creating a peaceful unified world we need to teach the Principle. The Fall came about with denying God. Each individual, mind and body has to unite. If man and woman are divided, conflicts multiply. Another reason is to know the "true self". Ask the question, who you really are – are you a true or a false person? Are you a daughter of God? The princess in the palace who has an affair with a bandit and bears children – whose children they are? Children of the palace, or are they children of the bandit?
If people do not want to acknowledge that they are the result of the Fall, that they carry this faulty lineage in themselves. Absolute necessary to affirm 'yes, I am the result of the Fall" We need to face our contradictions, resolve the conflict in us and with the people around us. Selfish mind is the mind of Satan. If we continue to live centering on that evil mind, we cause misfortune and sadness. The fall also means that we fall into ignorance. So human beings first lost God, second the original nature, third the ideal family and creation. To restore is the only way to accomplish a peaceful world. We face problems of physical as well as spiritual ignorance.
We do not know the nature, character and situation of God. We do not understand God clearly we make a lot of problems. Mankind tries to make their problems, emotions and so on the one of God. They confuse things constantly. Also sexual desire cannot be repressed because it originate in Gods. So sexual problems need to be solved in line with Gods Principle. Religious people tried to avoid these problems by refraining from sex. But the world grew with fallen people. Everyone wants to marry though divorce is rampant because it is part of their original nature, inherent nature. More than to prepare for university young people should prepare for married life. If you want to drive on the highway you need a license. Just to know how to drive well does not help, you must get the license. Otherwise the police may arrest you. Study how to live a true life! Like a missile the Word of God transports you to the ends of the universe. The lectures serve as the fuel of the missile. The Word created the world -- says the Bible. If I am not moved by the Word, you will not be moved. We need to know how to convey the emotions of God. Sometimes when I speak with the power of a missile, the listeners are moved. The lecturer needs to be moved first, that is the precondition to pass on the Word. Not because I speak well, but because God moves my heart this seminar can be successful. Also science tries to find the basic value system, though we are a religion we cannot fight against science. We try to establish a world where there is no need for religion because all people are connected to God.
Christianity is standing in the position of the Bride, but in reality is not able to stand up to that providential mission. Christians should teach about Esau and Jacob, that God is the parents, the ideal of the true family, etc. Christianity should be practicing the core teaching of Jesus but is not doing so. Christians do not really understand how to practice. Jesus wanted to establish the husband-wife relationship but had to remain on the bridegroom-bride level. He could not experience marriage substantially. The Jews considered God so holy that they even did not dare to write His name, they left an empty space. When Jesus spoke about the "father" they considered it a blasphemy. And they also accused him as "illegitimate child". The churches today tend to be secularized – we have to change that. They early church leader led not a very comfortable lives, we are doing so but it is not right. We must teach Christians what is right and what is wrong. Jesus was treated as the worst criminal when he was nailed on the cross. Like the Jews the Christians could not receive what True Father was preaching. God and the Messiah were sent into the wilderness when True Father was sent into hell in prison. A most tragic situation! Until today True Parents try to regain the foundation by making again and again a rally or speaking tour. They themselves spread the Word which actually Christians should have done. When True Father reached the age of 40, he should have completed his mission.
The first church HQ was so small that only few people could sit down inside, the neighbors took down the sign at the door and treated it with contempt. We asked, why they such things!? The Unification Church is in the position of the younger brother, so we have to gather together the elder brothers. We do that with the Holy Spirit which manifests True Love. Without true love we cannot unite Christianity. Now the HSA-UWC has been taken down and was replaced with the FFWPU sign, because it stands for individuals position but we focus now on the family level. We are all wild olive trees, the first generation. There are still the roots, but if we nurture the shoots they can produce good fruits which manifest in the blessed children, the second generation. We need to bring/offer the fruit to God, and if the second generation does not stand upright we and the world have no future!
We need to educate Christians that they should not just believe in Jesus but become like Jesus. Believers should resemble the image of Christ! We have to change Satan s lineage to God s lineage step-by-step. The Holy Wine is a medicine created by God. But we cannot say that it is a "medicine" because the government authorities would come….There is no commission which investigates the Holy Wine. But if people would go wild if they would realize the impact of the Holy Wine, they would do anything to get it. So the ceremony is very sacred and very precious. If in a country all people drink the Holy Wine but a few are not taking it and stay on Satan s side, the Cheon Il Guk cannot established thoroughly. Counting all your ancestors together who are in the Spirit World and if we liberate and bless them, we can stand on top of a nation of 1 million people. Imagine this, what a blessing it means for you this will become.
