The Words of the Hok Family |
In the beginning of the month we joined Mr. Van Den Tol at a flower séance and there made contact with Mrs. S. Selleger who is living in Laren and made a date to visit her later in the month. On Saturday we celebrated the 8th Children's Day in the Amsterdam center.
Mrs. Ooms-Vinckere and Mr. Arnhardt came to hear the last chapter and the conclusion, and assured us that they want to study the chapters all over again.
Truus Van Geer, a friend of Gieta came one evening and we taught the first chapter to her. She took the chapter home for more study. Mrs. D. Hanrath a friend of ours visited Moes and took the third chapter home to study.
This month Mrs. Zuremdonk came twice to hear the seventh, eighth and ninth chapter.
Mrs. Hillebrandts from Amsterdam and Mrs. S. Breyer from Huizen visited Moes, both heard a great deal of the Principles and they were confronted with the article in the Bres-Planete.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Van Den Birg from Apeldoorh heard the first chapter.
Mr. Van Den Tol comes regularly with his translation of the Master speeches 1965 and with experiences with friends of his while speaking about the principles.
Every Saturday Erik Jan and Frank Junior goes to villages and towns in 'Het Gooi" to give out pamphlets.
Every member of the Laren center is fasting one full day linking one day to the other from the 9th of this month to make a forty day condition.
In our True Parents name
Mr. Frank R.D. Hok