The Words of the Dhakal Family |
Just before 12:00 noon on the May 16, 2012 Rt. Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal took the Oath of Office at the office of the President of Nepal becoming the youngest Cabinet Minister. Rt. Hon. Dhakal's Cabinet portfolio will be decided in a day or two.
Immediately after being sworn in he came to the Peace Embassy^, changed into his Nepali dress and prayed in the 4th floor prayer room with his wife and all brothers and sisters. He gave honor to God and True Parents*, international leaders including our International President's couple, our Regional President and his wife, and the Nepalese members and international advisers/supporters who sacrificed so much for this moment to take place. He pledged that his was an opportunity to serve his nation more; an occasion to sacrifice more for God's providence in Nepal.
Not by chance, the day he was appointed Cabinet Minister was also the first day of the new series of ODP broadcasts** on national television. The teachings of our True Parents are being rebroadcast on 'Nepal TV'. This is the government-owned and government-operated television station. It reaches everywhere in Nepal and via cable to millions internationally. Broadcasts are being aired at 8:30 AM which is prime viewing time. They are telecast on Wednesday and Thursday each week and will run for nine weeks.
^ Peace Embassy: Buildings bought by the Unification Movement around the world to run activities and events to promote peace and community cohesion.
* True Parents: The title that members of the unification movement use for the founders Rev. and Mrs Moon
** ODP broadcasts: Television broadcasts of the teachings of the Unification Church.