We should not lend our ears to the world on Satan s side, but keep us prepared like Noah before the predicted Flood came and destroyed everything. True Father said that there will be no extension of the providence, like it happened several times in history. Until 2013 everything has to be ready. When I joined the church we had a 6 month probation period before we were allowed to sign the membership form. Now everything is so easy, we do not even to sign any paper for receiving the Holy Wine. When we put only one drop of the Holy Wine on our tongue the Spirit World is so eager to get it. We have established home churches, what do we do there? We have to teach the Word, also to the children. Hoon Dok Hae we do as a whole family so that the children also get the Word. We do not say "please come to our church. No, we give them the teaching in their homes, also the Holy Wine. We read the textbooks in the family, pray in the family, establish an altar in the homes. Even if the home is very small, there should be an altar, maybe only a desk. This is the place where the Holy Wine and Holy Salt are multiplied. Use the materials we have, for example the Peace Messages. Pray with the children at the altar, and make them stand at the altar. Train yourselves and train your children this way. The altar is the most holy place in the home, and the children should learn to respect the altar. If we live the same way as others, God has no place to stay.
Are we living like a family blessed by God? We must not become a family which brings sadness to God.
Through receiving the Holy Wine, the gate the Heaven is opened to us. One leader complained that he works so hard in America, and that the Christians are not responding so well. Father said, "who received the blessing – you or Jesus?" Of course, we are in a more fortunate position and so we should take care of Christians. Christianity lost the capability to understand the providence they lost sense of direction and dwell on rituals and traditions. The first Christians were singing when faced the lions in the arena. Tens of thousands were martyred. Even Martin Luther started the Reformation by risking his life. But today, who is willing to die for their faith? We should help them to fulfill their responsibility. We want to give the Blessing so much, because the early Christians gave so much. People who oppose us will be removed further and further away…
In the early years we were singing the same song over and over again, because members were completely overcame by the Spirit, they sang the same song a 12 times, sometime members were moved from one place in the room to the opposite side by some invisible spiritual power. At that time we had maybe only one or two meals a day. That is how it began. I saw the dog eating and I said you have food from your master but I have nothing and I grabbed the dog at his ears to make place but he did not want to move from his bowl. When the wives went pioneering, in one case the wife went to mission and left the child behind. The husband served in the military and had no other chance than to run home to take the small child and bring it to the military camp secretly. There he was making cloth from the military dresses for the infant. One day his superiors found out that there is an infant in the army, they wanted to fire our member but finally one officer took the child to his home. Such and other incredible stories happened. We live a very comfortable life in comparison!
In each age God has established a central figure and gave him his Word. Many parts of the Bible are in figurative language but there was the promise to speak no longer in pictures rather to speak clearly. In regard to the capacity of his audience Jesus also said that they "cannot bear more to hear". True Parents speak very concretely not in pictures and fulfill also the Bible in regard to "prophecy to many nations".
When all people of the world become blessed Cheon Il Guk will be established. With Satanic people in our midst the ideal nation cannot be established. Christians think that the ideal world comes about only by belief in Jesus, but that is not true. Salvation does not come this way! Salvation is Restoration! To recover the things which are lost, only the Principle explains clearly the path – salvation comes during the Second Coming. The Principle truth True Father discovered by fighting millions devils in the Spirit World. It was like going down 10,000 m below the surface of the ocean to pick up one grain of sand at the bottom. Piece for piece of the great truth has been collected with that much effort. Almost impossible to imagine these difficulties! We look at the picture and say "true parents…." with not much noticing their significance. I listened to the Principle ten years after the liberation from the Japanese rule.
The creation of beings did not just happen, there was first a blue print of the being before it was created. Before we understand a being we must understand WHY it was created in the first place. Nothing can live and behave as it wishes but in congruence with the purpose of its creation in the first place. We should be people who live in accordance with the Principle of creation. Do not evaluate people according their wealth in terms of money, or status and power. These do not count in the Spirit World.
All people in the world should live in the context of the Principle of Creation. Father said that the Principle of Creation is so precious that it should be engraved into plate of gold. The time has come that scientist are finding evidence for the existence of God. Their explanations open the gate for the teaching of Father. And whom do we and all things resemble? The Unification Principle is a clear picture of God.
The Bible only answers the question of Moses with "I am who I am". The Israelites where in great trouble when they were asked "Who is actually you sending?" What could they say? They could not explain about God. Later came the explanation that Creation reflects the Creator, as St. Paul wrote.
First were established the laws, like the law of cause-effect. There is nothing with a (hidden) cause, origin. Our children resemble the parents or some ancestor. We cannot understanding nature really without knowing God and his purpose. People who deny God cannot understand nature deeply and profoundly. Karl Marx could not understand that matter has an internal aspect which makes things work. His thinking is still accepted though it is wrong. God rules creation according to his laws which he created. The process of creation passed through 6 stages until human beings came into existence. The first cause is the fundamental cause which moves everything else. The concept of the "Intelligent Design" makes clear that the blue print exists in the mind of the creator before it receives substance. The dog likes to be owned. It has such a mind, of course it wants an owner who loves him not hates dogs.
