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Directions Regarding Leadership Education for the Second Generation Centering on Special Task Force (S.T.F.)
Chung Hwan Kwak
March 15, 2006
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
13F Dowon Bldg., Dohwa 2 dong Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 121-040
Http://www.ffwpu.org Tel: (02) 6383-3200 Fax: (02) 6383-1500 E-mail: mission@tongil.or.kr
Ref. No. FFWPUI 2006-16
To : Continental Directors, Regional Leaders, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From : FFWPU International Headquarters
Date : March 15, 2006
Re: Directions Regarding Leadership Education for the Second Generation Centering on Special Task Force (S.T.F.)
May the blessing and love of God and True Parents be with each continent, nation and providential organization as we usher in the era of the completed settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth.
In the course of preparing for the settlement age of Cheon Il Guk, it has become apparent that there is a need to build systematic leadership education for the second generation members who have graduated from high school. To this end, we are conveying instructions regarding constructive changes in the existing Special Task Force (S.T.F.) program and matters regarding the development of a general education program. Continental directors and national leaders should take greater interest in this and actively guide the second-generation members, so that they may grow to become heavenly leaders.
1. Hyun-Jin Nim's Mission Based on True Father’s Explanation
On July 19, 1998, True Father appointed Hyun-Jin Nim to become the international vice- president of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. At that time, True Father explained that the relationships between the three generations of God, Adam and his son were not fulfilled due to the Fall and that the providence of salvation was begun to create that kind of relationship between those three generations. This would be the completion of the providence of restoration. He emphasized that to appoint and entrust a true child with the public responsibility from heaven centering on three generations was, in itself, a cosmic event. True Father further explained that the hope of all people is for the coming of the kingdom of heaven on earth in the age of the liberation of the realm of the fourth Adam, after passing through the three generations of indemnity, and that we are advancing toward that very point.
Therefore, he stated that we should realize that God has longed for that ideal -- a family based on absolute faith, a family based on absolute love and the establishment of a perfected family on the basis of the ideal of absolute obedience. In that light, he said Hyun-Jin Nim, as the third generation from God, should take on a public mission from Heaven and while maintaining absolute faith, anchor a family beyond the limits of the Fall as he prepares for the settlement age and advances toward the realm of the fourth Adam.
2. Hyun-Jin Nim’s Vision for Second Generation Education
Upon Hyun-Jin Nim’s inauguration as the FFWPU International Vice-President in 1998, he was asked by our True Parents to take responsibility for the education of the second generation worldwide. He presented the following vision regarding the education of the second generation: "I believe I have a clear obligation to revive the second generation of our movement as well as to offer a fresh, new vision for the world's youth. I firmly believe that the second generation carries the hope of our movement as well as of the world, for they are the direct heirs of my parents' work…. By raising these young people to represent God's ideal, they will offer an alternative standard of life to the young people of the world."
3. Policy Changes for the Development of STF
In order for all Blessed Children to contribute to God’s providence, as stated in the vision, Hyun-Jin Nim has been urging us to strategically develop multiple tiers of leadership education programs that will meet their internal and spiritual needs. As the first of these initiatives, from the fall of 2001, Hyun-Jin Nim has taken responsibility for Special Task Force (STF), a youth leadership training program for the purpose of aligning the second generation culture to that of the vertical axis and having them discover their identity as a member of the extended true family, thereby establishing them as the owners of God’s will and His providence. For the past five years, the STF program has become the standard for second generation leadership education programs in each nation and currently it has expanded its scope to create a Jr. STF program which is a leadership education program for Sunghwa students (middle and high school students). On the foundation of the experience and achievements gained over the past five years in response to True Parents’ providential expectations, it is time for STF to become a leadership education program of higher quality by raising its standard to a new level.
Until now, there were discrepancies between the STF standard in each nation and an integrated principle was lacking. STF’s admission policy was not maintained to the highest standard that it should have in relation to True Parents’ expectations and the goals of STF. Therefore, we would like to inform you of changes STF will undergo from this year.
1) STF will carryout a selection test using various methods of evaluation to verify the presence of a firm public motivation in candidates.
2) The STF selection process will be implemented in every nation.
3) The STF training course and graduation criteria will be standardized internationally (details to be announced at a later date.)
4. Development of a General Education Program
Even as the people in charge of the education of the second generation centering on the FFWPU and W-CARP in each nation were challenged to create a high-standard STF program, Hyun-Jin Nim gave instructions for a general education program to be initiated in each nation for those second generation members who, due to a variety of reasons, could not benefit from the STF education. Hyun-Jin Nim’s wish is to provide a variety of educational opportunities in line with his desire for all second generation members to lead a public life -- inclusive of fulfilling of the second generation’s seven-year course -- and ultimately to form blessed central families that become the owners of the culture of heart who can preserve Heaven’s lineage and fulfill their providential responsibilities.
This program must be based on education standards for the second generation as guided by our True Parents and by Hyun-Jin Nim. FFWPU leaders including the Second Generation Departments together with W-CARP and STF leaders should work together to develop this program.
We will be sending additional materials regarding overall directions for the general educational program and its relation to the official seven-year course.
5. Request for Cooperation in Providing Leadership Education to the Second Generation
Continental directors and national leaders should actively cooperate in applying and making full use of the educational materials and curriculum provided by World CARP for leadership education of the second generation from now. To ensure the advancement and development of this leadership education program, please submit your opinions and feedback to World CARP (Contact the W-CARP Human Resources Development Office) and make every effort, so that we can develop a more systematic leadership education program for blessed children in the settlement age.
Chung Hwan Kwak
International President
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