Chung Pyung Lake Workshops |
The Meaning of Haewonshik (Ancestor Liberation Ceremonies)
April 21, 1999
I just came back from Chung Pyung Lake (CPL) a week ago. We decided not to partake of the "liberation" Chosang Haewonshik because of our financial situation, but we will be going back later with the donations prepared (the current Haewonshik will be continued until the end of August).
As I said, we didn't participate, but I will tell you, brethren, I was sold. I'm going back for more, for sure. This is an incredibly valuable opportunity.
Before going on, let me mention that I think the word liberation is deceptive and, when tit comes to tat, an inadequate translation of Haewonshik. Moreover, it has often been used in the past, where as what is going on at CPL and under the direction of HJN and Dae Mo Nim (under Father) is unprecedented, and should be distinguished from "ancestral liberation" that have been previously performed.
Also, I should point out that I lived in Korea for 7 years, have a BA in Korean literature from a Korean University, and listen to workshop contents in the original Korean, or Japanese where it occurs.
First, let me talk a bit about Haewonshik. This is a Korean word made up from Sino-Korean words (words originally imported from China and a bit different to "pure" Korean). You won't find this word in a Korean dictionary (- at least not in mine - Minjung's Essence Kor-Eng Dictionary, 2nd Ed.) - it is essentially a coined phrase, made up of three elements.
Hae can mean: release; scatter; dissect; take off, explain, etc. It occurs in many words:
hae bang: liberation
hae bu : disect
hae sok : Commentary
hwa hae : harmonize
Won basically mean (Won's meaning is narrower than Hae's): grudge, resentment, or pain in the heart. It occurs, among other places, in:
won mang : hate, resent deeply
won su : enemy
Shik can mean: rule, law; ceremony; form, model; etc. It can be found in:
pop shik : form, formalities
yae shik : rules of ettiquette, a ceremony
Basically, shik is most often used as a suffix meaning "ceremony".
Considering the meaning of each part, Haewonshik means the ceremony or action to dissipate, disperse resentment and heart-felt pain. The result is liberation, but the ceremony itself is not the liberation.
According to my understanding of the explanation given by Dae Mo Nim at the workshop my family attended two weeks ago, as well as notes supplied at Chong Pyung Center, the following is what goes on:
Dae Mo Nim and/or her messengers seek out the ancestors where ever they are in the vast spirit world. The reality of many of the ancestors is that they were once OK in the SW, but through the gradual influence of evil spirits, they have been drawn down into darker realms under control of evil influences. When Dae Mo Nim seeks them out, sometimes they do not want to leave, or other spirits around them may protest as to why they are selected out for special treatment. This is one reason why donations and the personal jongsong are required: they provide the condition for those ancestors to go through the Haewon process. (Dae Mo Nim's words indicate that if conditions are lacking for this, Dae Mo Nim takes this on herself, and she already has a big enough load on her plate, no?)
After the ancestors are found and gathered, they are brought to a special workshop location. This location is different from that used by HJN to train the resentful spirits hitherto separated from us at the regular Chong Pyung phenomena. It is exclusively for ancestors. Here, they receive a special training, and are educated to work with the stuff of the spirit world, and even how to influence the physical world. (Incredibly, Dae Mo Nim compared this "training" to the sort of training Sam (Patrick Swayze) goes through in the Movie "Ghost", which is now regularly shown at the conclusion of every Japanese workshop in CPL, by Dae Mo Nim's instruction I imagine, - but I leave it to you to guess exactly what goes on...). They are also trained to witness to descendents currently living on the physical plane, and to seek out and find the other ancestors above them in the lineage.
Why this is necessary:
Dae Mo Nim explained that this first series of Haewon is for the seven generations of ancestors directly proceeding us in the lineage we came from. Following this series, which is scheduled to end in August, the next series will go on to haewon other generations, up to 120 generations. All this is being done under direct instructions from Father. She also reported that Father said that "things will **not be able to be completed** unless 120 generations are all haewoned". For lineages where 120 generations do not exist, substitutes with the appropriate characters will be set up and established to fulfill that number. What exactly needs to be completed, either Dae Mo Nim didn't report, or I didn't catch it. But I got the strong impression that there are important conditions we need to have set up behind us in the SW in order to fulfill the providential goals assigned to us by Heaven; tribal messiahship is not just a horizontal plane responsibility. - but that's MY impression.