Pine trees in Korea are the same as here. They do not change deliberately, they are such for thousands of years and thousands of kilometers apart. God has a body but we cannot see it, there is a mind and body within God, the original HS and SS as stated in the Divine Principle. What is the difference between man and woman? Is it the nose, ears, mouth? We identify the sex of a person by the form of his reproductive organs! The professors were very shocked when during our lecture on the Principle of Creation about the sexual organs! At the beginning they could not understand why Fathers speeches always included sections about the concave and convex. Father said that even Rev. Kwak did not understand why he was doing that -- at events in 1995-1998 he spoke at conferences with top politicians in the USA and South America – people were shocked and wondered what that is that all about? Father "reduced" the wives of dignitaries like prime ministers to the "sexual organ".
If mother hers Father talking she thinks it is quite natural, she is not upset. Into the woman the seed would have been planted by God, if Adam and Eve did not fall. The body which carries the mind must also keep the Principle, function in accordance with the Principle. Our responsibility is to make our mind resemble in God. We do not speculate "what was first – the hen or the egg?" because everything exists as a harmonious entity in God originally. Our theory is a "Unitarian" philosophy. Because of the fall we are ignorant of the original existence. We should not be vague about Gods existence because it is our parents! We cannot fight each other because we have the same parents. Why do people fight? They do so because they do not know God. Without God there is no eternal peace or happiness. When there is couple and the man is not able to make any money and the women is well employed and makes a lot of money, still he stands in the subject position. If women own everything then disaster is immanent. The seed for the children – from whom does it actually come in the first place? Thus it is a question of ownership. Why the father is in the internal position? Because the father gave the seed, the seed is internal. The female body is external. God first envisioned women, then he created man so that he would fit to woman.
If man and woman unite with the time emerging the woman becomes more masculine and the man becomes more feminine. We resemble more and more the harmonious original entity within God. Even the greatest man comes from the womb of a woman. Without women no life comes in existence. The key is harmonious interaction, the Principle law and order. The original body of absolute sex which comes from God, both of them must become the embodiment of the original body of absolute sex. We cannot say exactly what the mind looks like, the components are unknown. When the mind leaves the body is going somewhere, we can sense the absence of "something".
Where does God exist? There is no place, where God does not exist. He has eternal life and infinite power. Measure him – how many kilograms would he weigh? He has not a body, because anybody could control God and that would be the end of the world. God is an infinite spirit and infinite power. One day I heard a voice in my heart asking "How do you that I am a God of love? Do you just use that term because you do know otherwise?" I was not able to say his name for a long time, I was so upset. God had to wait so long for the creation of his children and in one night everything was taken from Him. When he lost His only son God had nothing worthy to live for. Try to understand the inner heart of such a father! This is the only way to understand Gods heart. I met not a father but a mother, whose had a son in the military. The only son of three generations was killed while on duty.
When the mother who worked in the market place and heard about the death she fell to the ground, she was absolute desperate, crying for several days. One day I heard a woman crying in the forest. It was heavy raining but she was at the tomb and scratching the earth in pain, she would not leave the burial ground. So, even fallen humans have so deep emotions about the loved ones. When the parents lose their child they remember as long as they live. I heard about this story which was broadcast in TV: One father had lost his only son in an accident. Afterwards he went to a restaurant where his son usually went and he ordered all the food his son used to eat and left the restaurant in tears. When Hyo Jin Nim died and True Father heard about his death he sat three days in front of the television, he could not concentrate on the contents but also not move away. I asked why do not come out. He said that he cannot sleep. One time when they traveled in the air plane from South America, True Father called Hyo Jin Nim to him and said that he is so sorry that he could not do the things usually fathers do with their sons like fishing together or going to the fun park. And then he cried deeply, and Hyo Jin Nim went to the rear of the plane and also cried. When the true son died the father said, "I could not do anything for you during your life on earth…"
The first 120 couples should have protected the True Family from Satan s attack but we did not live this way. We loved our own children more than True Children while their parents battled against Satan. Those who know True Family know what I am talking about. They were attacked by the satanic world. When our children do wrong we start to excuse "Oh, you know but if even the true children do things like that…"
Every being resembles God and also resemble also an individual aspect. Even twins do not completely resemble each other. Not only the species as a collective resembles some aspects of God but also the individual of a certain species resembles individual aspects of God. Only through Shim Jung love we can become people of good character. If we are not motivated by innermost heart we do not create quality things. You can see that with food – parents feed chips and other unhealthy food to their children. This is very superficial care, they are not really investing their heart when preparing food for their children. They would give wholesome food to their children instead, if they were motivated by true love.
