Declarations |
Jerusalem Resolution of 2007
April 14, 2007
As Ambassadors for Peace of the Universal Peace Federation representing all world religions, 200 participants from more than 40 nations and other noble groups and organizations too numerous to name, we resolve and declare as one body bound together in love and faith:
Whereas, we declare our confidence in the unyielding love and quiet power of the Divine to bring about substantial peace and prosperity to Israel, Palestine, and all nations and families in the Middle East and beyond;
Whereas, we acknowledge that purity of heart, mind, word, and deed are requisite to establishing peace, and that we must reflect God’s will within our lives and families so that Heaven can manifest in our midst. We wait not for magical power from on high to change our world, but count ourselves as God’s own, desiring to share the burden, and labor to build the ideal world of harmony and blessedness for all people.
Whereas, we respect and appreciate all differences in our human family, including differences in race and culture and acknowledge the hand of the living God in the founding and evolution of all religions. We count on the faith and piety of our brothers and sisters of all religions to help us fulfill our own promises to God to build a peaceful and happy world as one human family under God.
Whereas, we are cognizant of history, contemporary politics, the tragedy of losing loved ones, and the complexity and vast array of challenges to realizing peace in the Middle East. However we affirm that peace will not be achieved by politics and diplomacy alone, but only when a faithful community of religious leaders, NGOs and people of conscience rise above politics to the level of statesmen, and call upon all to fulfill the scriptures’ call to love our brothers and live for others- realizing One Family Under God. Our confidence in the realization of our mission lies not in naiveté, but in our knowledge of God’s will, the divine nature that lies at the root of human nature, and the truths of life, love, and lineage found in every human being and every human family. Ambassadors for Peace of the Universal Peace Federation do not trade in truces and ceasefires, nor negotiate treaties that allow hatred and enmity to remain unresolved. We engage the fullness of human expertise, vocation, and knowledge to clear the dust from our eyes, to dash the shackles from our limbs, and to release the arising of enduring harmony.
Whereas, the path to peace lies in the everlasting power of repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, the peace built by UPF Ambassadors for Peace results in joyful life together for Jews, Christians, and Muslims, all believers and all people sharing family life together. We share as well the excitement of building prosperity, good government, wholesome education, effective and compassionate health and medical services, and ennobling and ecologically sound industries for life and for leisure.
Whereas, UPF principles are requisite not only for the realization of long-term peace, but also to accomplish strategic goals and steps that lead to peace and harmony, we recognize several dimensions to conflict and disorder in Israel and Palestine, including the religious and political. To foster a culture of peace we hereby resolve the following:
1. Religious leaders, speaking from the most enlightened call from our respective scriptures, must lead the effort for peace, courageously bringing about acts and advocacy for repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation among all groups and parties.
2. Ambassadors for Peace as Peace leaders who are people of conscience from all professions, living according to this way of repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation among all believers should establish an Inter-religious Peace Council with proper jurisdiction in national and regional affairs.
3. Religious Leaders, all Ambassadors for Peace and NGO leaders will foster Inter-religious dialogue, service and understanding to reconcile enemies bringing enlightenment through education to society and their elected representatives so that a path of good governance that is ethical and truly for the good of all the people can be achieved.
On this 14th day of April 2007, on this the 29th mission of the Middle East Peace Initiative, we honor the historic participation and leadership of Dr. Hyun Jin Moon who, representing our True Parents, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon (Father and Mother Moon), demonstrated a parental heart for all who are suffering. It is the love of God for all people in Palestine and Israel that will heal this divide. This love is best manifested through interfaith dialogue and service activities to touch the hearts of all people. We solemnly declare before the world our determination as families of the Middle East and the International Community to realize a long overdue era of reconciliation, healing, peace and prosperity in our region, and further that we will serve the world as exemplary Ambassadors for Peace, offering our achievements for peace, and sacrificing ourselves for the betterment of others in all parts of the world.
Signed by representatives of the 160 delegates from 33 nations to the 29th MEPI
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