Cheon Seong Gyeong Rough Draft Version - Sun Myung Moon |
Chapter 2 - God and the Work of Creation
3) The Ideal of Love Realized Through Adam and Eve
1. God created Adam as a body of the invisible God
Why did God need Adam and Eve? He had two purposes: first, to realize the ideal of love, and second, for the invisible God to appear after assuming a form. For this reason, Adam and Eve are the base and core upon which the invisible God can assume a visible form and establish a relationship with the visible world. So when Adam and Eve reach perfection and go to the spirit world, they are like God’s body, and God, who is invisible, is in a position corresponding to their mind. God’s purpose in creating Adam and Eve was to set up perfected people in the spirit world, which resulted in His making their physical, earthly-world, body and mind. (92-147, 1977.4.1)
What is the value of an invisible God staying alone in the heavenly kingdom? It is of no use to be an invisible God. To be our parent, He must have a body and be able to feel. You should know that because He needs to take on a body in the form of man, He had to create Adam and Eve as beings with a dual structure. (133-91, 1984.7.10)
Why was it necessary to create Adam and Eve with a dual structure? To become just like the invisible God, they must achieve unity of mind and body within their lifetime -- by the time they depart for the other world. Otherwise, when they appear in the other world they will not become one with God. God created Adam and Eve with a dual structure so that these parents with substantial kingship would become one with God as the invisible parent and manifest a substantial kingship in the eternal heavenly world. Even God has no way of relating to the world without connecting with Adam and Eve. God must make a relationship with Adam and Eve in order to make a relationship with their sons and daughters. (133-91, 1984.7.10)
The reason God created human beings was to place them in the corresponding parents’ position, and also to acquire a body. The corresponding parents’ position means internal and external; in other words, the external God is Adam and Eve, and God Himself is the internal God. God in relation to the body is Adam and Eve, and God in relation to the mind is the invisible God. This God is the parent of humankind, the original parent. There is only one such parent, not many. Because there is only one, God made Adam and Eve like a branch temple with the dual characteristics of male and female, into whom He can enter. Adam and Eve can function in an ideal way only when God comes and dwells within them, and acts. Without God acting, they would not know God’s will. They would not know anything. (133-91, 1984.7.10)
God stands as the Father, the Parent. God made human beings the God of the earth, and established Himself as the God of heaven and vertical God. This was so that heaven and earth can unite harmoniously and live together in love. Even God is lonely when He is alone. (221-113, 1991.10.23)
The Creator is the vertical Father who is centered on vertical true love; and the original human ancestors, Adam and Eve, had they not fallen, would have been the perfected horizontal and bodily parents, standing where it is possible to become fully one with God, at a 90-degree angle. The Creator is the Parent of heart centered on true love and Adam and Eve are the horizontal, bodily parents. Had they become one -- uniting the Heavenly Parent and earthly parents, and uniting heaven and humankind -- and had sons and daughters, no one born on earth would need religion. They would naturally go straight to God’s kingdom as they were. The complicated problems arose because of the Fall. Without the Fall, our body and mind would not have been separated. (210-139, 1990.12.17)
God created man and woman so that they could love each other and become one. Adam was not created for his own sake, nor was Eve created for her own sake. God created Adam for Eve and Eve for Adam. Also, God created Adam and Eve for His own love and joy. God did not create them for knowledge, power, or money. The omniscient and omnipotent God did not need those things; He only needed love.