God is a God of character, and we should become people of character too. Also the emotion has individual aspects. We like different things, and we feel great emotions for different things. If God becomes angry the whole universe will shake. If God is joyful the whole universe will dance. God lamented so loudly when He lost his children, He was so lonely because he had nobody to share his emotions with. He lamented more than anybody in human history. Nowadays they say "man is a social animal" or a "high level animal". Only because we move like horses or sing like birds…. We have been created as sons and daughters of God. The animal-concept is the work of communists who deny the spirit.
The head gives direction to both, the right wing and the left wing. Left and right receive the same order, the same amount of love. Through the Fall the flow of love from the Shim Jung heart was cut off. Our relationships are different as in the rest of the world because of this Shim Jung based love. Does the woman come to man, or does the man comes to the woman? The woman goes to man to find the seed. She goes to the man s house and attends the in-laws. When both parents become sick – whom does she attend -- her own parents or the in-laws? The Shim Jung is pulling her towards her own parents.
Had Adam and Eve become one with God, during their intercourse the sperm of Adam would become one with God. Which is correct- marriage blessing or blessed marriage? They should have asked God to give permission to use the sexual organ. God would have given his blessing for them to come together. God uses the body of Adam and Eve to make them come together. He created them in a way to share love. He wanted to love substantially with a physical body. He wanted to multiply children using the body of Adam and Eve. We cannot see some things but not everything. For instance we do not see germs, if we sit at the table and see the germs on the plate we would not eat! God made it this way that we do not see everything. If we would hear all the sounds which are around us, imagine how you would feel.
If we could see the minds of other people you could not stand it! The precious we cannot see –God, Shim Jung…..Do you hear your heart beat? No, usually not. If you would hear the beat for some hours you would go crazy. We are blinking our eyes, we do not realize it. We are not conscious our breathing if we do not concentrate on it. We should not display the sexual organ in public, it should not be visible. Nowadays they expose it for commercial purpose. Eve gave the most precious to the servant. Such a precious thing has been used in the wrong ways. You must educate your children about the importance of the reproductive organs, university education is not that important. Parents have often the wrong priority. If our second generation cannot stand upright, God has no hope. We have tens of thousands of blessed children….
Did you ever see a monkey become a human being? In all eternity it will not happen. Their seed is different! Man stays man eternally, monkey stays monkey eternally. God does not love the monkey same as human beings. The seeds of the species are different. The discussion about evolutionism has to stop. God created actually evolution. Only in the context of God's creation the word of evolution can be interpreted correctly. The Darwinists challenged the concepts of the Christians about creation. The Christians do not know the impulse and purpose of creation. God created, and created, he could not stop from creating. Go to the bookstore and look – all the contents have to be changed! Only the natural sciences can remain, all other books have to be exchanged. Through the Divine Principle we can solve all the fundamental questions. When human beings are perfect they resemble God, but they are not God.
God thought about all details of the human body before creating. He gave us hair to protect the brain from the strong sunshine which could do damage….
Why does True Father ask us to take off our close in bed? Father asked couples to do that some time ago all of the blessed couples. He kept asking which of the couple that practices. A few couples did so to make Father happy. One couple did that until one day their grandchild came in and saw them like that and started to laugh, and laugh. We have to live a life of absolute sexual morality. In the Spirit World people who did illicit sex go to the lowest places. In the Spirit World a degree like Ph.D. is of no importance. We have to learn the fundamentals of life, so there we should gain perfect knowledge.
When True Father goes into the Spirit World he will unite it very quickly, the four Saints wait for him and will assist him. But first True Parents have to substantiate the Ideal here on Earth. When Father enters the entire Spirit World will be mobilized. When Father goes around he touches all the furniture and he says, "I do not know if I will be ever able to touch you again." He is very desperate at the moment. He is speaking to the furniture right now. As long as we live we must be serious to give ourselves to God. Will your children take your place? Nobody can teach them the contents as we can. Become true parents for your children!
True Parents are the body of God, they are the only ones who can meet and communicate with God directly. It is the first time in 6,000 years that the Heavenly Kingdom can be established, and Heaven is interested in Europe too. The Coronation of God took place on January 13, 2001 and in 2013 it will be 12 years since. We may expect some great things to take place.
How can God think of fallen human beings as his children? We, our mind must resemble God not Satan, there is no other way. We must not resemble the bad guy. The heart of Shim Jung in us has to overflow with God's love. Life in earth is very short, in Spirit World we exist billions and billions of years. The time here is very short time of preparation all the things which are needed there. There we can feel when we meet a person that he prays a lot, also fragrances tell us – is it the fragrance of power or true love? There we will be asked – how much did you love the country in which you lived, the peoples or members? Our task is not to preach to scholars about logic and truth, but about the Shim Jung of God and humans. If we are filled with that heart they will believe us. When we filled with the Shim Jung then even if a beautiful woman | handsome man is coming you will not be tempted.
