The Words of the Fastiggi Family |
David H. Fastiggi, the founder of the World Congress for Peace Through Health, Inc., is the author of The End of Disease, which delineates his wholistic principles of the fundamental cause and treatment of disease. In March 1986, Mr. Fastiggi spent three weeks at Isshin Hospital in Tokyo. In an interview, Angelika Selle asked Mr. Fastiggi to share his insights into the work being done at Isshin and to explain his principles of original health.
Question: Why did you go to Isshin Hospital and what was your experience there?
Answer: I went to Isshin Hospital on the invitation of Dr. M. Kozaki, the medical director of the hospital, to teach my hypothesis of the basic cause of disease. I gave between 12 and 18 hours of lectures to the doctors there, and I think my talks were received well. I was very impressed by Isshin Hospital. A certain percentage of the staff are church members. It has all the latest medical technology used by the Western world for diagnostics and evaluation. As an in-and outpatient facility, it has every department one would find in any large hospital in the United States.
But the unique thing about Isshin Hospital is that while the professional staff is perfectly qualified in terms of Western medical standards and scientific knowledge, which is the basis of any hospital, there is also a deep spiritual element present. There is an unusual level of sensitivity in patient care, that is seriously lacking in Western hospitals, where the sensitivity grading in patient-doctor relationships is usually low. I think most people in the West have had the unfortunate experience of doctors who don't seem to care, whose visits are so brief as to preclude any real internal contact with the patient. At Isshin, when I made the rounds with the doctors visiting the patients, I saw the doctors had a deep awareness of what is going on with each patient -- not just on the physical or chemical level, but on a spiritual and emotional level as well.
I met many of the doctors, nurses, and other professionals there, and my impression is that they were very open-minded to innovative ideas, which is unique in itself. Perhaps this has something to do with the influence of Oriental philosophy and Oriental medicine, which tends to create a certain broadness of thinking, thereby allowing a certain level of objectivity in evaluating new concepts.
Question: What methods of treatment do they use there that are different from a Western hospital?
Answer: At Isshin the doctors make every effort to emphasize the importance of nutrition. In all their methods of treatment, the doctors seriously consider the dietary pattern of the individual. The nutrition staff understand more than in any traditional American hospital. Having traveled to several places around the world, I can see that Isshin Hospital has the potential to be one of the foremost, if not the foremost hospital to treat degenerative diseases successfully. There are a number of cases of cancer patients there who went into total remission through the integrated approach used. Of course, this is not totally unique to Isshin Hospital. I know of clinics in Mexico and West Germany that have also seen total remission of cancer. But Isshin has the Principle as its basis, and naturally it bears the greatest potential for even better results in the future. There are areas which can be improved, but as it stands now, there is all the reason in the world for it to receive support to help it expand quickly.
of the nurses and doctors at Isshin Hospital.
Question: About your hypothesis on the cause of disease -- is your teaching based on Oriental philosophy?
Answer: My teaching has extractions of Oriental philosophy and Oriental medicine.
Question: Can you give a brief summary of your teachings?
Answer: Fundamentally, my viewpoint is that all disease can be ended. I believe this is the historical age in which all diseases -- particularly degenerative diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and diabetes -- can be overcome. There is no greater mystery today than the fundamental causes of these diseases, or how they can be cured. I explain the means by which disease can be terminated within three to four generations.
The principle upon which I feel this healing can take place is multidimensional; that is, we must consider the spiritual, mental, emotional, and bio- chemical aspect of each individual. It's only when you work with these four aspects simultaneously that you can begin to even approach the concept of ending disease. You must work with the person's ancestral line, mental state, and spiritual state, all of which have a direct effect on the biochemistry of the body.
For example, it is known that mental stress or worrying alters the acid concentration in the stomach, which can predispose a person to gastritis. So we must definitely work with the emotional state of the patient because mental and emotional vibrations are imprinted in the body. The body remembers the trauma, the worry, the hatred, the frustration. This can cause a number of biochemical changes in the body. On the other hand, faith, love, and happiness can stimulate the body's immune system, thereby facilitating healing. The spiritual, mental and emotional aspects represent the vertical line of healing, and must be dealt with. The horizontal line of healing pertains specifically to the biological aspects of the body -- the atomic, molecular composition of the body, that which causes density of mass.
