The Words of the Ranniste Family |
In our last letter we mentioned Vince's departure for Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Carl and Linna's departure for Buffalo, New York. In this letter, we will attempt to give some idea of Toronto's activities this summer without them.
The house seemed very empty at first, but we realize that the only way it is going to fill up is throughout our hard work and Father's assistance.
We'd like to announce our new center director, since Linna's and Carl's departure -- Katharine Bell -- who was the second person to join and stay in Canada's Family (Vincent Walsh being the first) when it was first founded by Linna and Marie two years ago. It is interesting to observe how Father gives extra love, strength and wisdom to those taking on more responsible positions; only then does real potential begin to blossom!
In July, besides witnessing daily to people in our usual one-to-one base, we made our first attempt at speaking to the masses at Alan Gardens. Alan Gardens is popularly known to Torontonians as the place for speaking your mind; where conversion of the masses is attempted. The attempters are usually religious, socialist, communist orientated people. Kathy, Alan and Bob each spoke for approximately fifteen to twenty minutes; and although only two people came to hear Chapter 1 through that effort, the gain made was one of spiritual growth within us.
Also in July, we were invited to partake in seminar with a group of young Baptists. The young Baptists had chosen for a summer project, a study of comparative religions. Among the five groups interviewed, we were informed at a later date, that they were most impressed with Unified Family.
During spring and early summer, Kathy attended a course on Catholicism. Kathy and her group instructor developed a good rapport and in early July, she managed to teach all of Principle to him. He hasn't accepted Principle, but nevertheless, he hasn't rejected Unified Family. He mentioned the desire to interview over the University radio station sometime in the future.
Miss Kim paid an unexpected visit to Toronto for one day and night in July. She came up to see Matt Smith but also spoke to all of the Family, giving more specific information on the physical and spiritual progress in Korea, Japan, WACL conference, blessing etc. It was wonderful to see her again and also to learn more about the progress taking place at home.
Grace Ross, one of our newest sisters, was unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised to find herself whisked off to Washington with Miss Kim the next morning. Since Grace was beginning her one week's vacation at that time, Miss Kim invited her to accompany her to Washington, and spend her holiday there. Judging from Grace's whole expression and attitude when she returned, there was no doubt that her stay in Washington was a wonderful experience for here.
August found us gathering together, nightly at 9:30 P.M. Monday to Friday to read and discuss Principle together, to discuss topics related to practice and improve our teaching methods. The purpose of our nightly meeting was to bring us closer together, and to broaden way to invite people who had already heard Principle, to come and join us in a deeper give and take with the whole family.
Through more communication and observance we come to understand each other better. Another interesting way of developing our understanding of each other is through meeting our physical parents. We had the opportunity of meeting Kathy's mother and a close friend of her family's Muriel, (who live in Vancouver) when they stayed with us for one week in spring. Mrs. Duffy, Bob's mother (who is from Ottawa) stayed with us for five days in August. It was a beautiful experience meeting their parents and also seeing how parents character and habits can and do influence their children's make-up and personality.
More and more people are directly or indirectly being inspired and prepared by Father's increasing influence.
Three teenagers from Detroit, U.S.A. paid us a visit one summer evening, they were searching for a "Christian house" here in Toronto. Apparently in many cities throughout the States these "Christian houses" are becoming more and more popular to the younger generation who are rebelling against the Church institution and are going back to Christ and following His teachings purely, without the superficial motions and doctrines of the "Church". They firmly believe that Christ will return within their life-time, but, they definitely expect Him to come through the clouds, lift all His faithful followers up out of this world with Him.
In Canada, more specifically, in Montreal, Quebec, a group of people known as "The Children of Seven" have formed a community centered on revelations received by Sonny Grenich, their leader. Their leader is supposedly one of three people in the world, who have been given the Keys to David. He is a Jazz guitarist trying to express God through soul-inspiring music and uses it as a base for reaching people. We contacted him while he was on a short music engagement in Toronto. Sonny rarely accepts dinner engagements, but he and three of his members did come to dinner upon our invitation. He was impressed with the Family and stated that we were the first group that he had encountered since he began (1968) forming his spiritual group, that was similar to his. He feels that he has been chosen at this time for a specific mission by God.
During the latter part of August, we had the great delight of meeting another brother, Paul Bullen, who heard Principle early in 1970 in Paris, France and was raised by Barbara and Reiner. He will be living in Vancouver British Columbia, which is on the west coast of Canada, with his parents. He will be finishing his last year of secondary school and will also be seeking Father's lost children.
We are now swinging into the fall season, and making special conditions and trying new methods of reaching our brothers and sisters in Canada.
May you all grow daily closer to Father, our prayers and love are with you always.
In Their Name
Marvi Ranniste