When God created, the Shim Jung within him exploded and he created with absolute love, faith and obedience. We must lead our whole life motivated by Shim Jung. He was desperate to create certain things, like flowers according to his design, it was not easy. God did not create my character, I must invest myself the same as he created the world. Persons and organizations in this world give service to others but what is the motivation for these activities? We serve in order to develop the heart of Shim Jung – this is the difference between them and us. Our service activities help to develop the character, heart so that we can resemble God. One important aspect is unchanging determination, True Parents are unchanging in their resolution. When the time is ready, they go forward.
When Father listens to somebody, it does not mean that he changes his determination by the information he receives. We must be unchanging and eternal in our determination, and resolution. Couples must be unchanging, we cannot go to the Spirit World and excuse our failures. Also as parents we must be absolute, unchanging and eternal in our devotion to our children. If parents fight here, they are in big trouble in the Spirit World. The same way children need to do in their lives. In line with Shim Jung, we cannot enter Heaven if just one family member is in hell. The couple has to go together, if the couple is able to go, still they need to take their children with them. If the wife wants to go a different way as the husband fight will break out between the children too. Father encouraged leaders to take their wives when they visit members. This is not always easy…
When I talk to the members I am actually talking to my wife! We have to witness to our partner until we die, we have to raise the spirit of our partner. We need to become person of absolute faith, love and obedience. All this must be part of our character. The wife\husband must live with absolute faith in order to become the absolute owner of the partner. The human responsibility is to create a character which resembles God. If humans fulfill their responsibility they complete God. Christians may run away when they hear this – to complete God. But think – can parents be complete without children? Only when we have children we become parents, and only if they fulfill their responsibility the parents are completed. If children live their own lives, the parents may think it would be even better to have no child. If the son thinks "I do not want to get married so that I shall not receive a wife which resembles my mother." How tragic, awful this is! There are people who do not want children so that they will not be disappointed.
The responsibility share is ingrained in our design. Why not speak about the "portion" because God and man each needs to fulfill their share? When we have an absolute character, we have naturally "absolute sex". We need to establish the absolute standard otherwise we cannot go together with True Parents.
If Adam and Eve would have been blessed into marriage by God, God would have experience first time conjugal love. How to reach perfection, which method helps? People should go through Shim Jung education. If parents are trained, the children can follow their course naturally. The parents will naturally become the center of their children s life. Ordinary parents cannot teach children in this matter properly. Already in kindergarten the children should have Shim Jung education, the teacher should not tell just any fairytale but stories about Shim Jung. Maybe you still remember the stories you heard in the kindergarten. The same is true for stories in the Bible – look for Shim Jung contents.
The same style education in high school etc. should be. Maybe the subject of physics does not have much Shim Jung content but the teacher of physics should be motivated by Shim Jung. The grandson of True Father who goes into kindergarten, he was told to pray before breakfast at True Parents table. Before the breakfast Father was talking to members and did not stop. The grandson was eager to pray and came and came again and told his grandfather "let us stop and have breakfast" because he wanted to pray. His kindergarten teacher had told him to do so. He was so serious about it. Once he told Peter Kim that he should not pray in this fashion because we should not talk this way to God but with Shim Jung…"They changed schedule of breakfast so that the grandson can fulfill his duty before going to kindergarten.
Imagine if all children would receive such education in kindergarten, which depends very much on the standard of the teacher. In school we should not be taught only knowledge but true heart relationships. We all should become teachers of Shim Jung. We need education for the completion of our families, the children should learn certain life rules at the breakfast table. For example the family starts only eating if all are at the table. There we can decide if our family is the one God wants to be with. Most important are the language between husband and wife, the words they use have deep impact on the children. In the Western world the relationships are not clear, how the wife addresses the husband. True Father treats his wife always with tremendous respect. He asks "Where is Mother?" He knows God has been searching for such a woman for thousands of year. They use among themselves very respectfully. They refer to each other in the highest terms of the Korean language. One couple, the father referred to the mother as "mummy" and one day their small child asked him "How is that – you call her mummy and I call her mummy- are we then brothers?" The father was so surprised about the logic of the 3, 4 year child.