Fundamentally, what we are looking to achieve is the original state of health, or original health. This is the concept I have been lecturing about all over America, which is outlined in my book The End of Disease. The original health principle must include the vertical -- the spiritual and emotional axis -- intersecting with the horizontal, or biochemical aspect of the body. This forms a subject/object spherical relationship. You don't just treat one or the other; subject and object must coexist harmoniously together.
From the viewpoint of the original health principle, heart is the highest subject. The body is its object, and their goal is to resonate in total harmony.
To totally neglect the body and just focus on what is spiritual, mental, and emotional health is only half of the picture. The body does exist. While the heart is in subject position, it should not dictate to the body, but have loving dominion over it.
The original state of health is a harmonious, circular, free relationship between the mind and body. In my thinking, the most fundamental aspect on the biological side is the nutritional pattern. We know that the right spiritual food brings the mind closer to heaven so that it can be a reflection of heaven. In the same way, correcting the dietary pattern will enable the body to purify itself and eventually take on the original reflection of the earth. The earth and the body are related, and both have a spirit connecting them with heaven.
My teaching involves the unity of the vertical and the horizontal aspects. In the original world, each created thing should have its original unique pure composition. Therefore, the spirit, mind, heart, and body must all return to their original homeland. The Divine Principle explains the exact path of the restoration of the spirit. I also teach the exact path and pattern of the restoration of the body through seven levels of purification, regeneration, and re-creation of all the cells. This explains my wholistic principle of health in a nutshell. This understanding wasn't even possible until the Messiah came.
Question: How did you discover this concept of nutrition, by studying the Principle?
Answer: The way I came to these conclusions was through 10,000 hours of fasting spread over a three-year period. Before I drew any conclusions, I prayed for 12 years, and I spent several thousands of hours in scientific study and research. In addition to that, most of the content came by revelation, either through dreams, through conscious revelatory cognition, or through automatic writing. The automatic writing was received from professors and doctors who communicated with me from the spirit world.
One point I want to emphasize is that this kind of content did not just come freely; it came literally at the cost of blood, sweat, and tears. A communication would never come unless it was based upon previous weeks or months of agony on the spiritual or emotional level. But then suddenly the information would pour out. I didn't just trust the information from the spiritual world. I spent years researching the scientific validity of the communication so as to bridge the gap between revelation and scientific reality.
Besides all this I also did cultural research on which cultures of the world are relatively disease-free and why. This is called epidemiological research. I found that the people who live the longest and are the freest from disease practice a philosophy very similar to the principle that I teach. Among the Hunzas in the Caucasus Mountains for example, a man's lifespan used to reach as high as 125 years. You could find an old man of 105 or 110 still engaged in sports. Medical teams went there and studied the culture in depth and found no trace of modern degenerative diseases. Arthritis, cancer, and diabetes were unknown to this culture. There is also a similar culture existing in the Andes. The key point is purity of the environment. The Divine Principle teaches that for the nourishment of the body you need air, sunlight, food, and water. My thesis is that what is meant in the Principle is pure air, pure sunlight, pure food, and pure water, representing the realm of the earth. So I say that to reach perfection spiritually, the spirit needs to be born of heaven, and to end disease, the body needs to be born of the earth, like a second birth.
The other aspect of nourishment for the body is taught in the Principle of Creation: Life elements come to the body from a well-nourished spirit connected to God. These two combined together bring about true health.
Question: What is the dispensational view behind your theory of health?
Answer: Because this is the Completed Testament Age, we have to come to the point of resolution. It is understandable that starting from the advent of the Third Adam, the holy matrimony between true Adam and his bride, and the changing of the blood lineage, the real course of the resolution of all things can actually begin. This includes the ending of disease. The Adamic tradition will include the original health principle, containing the concept of being reborn of earth and of heaven.
Now is the time of the greatest potential and, of course, of the greatest hope. Particularly when we raise our blessed children, we have to teach them a lifestyle that can lead to the prevention of and total immunity to disease. Certainly within a few generations this is possible.
