The Words of the Takemura Family |
Director International Families Residing in Japan
At this time when the fragrance of flowers permeates the air, and the one-year anniversary of True Father's Seonghwa is approaching, we pray for your continued success as you do God's Will.
As you know, as promised, True Mother is investing in the second generation's education and Blessing after Foundation Day. There are also over 2,000 (non-Korean-Japanese) International Blessed Families residing in Japan, and the number of second generation Blessing candidates continues to grow.
With this in mind, we are holding our first International family parents seminar and parents meeting, led by Mr. Sasada, President of the 1800 Couples Association. At this seminar we will learn about the new Second Generation Blessing Guide Book (SGBGB), originally published in Japanese, as well as other available guide books published abroad. We will also give how-to details, guiding parents through the matching and Blessing process.
This meeting is meant for parents with children over 17 years of age who are considering and/or planning on matching and Blessing them. We will give parents the opportunity to meet each other and share about their candidate children. We will also have a parents counseling opportunity.
Please come along and bring other parents wishing to Bless their qualifying 2nd gen children. The Event Program can be downloaded here.
Application: Please send a mail with the following information: Parents Names, Address and Phone Number, E-Mail Address, Blessing Number and Year, Name(s) of child(ren) wishing to be Blessed, Age and Sex. (introduction Card: we will send to applicants)
Date: Saturday, July 20th
Time: 10:00: Reception. 10:30: Opening. 17:30: Closing.
Who: Parents of 2nd gen Blessing
Place: Shibuya Unification Church-HQ 2F Chapel
Fee: ¥1,500 per parent or couple
Bring: Card introducing own child with picture included; Own lunch