Do you think that Mother do have disagreements, Yes or No? Father had to educate that, and she had to endure it. Women tend to react quickly. They went out if they had disagreements, sometimes for half an hour. Before you start fighting in front of children you should use that method too, if necessary go to the toilet for your arguments! People who talk little make fewer mistakes, who talk a lot make more mistakes. Husbands often do not know how to express themselves towards their wives. Father said that we need 3 years of marriage life to see why he matched the couple. When Father matches uneven couples. Sometimes husband looks good, wife not. But he has bad ancestors or fortune, she has very good ancestors. Our eyes do not see what Father sees! Father wants to balance the tribes elements. The Blessing marriage has to be matched by our way of addressing each other. Education of rules, this we need to establish in our church. The architect Aum who was a friend of Father in Japan, they had a meeting of Koreans and suddenly Father sang very passionately and loud a Korean song which was forbidden at that time. Mr. Au was so impressed that he became a friend of Father, and became an early member later in Korea. After meeting again, Father spoke to him for 3 days. Aum stood up, made a full bow and said that he will not refer to him as a "friend' but as "teacher"… Father tests us often in order to see if we change our attitude if he rejects us.
In school our children gain only skills not character education. When we receive a very expensive bonsai tree, and if we do not know how to treat it properly we will destroy this precious gift. We need the skills and knowledge to dominate creation. To become true owners, we need to complete character education and also gain necessary knowledge and skills. If mind and body struggle, we shall not succeed. We need to fully concentrate to rule creation.
There was a couple where they received in dreams guidance from True Father how to make love – for 40 days he appeared in the dreams. When he asked them if they had done the three-day-ceremony they confessed that they have not done so…
If the wife does not like it that the husband touches her breast, God will be sad. We organized education for couples, and there were wives who did not want to make love. After attending the workshops the wife changed her attitude. The husband asked her "What kind of education did you receive?" He became curious about the contents. If a person refuses the conjugal relationship he-he will have no place to stand on in the Spirit World. The apple if it grows older, stays longer on the tree – it becomes sweeter and tastier. The same is true for couple relationship – their sexual love should become sweeter with growing age not because of desire but maturity of heart If Adam and Eve would have made love, all creation would have sung songs and be pleased with it. There love making would have been not hidden but visible to all of creation. The action is shameful only because of the Fall -- sex became a shameful thing. The offspring would have become a genius. In South America it is common that pregnant mothers watch soccer in TV all time and speak about soccer all day and night hoping that the child in their womb will become a soccer star later and earn much money. We have to educate the unborn with God's Word and Shim Jung. The first birthday of the child in Korea is considered as most important, even poor parents organize a big celebration. They put many different things in front of the toddler – if the baby touches first a book they say "oh, he will become a scientist' or if he touches some money "he will be a business man"….
The true order of education goals is: 1st love God 2nd love humankind 3rd love the country. Scholarship and skills of any kind need to be connected with Shim Jung education. When we look at a flower and know how it is created and watch with a Shim Jung heart, we will feel joy when researching it.
Even scholarship, business and company life and other spheres should be based on family ethics. Jobs are not a mere matter of earning some money. The employers should take care of his employees with the heart of a father. If one of his workers is sick he will offer money for the treatment gladly. The business world has to have also ethics, but today it is mainly about making profits. The same is true for politics -- the politicians should feel responsible for the lives of the people and not focus on their positions. Today people think exchanging the president will make things better, but that does not happen. Cheon Il Guk also will have rules rooted in the Principle, the principle of peace for example. Only the Divine Principle can transcend borders separating nationalities, cultures, religions. To solve problems it is not good enough to take 90 percent Gods idea and 10 percent of mine ideas. No, that will not work, 100 percent should be Gods idea. Perhaps one nation says "oh we do not want to do it that way…" This nation eventually will be destroyed. There are poor nations where intelligent youth cannot study, and there are nations which lock them out and do not want to share their know-how. That is intolerable from Gods point of view. Religious conflicts make people die every day in this world. Religion is not the key if it puts its own specific interest first. If we say that we cannot solve the problems with the help of the Principle, we just did not study it deeply enough. Love and care for others should be a natural desire in us. The unified culture which is to come is not based on knowledge etc. but centers on Shim Jung.
The Yin-yang aspects in us and in our couple must be in perfect union. We must train our hearts to go beyond the family, our own nation. Before we explore and dominate the Cosmos, we should explore and dominate our Self though in this world the opposite is true. Back in the early days of the church, Father dominated his hunger so much that he stopped eating though he was still hungry. Won-Pil Kim thought that he suffers of little appetite! In reality Father had a huge appetite but he dominated it for the sake of his followers so that they got more to eat. How to dominate sexual desire? Father said that even if 100 of the most beautiful women appear naked before you neither your heart nor your organ should be moved. The same is valid for women in regard to handsome men….
