The Sound of One Hand Clapping
(Herb Mayr - December 1, 2016 pdf)
You have to learn real theology by
personally living with the living, loving God (Herb Mayr -
January 31, 2017 pdf)
Fundraising (Herb Mayr - February
1, 2017 pdf)
Being at the Unification Theological
Seminary (Herb Mayr - February 27, 2017 pdf)
Book of Following Sung Myung Moon -
Chapter III - Unification Theological Seminary (Herb Mayr -
March 6, 2017 pdf)
European Assembly 2017 in Prague,
Czech Republic presentation: Promoting Happy Families (Heidi
Mayr - March 10, 2017 pdf)
European Assembly 2017 in Prague,
Czech Republic presentation: Promoting Happy Families by Heidi
Mayr (Werner Fehlberg - March 10, 2017 pdf)
European Assembly 2017 in Prague,
Czech Republic - Work Group: Promoting Happy Families
(Adelheid Mayr - March 10, 2017 pdf)
Following Sun Myung Moon Book --
Excerpt from the Ocean Church Chapter: (Herb Mayr - April 4,
2017 pdf)
Chapter V: Ocean Church (Herb
Mayr - May 10, 2017 pdf)
An excerpt from my chapter on Ocean
Church (Herb Mayr - May 24, 2017 pdf)
My "Good-Bye Speech/Letter"
when I left Saeilo (Herb Mayr - July 5, 2017 pdf)
In Memory of Herbert Mayr (1951 -
2018) (Crescentia DeGoede - February 15, 2018 pdf)
Updated: 1st Generation Blessing
Preparation Workshop (Franz and Patricia Kerschbaummayr,
Orlande Schenk and Heidi Mayr - December 18, 2019 pdf)
Leadership Change in Graz, Austria:
Manfred and Heidi Mayr replaced by David and Kuni Wurzer
(Elisabeth Cook - January 12, 2020 pdf)
Manfred and Heidi Mayr replace David
and Patricia Earle as Leaders of Europe and the Middle East CB HTM
Victor Family Department (Michael Balcomb - April 2, 2022 pdf)
In Memoriam: Obituary for Gong Shim
An Mayr (Mereth Van Frank Huemer - December 10, 2023 pdf)