The Words of the Ranisavljev Family

 Table of Contents

WFWP Canada: Understanding the Mother-Daughter Relationship Webinar (Christine Ranisavljev - May 29, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Canada Hosts Webinar: A Movement to Uplift Marriage and Family (Christine Ranisavljev - July 29, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Canada hosts Cornerstone for Peace Webinar- Uplift Marriage and Family (Christine Ranisavljev - July 29, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Canada hosts Principles of Peace - Cornerstone for Peace Webinars (Christine Ranisavljev - September 1, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Canada's fourth webinar: The Father's Perspective on Parenting (Christine Ranisavljev - October 25, 2021 pdf)

WPWP USA: Youth Discovering Spirituality in Everyday Life (Christine Ranisavljev - November 29, 2021 pdf)

WFWP Canada's Cornerstone for Peace Webinar - Can We Make Peace A Reality? (Christine Ranisavljev - February 28, 2022 pdf)

WFWP Canada Hosts 7th Annual Mother-Daughter Webinar Mothers' Wisdom Continues to Inspire (Christine Ranisavljev - May 30, 2022 pdf)

WFWP Canada's Women of Faith Meeting - Go Home and Love Your Family (Christine Ranisavljev - July 28, 2022 pdf)

WFWP Canada: Women of Faith Living Together in Peace (Christine Ranisavljev - September 26, 2022 pdf)

WFWP Canada's 30th Anniversary Luncheon - Let's Shine! Illuminate the future (Christine Ranisavljev - November 5, 2022 pdf)

WFWP Canada Hosts Second Webinar in Series on Porn Addiction (Christine Ranisavljev - November 14, 2022 pdf)

WFWP Canada Builds Bridges of Trust and Love Between Cultures and Religions (Christine Ranisavljev - February 23, 2023 pdf)

WFWP / GWPN Canada's International Women's Day Luncheon Celebrating Women As Trail Blazers (Christine Ranisavljev - March 25, 2023 pdf)

WFWP Canada's Educating With Values In Cross-Country Bilingual Webinar (Christine Ranisavljev - April 25, 2023 pdf)

WFWP Canada Hosts 7th Annual Mother-Daughter Tea Party in Toronto (Christine Ranisavljev - May 28, 2023 pdf)

WFWP Canada: The Power of the Mother-Daughter Relationship (Christine Ranisavljev - June 8, 2023 pdf)

WFWP Canada Discusses How To Achieve The Value Of Love In Online Webinar (Christine Ranisavljev - February 26, 2024 pdf)

WFWP Canada's Eighteenth Celebration of International Women's Day (Christine Ranisavljev - March 23, 2024 pdf)

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