If we respond and feel desire towards them, we are not in control of ourselves. In matters of sex we have to be absolutely strict. I am working hard so that you can reach the same standard, says Father. Dominate others before you try to dominate others. Political reforms, revolutions etc. will not be fruitful if there is no revolution of heart, change of patterns of behavior. We have top University in this world, but even Oxford and Harvard cannot produce good character, ideal personalities. We need a revolution of absolute sex, not just a sexual revolution like it started in the 1960s. Everything turned upside down because human ancestors could not maintain absolute sex. How terrible that there are priests who have sexual relationships with children! Can you see why we need absolute sex education? We must become the substantiation of absolute sex. Every species of animals resemble God, plants or animals resemble God by species, but in the human world every person resembles God individually. If you study faces you will find out about Gods character more details. There are unlimited numbers of images in this world which are good material to study God, find out more about his character. Let us just look at the shape of our fingers – there is a multitude of shapes in this world. All specific make specific sounds, fish different than birds. They have all their specific sound, but a dog can only make dog-specific sounds not sing like a bird. But humans can imitate all sounds – bark like a dog, sing like a bird, roar like a bear, etc. The planet Earth is floating in the big Cosmos, scientists still do not understand fully why and how it operates. God only knows every detail.
In Korean calendar the days of the week are not named Monday, Tuesday….Sunday but they have Earth, Fire, Wood, Water, etc. The name of the 8th day could also be interpreted as "Heavens Day". The final name of the eight day will be revealed later on – I think. The holy days are decided in accordance with the lunar calendar, but not because the Koreans use it but because it is closer to the original standard. Korean culture is closest to God. The western languages tend to make everything "horizontal" but the Korean language centers on the vertical order. On main theme of Fathers speeches is the heavenly tradition. What is the way? We lost the sense of direction, we are confused about what is up and what is down, what is left and what is right. The order of things and values as well as the order of human relationships are in chaos. How we arrange our cloth and shoes, everything should be done according a certain order, in principled fashion We should orient around the center: top-center-bottom, right-center-left and not vice-versa.
The Universal Prime Energy is the source of all energy in the universe. The world is sustained by the energy source stemming from God. All creatures live from His energy. Any sort of energy is maintained by give-and-take actions, depending on subject and object relationships. If we have no give-and-take, there is no energy for our existence. This is valid for every level of human interaction.
Why do we have give-and-take? We need interaction for our own development. The giving comes first otherwise everyone might just wait for something to happen. Let us look into social life: the father is subject and the mother is object. Both come from the same origin. The subject-object relationship may change, and the wife becomes subject. In terms of Shim Jung, the wife may be the subject. Though, we should not mix this up with "master-servant" relationship. Subject is not master, object is not servant!
Parents are subject in relation to their children but not their owners or masters.
The true love way naturally wants to give not expecting to receive. Never give with the expectation of receiving something in return. Look at nature – the butterfly receive nectar from the flowers, in return they help to spread the seed. Once in Korea they used chemicals against certain insects which eat fruit. They got rid of the insect but later on they discovered that these insects had helped to fertilize the plants. Afterwards people had to transport the seeds from plant to plant which was a quite difficult job. Everything in nature depends on very specific give-and-take activity. In the early years we were so poor that during a cold winter we had no warm underwear to wear. One day we found warm underwear outside the house – we did not find out who had left it there. But such situations frequently occurred in the early years. We were so desperate doing our mission and had no resources for ourselves.
Nevertheless, somebody unknown was taking care of our needs.
First we need a give-and-take action with the truth which activates our conscience. The conscience reacts to the Ten Commandments. Parents occasionally are far away, but the conscience is always with me, it will wake me up in the middle of the night. This is the reason will the conscience is above the teacher, parents or even God. We relate indirectly with God, but the conscience is in us all times, it reacts to every failure, mistake, and sin. Like the compass it says which direction we should take.
When Father was going to prison in South Korea, Won-Pil Kim asked him how to continue? Father said "just follow your conscience, it will guide you."
There was a blessed family who had two daughters. The elder one during study at the university came in contact with Marxist philosophy. One day she came home and had an argument with her father who was shocked that his daughter had joined the Left. He beat her and she ran away, later the daughter married a leftist man. This shows that even the second generation often has no idea about the Marxist ideology and may support leftist movements. I attended the True Parents when they visited Moscow. The communists had read all our books and knew that Rev. Moon had peaceful intentions. In the hotel in Moscow we read the speeches of Father loudly. They heard everything. The minister of interior came and wanted to know what we wanted. Father asked to have a broadcast message. At the airport they led us from one place to the next and we did not know where we were.