Another part of the process is the giving of the Blessing to these ancestors, but Dae Mo Nim's speech at that time did not go into at what point that takes place.
The "ceremony" itself takes place at the end of the workshop as a unison prayer session. My family was in another hall with other "kiddy" families - there was about 3500 participants this time - so I didn't see it, although there was a video screen. Dae Mo Nim, through Mrs. Kim, did say however, that families should not pray too much in thanks to TP's and God, but talk too the ancestors who come directly too us, and get to know them a bit. She explained they are very excited and want to know about their descendents, etc, so it's really a bit of a let down if their descendents just ignore them and pray the whole time!
So as you can see, this "liberation" is rather getting ancestors together and giving them training and workshops, then the blessing. If you consider that resentment - heart-felt pain which you cannot let go of, mistakes, sins committed in one's life, etc., are the chains that bind one and restrict one in the SW, then liberation is going to be the end result. But the Haewon process appears to take some time and include specific stages and content.
Why is the work being done at Chung Pyung necessary? What actually is being done there? What part does it play in the whole scheme of the consummation of the providence centering on True Parents?
These are vital questions that really require more discussion than one post can allow. I think we would do well to discuss them more. Many families just accept in faith, with differing degrees of understanding. Some don't accept at all (I guess). When I listen to Dae Mo Nim, I get the impression that really only Father knows all the whole answers to these questions. The rest of us have to do with what we can glean from sources around us - the history of and current conditions inside our "church", the way that that history and those conditions have impacted the societies we live in, how they are reflected in our personal lives as well, Father's words, Dae Mo Nim's words, and the Divine Principle.
However, I would like to say that I think that it's painfully obvious that most of us, if not all of us, have fallen far short of the standard of accomplishment, both internally and externally, that God would have from us, and that Father has assigned to us. If we search for the causes, they are manifold and often not easy to discern (at least in my experience....)
But at least what Dae Mo Nim's "work" at Chung Pyung provides us with is a means to resolve the outstanding baggage that we have accumulated over our time on the Path, and an understanding that can help us get back in touch with the cosmic level (in the sense of encompassing both the physical plane and the spiritual planes) in which Father and we our selves are assigned to work.
Of course we are responsible to resolve the liabilities of our ancestors. But unfortunately, for most of us, the only way we would be able to even attempt doing that concretely, and I stress the word concretely, would be by going into the SW and figuring all that out. If our lives had been pure and exemplary models of the Principle path, that would be done automatically or at least we would find ourselves with the spiritual awareness necessary to deal concretely with all of that. But if I can share one strong impression that I have found formed in my mind after being in Chung Pyung recently and consider where I have been for the past 1.5 decades, and what has been often afflicting our "church", a fundamental conclusion is that our spiritual awareness has been stuffed up, blocked, in tatters and often discarded.
Dae Mo Nim is working directly under Father to resolve many of the issues that we should have resolved before now, just as Father himself does, and has been doing, as regards our providential assignments. Father himself reminds us of this fact not to depress us (how could he?!) or to boast, of course, but to reawaken in us the understanding that the assignments given us are part of the whole picture which cannot be fulfilled by one set of True Parents alone, but only by a league of True Families around the one original True Parents. I think that if you imagine that Dae Mo Nim is being set up as an intermediary, you need to consider whether or not you are fulfilling your role(s) to the required levels, and whether you couldn't benefit from a bit of kindly, personal support from your Grandma.
As for the donations, in my understanding they are not an entrance fee, although they may be required when entering the meetings given in other countries. They are an offering to secure a condition whereby our ancestors can be given special treatment and thus fulfill the important providential role they have as the ancestors of the Tribal True Parents. They are not easy - ask Japanese members - but they are worth it buy a long, long, long shot.
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