The Words of the Korthuis Family |
The month of May was characterized by a greater witnessing thrust into the Los Angeles area, particularly the University of California at Los Angeles. New, dynamic literature was created for this purpose and witnessing was stepped up considerably. Four committees have been set up to 1) study existing organizations which we could join and influence, 2) develop new witnessing techniques, 3) develop better teaching techniques and staff, 4) and develop more effective literature. The purpose of this activity is to win those of high quality and leadership potential. The Las Vegas Family visited Los Angeles May 22 and 23rd. As a result of this weekend, John Shelton and Joanne Craft, partners in a Las Vegas chemical firm desire to support the Unification Church in many ways --- with business ideas and finances. Father's will for America may begin to be realized through their efforts.
The final stage of consolidation of Las Vegas and Los Angeles has been approved by Farley Jones and set for June 4. This will mean 10 to 13 more people for Father's fight in Los Angeles. Sunday, May 23rd, Family members conducted the service at The Western Avenue Church of God. For the sermon, Jack and Gladys Korthuis presented an encapsulation of the Principles, from a Biblical point of view. Their service was a great victory and has caused Pastor Luke and his small congregation to meet with us twice in an effort to fuse the two groups. The pastor and his congregation came to dinner May 31st. After singing by members groups of both and a testimony, prayer was begun. There was a tremendous outpouring of Father's spirit. Jesus spoke, then Father, exhorting the church to unite with us. Pastor Luke said it was the highest expression of fellowship he had experienced in his life. We are praying for the success of this fusion.
World Day was celebrated in great peace and unity on May 30th. The day began with the 5:00 A.M. pledge service, then to the Holy Ground. After going to our various churches the Family gathered for a meeting with singing by Lisa Martinez, poetry by Jim Waller, and a speech on the meaning of World Day by Ernest Stewart.
We heard a speech from Father taped by Ernie of a receiving by Doris Orme. Its beauty and power affected us deeply. After presenting samples of the creation to Father in the Grotto, we drove to a park, to hike and experience nature. At the top of a knoll overlooking the sea and the city, Father spoke to us, energizing us and deepening our feeling of unity and dedication. The evening was a time of sharing dance, singing, poetry and prayer. Janie Creigh planned the entire day in which Father could rejoice with His children.
Much more expansion in the near future is daily being prayed for and acted upon. Mansei for Father's expanded mission in Los Angeles.
In the Name of our True Parents,
Los Angeles Family