It was very secretive. There came an underground missionary. Even the KGB did not know that there was a missionary inside Russia! The missionaries wanted to liberate the Russian people. Before in the United States agents of the CIA had come and offered bullet-proof jackets. Father refused them and said that if he had to wear them in the Soviet Union all the time there was no purpose of going there. When in the 1990s our church invested a lot of money in Uruguay and Father went there, we found that the national leader had stolen the money. We wanted to inform the police, but Father said no. Nobody could understand him and we asked him again and again to let the police work. But Father said, that he had worked hard for our movement and that we should not do that. He wrote down a number and suggested how much we owed him. When the person come, Father gave him more money. The person bowed down to Father and left. He will be eternally indebted, he cannot have any resentment or demands all of eternity towards Father. His standard does not allow any enemy relationship…
God is high and we are so low, there seems no possibility to come together. Let me give an example -- a princess in a palace loves a simple man in the countryside her love will make her to come out of the palace and join her beloved one. The same is true for God and man. The love of a daughter is different than the one of the son. If a family has no daughter, the daughter-in-law will be in that position and help to relate to daughters love. The same way the son-in-laws serve families without a son.
Father has a very strong body, the chemicals in Hungnam damaged his skin, even the bones become visible. One can see the effects even today when he takes his clothes off. Nevertheless, some people expect that he will live 120 years despite this. He was born with such a strong body. His cousin testified that some male relatives were so strong that he could move the tracks (or train) of the railway. His lineage was prepared to give birth to such strong offspring. We cannot live eternally on Earth, later we pass on to the Spirit World, and the children become our successors on Earth. This is the reason why we want to have offspring. In the Spirit World there are animals and plants, the ones on Earth reflect their spiritual counterparts.
Father said "If you hate cats, you will not see any in the Spirit World, no way." If we cannot relate to some species of plants and animals or do not love any of them, they will not appear there. Actually we should not hate anything, but love all of creation. Living for the sake of others brings joy because it is the Principle of Life. In the original world there are no enemies, there exists no hatred. That means we cannot live there if we have such feelings. Scholars do not like the term "absolute" because they think it means "final". When we had ICUS and PWPA conferences True Father always spoke about "absolute values" but the scientists could not understand or accept it. Fathers reference was God who the source of absolute values. Shim Jung feels joy by loving the object-partner. This partner must have a substantial partner, otherwise the love is like a dream – you wake up and there is nobody. We must feel joy 24 hours day. We must maintain our bodies well.
When you have children and they do not resemble you, how do you feel? If the grandchild is born and it does not resemble any of your family members you might suspect that it is from a different father. If the child does not resemble the mother at all, she might not love the child so much. So the degree of resemblance determines the degree of joy and love we feel. In the fallen world they treat the daughter-in-law poorly but we should do the opposite because she carries on the lineage. Even she is not as beautiful as your own daughter you should love her even more than your beautiful daughter. The lineage is of prime importance. I remember a sister who attended the university. She witnessed many guests whom she took to the center. When she got matched, she was not happy. She sat in one corner and was depressed. Some leader asked her, "If you would be matched to a woman that really would be a problem. But anyway you got matched with a man, so what is the problem?" Finally she gave in and accepted, at the end they became a successful couple. This story is famous in Korea. If in Europe there would exists only one woman, and even if she would be ugly all the men would start to fight to get her. We should understand the value of each individual man and woman from their unique value to carry on the lineage. We have to say so often absolute sex – even you cannot stand to hear it again – because it is so important. This concerns the very essence of human responsibility. The absolute sex education is our responsibility. Even if you could lose your life you must defend your chastity.
Giving a name to a child in the Orient is a very important art because the given name may influence the fate of the child. Father gave the children of the 1,800 Couple Blessing a special name, all the children share the same name like in True Family there are grandchildren named "Shin….". Each member of the family shares a certain character. But this does not apply for western children. Father wanted all children of this Blessing should share some character in their names. Also the position within the sibling is important – child which represents the number 1,2,3,4 etc. have same special features. For example the child number 2 is stubborn, number 3 listens to everyone, 5 gets material blessings, six has to be careful to whom to relate and has a job to work with people, 7 is lucky and rather feminine, number 8 can got to any place and always moving, lawyer and good speaker, 9 works very well, can become a great man, etc.
Today many people do not want to marry, and women often delay until they are almost 40 years old. But men do not want to marry women who will not have children. There are even some second generations who do not want to marry. Once there came a 14-year old to the matching, thinking that marriage is so important. We said she should return when reaching age of 17. We must understand the reason why marry. The perfection of love we cannot reach as a single. Keeping the Commandment is to stay alive, and to disobey is equivalent to throwing away life.
Jesus set the standard how to care for followers. He told the story of the one lost sheep. We do not have that attitude towards members saying that this person we do not need, it is no purpose to go after him. In contrast Jesus was looking for the one sheep who had gone astray, he was most concerned about the lost ones. We need to create teaching materials, text books starting with the kindergarten up to high school.
The CSG book contains the Word of God given by True Parents. After the publication of the autobiography even many Christians see that they had done injustice to True Father, some understand that he really is the Messiah. We hand it out to our relatives, we call it the True families, gateway to Heaven. We challenge them to read it -- it's a matter of life and death for them.