Report on the American Leadership
Conference-2015 (Ray McCready - November 14, 2015 pdf)
Honoring UPF Founders by AFP
Seattle (Raymond McCready - March 3, 2016 pdf)
UPF WA Discusses The Role of
Women for World Peace (Raymond McCready - March 24, 2016 pdf)
Forum on “One Family Under
God” in Seattle, WA (Ray McCready - April 28, 2016 pdf)
Parents’ Day Celebration in
Washington State (Ray McCready - July 24, 2016 pdf)
UPF Seattle, WA Celebrates the
34th UN International Day of Peace (Ray McCready - September
22, 2016 pdf)
“What The World Needs Now”
Forum in Seattle (Raymond McCready - March 23, 2017 pdf)
Seattle, Washington holds an
American Leadership Conference (ALC) (Ray McCready - October
26, 2017 pdf)
Letter to District 10 (AK, ID,
MT, OR & WA) Re: Boise Center Shutdown (Ray McCready -
January 3, 2018 pdf)
UPF Seattle, Washington's
Blessing event at the Beacon United Methodist Church (Raymond
McCready - December 3, 2018 pdf)
UPF Seattle, WA's Heavenly Tribal
Messiah Marriage Blessing Celebration (Raymond McCready -
April 16, 2019 pdf)
UPF Seattle, WA holds the
Celebration of the Family World Peace Festival (Raymond
McCready - April 16, 2019 pdf)
Seattle, WA Family Church Seeks a
Full-time Senior Pastor (Mike Lancey and Ray McCready -
September 5, 2019 pdf)
Seattle Family Church: Re-opening
of Ballard Church beginning on July 19th (Ray McCready - July
16, 2020 pdf)
Seattle HPHC Local Community
Letter - Ray McCready's Unity Prayer Event (Rosie Dijan
Muyongo - January 28, 2022 pdf)
UPF Washington State, Honors
United Nations' Days (Raymond McCready - March 23, 2023 pdf)