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Special Workshop for Children of National Messiah
Chung Hwan Kwak
May 21, 2006
Ref. No. FFWPUI 2006-29
To : Continental Directors, Regional leaders, National messiahs, National leaders
From : FFWPU International Headquarters
Date : May 21, 2006
Re. : Special Workshop for Children of National Messiah
May the blessing and love of God and True Parents be with each continent, nation and providential organization as we usher in the era of the completed settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth.
In accordance with True Parents instructions given during the Universal Peace Federation Inaugural Tour, which started, from September 13, 2005, this is to announce the schedule for a special workshop for children of nation messiahs, which will be carried out with the participation of the True Children. Continental directors and national leaders should take particular interest and encourage the children of national messiahs to prepare for this workshop.
1. True Parents instructions regarding the children of national messiahs
Even in the new era, the mission of the national messiah should be carried on to the next generation as the honor of that family and be fulfilled. The national messiah has the status of a viceroy and governor-general of that nation. They must make effort to fulfill this goal even if it means setting aside everything. The children should carry on the mission of the national messiah centering on their parents. The young and pure second generation children should go forth with this new mission.
2. Workshop outline
1) Duration: 14 days (The workshop is scheduled to take place in mid-September)
2) Venue: Alaska, USA
3) Participants: Children of Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel national messiahs who are 21 and older (Those who were born before September 1, 1985)
4) Registration fees: none (However, participants are responsible for round-trip ticket to Alaska, visa fees and all other expenses that arise during the workshop.)
Participants who need a visa to enter the United States should apply for a visa in advance.
Those who are in the middle of their studies or who have an occupation should make adjustments to their schedule in advance to participate in this special workshop.
3. Special devotion condition
1) Purpose
Participants should pray and offer conditions for:
i. Aligning ones heart, body and mind and harmonizing oneself with the True Children centering on True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind in the era of the completed settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth
ii. Making internal preparations for inheriting the victory of the 120 nation world tour of the Universal Peace Federation Rally for the Restoration of the Homeland
iii. the fulfillment of Gods global providence and for ones assigned mission nation
2) Method
All children of national messiahs should offer 21 bows together with their family each day and pray for the purpose mentioned above.
3) Duration: June 14-July 23, 2006 (40 days)
All children of national messiahs should fill in the attached Registration Card Form (pdf) and submit it to the International Headquarters (e-mail: mission@tongil.or.kr) by May 31, regardless of whether they participate in the workshop. (Please indicate on this form whether you wish to participate in the workshop.)
5. Cooperation
All heads of providential organizations worldwide should cooperate in allowing the children of national messiahs who are in a public mission in their organization to take part in this special workshop.
6. Inquiries
1) Point person: Mr. Inho Joo
2) Tel: 82-2-6383-3200 (~3)
3) Fax: 82-2-6383-1500
4) e-mail: mission@tongil.or.kr
Chung Hwan Kwak
International President
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