Of course, not just the individual but also the environment must be purified and returned back to its original composition as well. It has been calculated by governmental organizations in the United States that per- haps up to 70 percent of all cancers are a result of the environment, which means polluted air and water, toxic chemicals, and poor nutrition. So from a providential point of view, we are trying to get back to the original world of creation -- to the point where we have pure air, pure water, the proper amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, pure food, pure spirit, and thus a pure body. The methods of dealing with cancer in Western medicine, focusing on drug therapy, eventually will become outdated, because it is the time for disease to eventually end, and therefore drug therapy will not be needed.
From a historical point of view, a Cain-Abel conflict does exist in the world of medicine. Orthodox medical schools emphasize the use of pharmaceuticals, but there is a growing movement in America of millions of people who are turning to a more natural, original lifestyle. There is a big clash between the wholistic and the more fundamental line.
Particularly the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the AMA (American Medical Association), and the NCI (National Cancer Institute) represent the orthodox view, which has basically been responsible for the three traditional aspects of therapy: surgery, radiation therapy, and drug therapy. On the other side, the Wholistic Health Medical Association, the National Health Federation, and the Cancer Control Society are examples of organizations that represent the more wholistic perspective.
The clash between these two trends has become so great that a lot of court battles have ensued over the differences of opinion on how a patient should be treated. There are many stories I could tell of doctors' offices being raided, files stolen, and licenses taken away from doctors. Bills are being proposed to prohibit vitamin therapy from gaining legitimacy. Some people want to make it a felony for anyone to recommend vitamins without a doctor's license. There is all kinds of craziness going on.
Fundamentally, the side assuming the position closer to God is the one that should have the attitude of serving, loving, and trying to heal the other side, which might feel antagonized and insecure. What should not be done by either side is accusing and attacking the other. So, in the summer of 1986, I created an organization called the World Congress for Peace through Health. It is an organization aimed at fostering working cooperation between both spheres.
I recently reported to Father at East Garden about the work of this organization, and he was very supportive of the idea of trying to create cooperation in the health field.
Particularly in the United States, introducing a new concept is a very difficult process, because traditional medical training has bred a certain amount of closed-mindedness among doctors and even straightforward persecution of those who are trying to advance new ideas. Sometimes here in the West, health professionals base their decision to use a new technique not on whether it is effective but on whether they can make money with it. An individual who is not accredited in the orthodox teachings of medicine is likely to be considered a heretic.
From a providential point of view, this is going to change. What's starting to take place is that people, at least in the United States, are demanding to be given deeper insight into their problems and insisting that their doctors have a greater respect for the role of nutrition in health. In fact, most patients today know more about nutrition than their doctors, creating an embarrassing situation for the doctors and forcing them to study more in this area.
Question: Could you explain a little more about the World Congress for Peace through Health?
Answer: The World Congress was founded to help unite people of all nationalities who are interested in unifying the wholistic health movement and to foster cooperation between the wholistic health field and traditional medical practices. We hold conferences for both professionals and the public in the areas of wholistic health sciences, medical technology, behavioral psychology, and spiritual/physical laws and principles. We also publish material on the theme of ending disease and building a peaceful world.
Isshin Hospital was founded on May 23, 1978, as a project of the International Cultural Foundation. Serving not only the greater Tokyo area but patients from all over the world, its philosophy is to work for the well-being of its patients unselfishly, foster their recovery to full health, and promote an awareness of disease prevention. Medical care is based on the latest procedures of Western medicine and also incorporates various techniques of Oriental medicine.
Covering 536 square meters over five floors and a basement, the hospital is staffed by 11 doctors and 34 nurses. It contains 77 beds and has both in- and out-patient facilities. The nine wards include: internal medicine, orthopedics, dermatology, pediatrics, plastic surgery, obstetrics, ophthalmology, dentistry, and physical therapy.
The hospital's outreach program maintains a permanent medical team in Thailand, two rural clinics in Japan, and annual trips to rural Korea and Okinawa. In addition, the staff is trying to place one doctor permanently in Africa and supports summer trips for medical students to clinics in Southeast Asia.