The Words of the Brandner Family

I am sure to find some well-prepared Luxembourgers soon

Robert Brandner
April 26, 1970

Dear Mr. Eu

I want to thank Our Heavenly Father for this month which was a further step in the direction of the unified world. I feel very strong the joy and gratitude of the brothers and sisters all over the world.

Celebrating Parents' Day, it was a wonderful day giving me strength and stimulation.

I strongly wished to share this feeling with the Luxembourgers, but it's not easy to make it understandable. I could teach some persons deeper but they have to do many other things. So the search has to go on stronger. I am sure to find some well-prepared people soon.

I want to greet all the Unified Soldiers and pray with them for the love and blessing of Our Father.

In the name of Our True Parents

Robert Brandner 

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