The Words of the Jurkunas Family |
In August 2003, Mrs. Rudienel and Mr. Rudys first participated in a seminar, one held by the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP). The couple has since taken part in numerous events, in Lithuania, Korea and other countries. They are ambassadors for peace and trusted UPF supporters.
Mrs. Rudiene is kind and always ready to help. She willingly accompanies UPF-Lithuania representatives to different parts of the country and speaks at functions. At one UPF event, Mrs. Rudiene read the keynote address, one of the Peace Messages. Before she began, she told the audience, "I'm sorry you can't hear this speech directly from Dr. Moon. If he were here, he would also sing you a beautiful song." Her husband, Mr. Rudys, holds a PhD in economics.
Last year, UPF-Lithuania gave True Father's autobiography as a Christmas gift to all peace ambassadors and UPF associates. Since a translation into Lithuanian was not yet complete and older Lithuanians understand Russian, we were happy to distribute the Russian edition.
The book made such an impression on Mr. Rudys that he asked to help with the translation of the book into Lithuanian. By that time, our church members had completed the initial translation but much work remained.
Being a writer and a poet, as well as a person with deep respect for True Parents, Mr. Rudys is the right person for this work. He willingly agreed to help with as much editing as he can, given that he has health issues. Already, Mr. Rudys has edited some portion of the text. We hope his health allows him to continue. What follows are Mr. Rudys' impressions of Father's autobiography, in his own words:
This book is precious to all of us because it reflects a person's love for the world and defines love's most important expression -- universal peace. This is well portrayed in the book, described with such wisdom that it convinces us without a doubt that human love, which is deep in our hearts, must guide us on the way of technical progress to create a global palace of peace -- moral life for all nations, races, and other groups of people.
The book is interesting because it shows the challenges that fate threw at Rev. Moon. People that experience such difficulties may become evil or even turn into murderers. Rev. Moon managed to cross over these hardships and accumulate goodness in his heart, which is extremely difficult to do when you have been mistreated. He could transform that goodness to create tangible results and radiate it out to the world and humanity. He has been doing so even though, as he says in the book, many people burst into anger and call him names at the mere mention of his name. Human ingratitude is a fact. Some people perhaps will never change. Others do not wish to stay as they are but are willing to understand the world in all its aspects. Such people will understand these things after reading the book and will agree with the author without a doubt.
For me, that Rev. Moon managed not to go astray when the world showed him no smile and was not kind to him is most interesting. Each step was very difficult, but he managed to rise above all this with a pure heart. Evils of life polished him and he became even purer and better and now, near the end of his life, he has a wealth of experience. Because his soul, his inner self remained good, he does not need to change himself, but just to give to others what good he has. I see from the book that that is exactly what he is doing.
The unification of religions is a big problem. The book says that if a person is trying to raise his faith above another person's faith, this will fail. Equality among religions is a relevant issue. Religions cannot come together if they see other religions as lower than their own. When you put somebody down, a corresponding response naturally comes. The idea of true love is very important, and from a wise person's point of view, there can be no better idea. Only this idea can change the world.
Yet the idea of love is difficult to make into reality in everyday life. I am a Catholic. Catholics believe in God and try to be good in their hearts. Yet, what are their lives like in reality, after they return from church? Even though people say they believe, they adjust religion to their own needs. This is the problem. You will not find a believer who would say he or she is evil. People think they are good.
On the other hand, there is love in the inner self, and it sometimes erupts with a strong power. For example, many people helped Jews escape from the Nazis, even under threat of execution. These things must be promoted, cherished and spoken of. I think many people will come to believe in this, and see it as the only way, a way of love, to find common ground and find a true understanding of life. This needs much work. When Christ died on the cross, he was all alone, but now there are millions of Christians in the world. It requires hard work. The author of the book, Rev. Moon, is taking this course.
His vision of peace is applicable on every level -- for an individual or for a nation. An elected person guides a nation. If that person has love within, if he is a man of faith, everything will reflect this frame of mind. That this idea is important for everyone is beyond doubt. Even though nations and people do not yet live according to this idea, they must put effort into learning to live according to it. Learn to live in peace and in love; there is no other way.
Education in the spirit of love toward one's neighbor and in compassion is important. Love, compassion and mercy are the basis of the Christian faith and of peace and brotherhood. If we cast away these virtues and do not teach compassion or mercy, a human being turns into a predator. Because of this kind of thinking, Korean families were separated and much tearful suffering befell the nation. It even led to the sinking of a South Korean ship with many sailors dying.
For Lithuania and other nations, one of our most important tasks is educating children in the spirit of love, mercy and compassion. If this is successful, when a person becomes an adult, he or she is completely different than those without this education. This is an important issue. Those who read this book will understand that. The book explains it very clearly. You will never lose if you guide your life according to this book.