The Words of the Yu Family |
Africa has been blessed by hosting, in Cote d'Ivoire, the second Education Session in Africa Proclaiming the Realm of Liberation which Is Accomplished through the Completion of the Portion of Responsibility in God's Providence. For six days, May 31–June 5, the main amphitheater of Lycee Mamie Adjoua, a girls' high school in the capital city Yamoussoukro, was host to 763 members, from Cote d'Ivoire and sixteen other nations.
They had all come to the workshop to discover the Original Divine Principle. This was the first international workshop in terms of length and size in Cote d'Ivoire Unificationist history. Several Christian ministers were among those who attended. One, Benie Boa, a Christian pastor from Cote d'Ivoire, is also an ambassador for peace. Three other pastors came from Ghana. They all appeared focused on the deep content of True Parents' teachings as conveyed through Rev. Yu Jeong-ok. Rev. Yu revealed many essential theological aspects through his lectures. Members would cheer and applaud.
During breaks, participants would relax, pray, or meditate to find the necessary energy to stay focused all day long. It was also a great opportunity to share news and brotherly love among themselves.
The first day included the opening ceremony, soon after which Rev. Yu began the first lecture of the day, the Significance and Value of the Family Pledge.
From the second day, the schedule was full, starting at 6 AM, before breakfast. We heard six Divine Principle lectures every day, each for an hour and a half. Before each lecture session, the atmosphere was purified by just one holy song, "Unified Soldiers," written by True Father. Rev. Yu explained that it is one of four major Unification Church songs and that its meaning deeply conveys God's heart. The members were asked to sing it very warmly, and they did, with joy and enthusiasm -- "Strong bond of heart is the force bringing the world into life..."
Rev. Yu, whose lectures were translated into French and English, went systematically through the chapters of Divine Principle and brought the participants to understand them from the Original Divine Principle perspective. He emphasized three major themes -- heart (Shim Jeong), the Divine Principle and Absolute Sexual Ethics.
At the June 5 closing ceremony, Rev. Yu passed out graduation certificates to representative Original Divine Principle students. Regional President Hee-sun Ji then reminded all the participants about the great value of the Original Divine Principle as well as their responsibility, which is to witness. He announced the start of a forty-day special witnessing condition for separation from Satan, to run from June 10 to July 20. All members should witness to three new people and bring ten people to the October 10 Blessing Ceremony. "This will be the condition for you to receive God's blessing," he said.
Rev. Yu was welcomed back to the stage to give special closing guidance to the participants. He spoke as follows:
Thank you very much for paying attention during the workshop. In history, many people have received certificates, medals or PhDs, but none of them can be compared to the certificate you received today. You have been invited by True Parents, who come only once in history. You have been educated by True Parents; and you receive this certificate in True Parents' names. The path you are going to follow will be your light. And when you go to spirit world this certificate will be a great blessing for you. [Applause] During this workshop, True Parents gave you the word. You should always remember the grace you have been given.....
When we go back home, we should witness. Witnessing is the restoration of our spirit. The person who does not give his life to witness doesn't yet know the value of life. Through witnessing, we are seeking to guide people toward eternal life. If we do not invest our tears, sweat and blood for witnessing, we do not realize how precious it is to develop our spirit. God has been shedding tears, sweat and blood to look for His children. We should do the same, to save lives. We should feel that heart within ourselves. Without witnessing, we cannot feel that heart and have results.
That's why, in the three or four months remaining before October 10, if you live according to the word, each blessed family here should bless ten people. Don't think it's difficult. Each blessed family can bless even a hundred people.
You should now go to share the word in your family, even to those who opposed you before. They will follow you. Why? Because the time has come and the spirit world is working with us. Go and share the word with all the people you know -- family members, or heads of organizations. When you give the word to the head of an organization, all the employees of that organization can receive the blessing as well.
Today, many blessings are coming to Africa. God will bless you greatly. I hope you will share the word, witness and become people who will share the blessing with others. As we know, in the Bible, though harvest time had come, there weren't enough workers to bring in the harvest. In your case, when you go to harvest, if you don't have enough people to work with, God will send you workers.
Don't think you have attended a simple workshop. You should remember that it is a unique grace. I hope you will do your best in your churches to spread the word to as many people as possible. Go with strength and determination.
May the blessing of God and True Parents be with you. Will you be able to bring joy to God and True Parents? [Yes!] Thank you very much."
Rev. Yu closed the second Original Divine Principle workshop in Africa with a final prayer that included,
"Heavenly Father we always want to feel your Shim Jeong in our hearts in order to save others' lives.... We want to change our lives and go forward with a new determination. We have learned and understood that you want to live in every one of us, and we want to live with you eternally, Heavenly Father."
The workshop participants expressed their deep gratitude to the workshop officials with gifts. Following three cheers of eog mansei, the more than seven hundred participants took a "family" picture with Rev. Yu and the other workshop leaders.