God did not create Adam and Eve in order to give them knowledge; it was not to give them power or abundant material possessions for an affluent life; the purpose of creating them was to establish them as the embodiments of love. God’s purpose in creating human beings was to make the foundation of love through families. This is because without love the world of creation would be hell, and the value of God’s existence would become meaningless. God’s purpose of creating human beings was love. You should know that this is the absolute law of creation. Why did God create human beings? Man is east, and woman west. Centering on the vertical God, four directions -- a plane -- is needed. Since this covers 360 degrees, it has infinite area. What do we want to do with this space? The production unit, the starting point that produces the people of God’s kingdom, is the earth. Hence, the people of God’s kingdom are those who have lived on earth. Go and see sometime. There is no kingdom other than the earth. Some say that there are people living in other parts of the universe. But that simply isn’t so. The entire universe was created for us. (206-209, 1990.10.7)
Is man better than God, or not? In creating human beings, He could make only the vertical Adam and Eve, but we can give birth to more than twenty children. God cannot do this. God only made Adam and Eve. Why? That which is vertical, because it is one absolute norm, can only make one absolute man and one absolute woman. (236-259, 1992.11.8)
Adam and Eve were born as God’s son and daughter, and they are the substantial manifestation of the twin embryo within God. This substantial manifestation of the invisible twin embryo of man and woman is Adam and Eve, visible man and visible woman. This is how God’s sons and daughters came into being. The ideal of creation is to perfect God’s invisible realm of heart into a substantial realm of heart and unite the invisible and the visible. The ideal of creation is to establish the realm of the object partner based on love. (237-160, 1992.11.16)
What is Adam? He is the substantial expression of half of God’s internal characteristics. What is Eve? She is the substantial expression, a manifestation, of God’s feminine characteristics. This manifesting means they each assumed a body, a substantial expression. Before it manifested, there was a hidden motivating force which had not been revealed. This hidden motivating force is what we, in the Unification Church, know as God, the invisible and incorporeal being. (140-123, 1986.2.9)
The one son and one daughter were the children born as corporeal object partners of the incorporeal God. A man represents God’s plus characteristic, and a woman represents God’s minus characteristic. The principle of creation is to separate into two characteristics the internal nature of God, who harmonizes the two characteristics, and to re-unite them in a form that resembles God’s original internal nature. Man and woman are born each resembling one of God’s characteristics. Hence, the union of one son and one daughter is the union of God’s plus and minus characteristics. In other words, they become a harmonious union resembling God. For this reason, two people -- that is, husband and wife -- are a unified body that represents God in His entirety. (9-83, 1960.4.16)
2. Husband and Wife Stand as Second Creators
When the husband and wife become one and have children, they can go on forever. So, as they rise to the position of creator and have children, they can feel God’s joy of creation in this earthly plane. For this reason, your wife must be like your son or daughter. She combines the positions of son and daughter and brother and sister. So you cannot separate from each other. Love is not arbitrary. Only if you have your children after following all this tradition will you reach the original standard that God originally desired as the ideal of creation. This is why the family is called the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven. (223-24, 1991.11.7)
As a husband and wife have their children and rise to the position of parents, they come to deeply feel how much God rejoiced when He created human beings. Having children converts the environment for having deep experiences into the essence of those experiences. Through those experiences, we enter the position to inherit the full authority of God, the great Subject of heaven and earth. The parents’ responsibilities include giving birth to and raising their children with care, and they continue until the children marry. God should have raised Adam and Eve and blessed them in marriage, but He was unable to do so. Similarly, having given birth to children, Adam and Eve were unable to bless them in marriage. This bitter sorrow must be resolved. These are the fundamental principles of education. The conclusion is simple. (223-196, 1991.11.10)
Human beings stand as horizontal parents. Adam and Eve are children and brother and sister at the same time. At the same time they are husband and wife; and at the same time, they rise to the position of God by giving birth to sons and daughters. To give birth to and love children means to inherit everything that was joyful after God created human beings. (223-267, 1991.11.12)
Your children are the way God helps you feel joy in the position of a creator, a joy that God felt when He created Adam and Eve. Children are the second creation, coming through Adam and Eve. The incorporeal God created Adam and Eve as beings of substance with physical form. If Adam and Eve had reached perfection they would have become the central representatives of love as the perfection of God’s corporeal being. Just as God felt joy after creating Adam and Eve, children were given to you so that you can substantially feel and experience God’s joy of creation. (238-62, 1992.11.19)
God seeks to realize the harmonious family ideal of the universe in its ideal form. That is why He seeks to bequeath His love by bringing children, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and parents into being. Because He has love, He positions us as second creators -- of our sons and daughters. This reveals how precious are our sons and daughters. (238-40, 1992.11.19)
When a woman is expecting a baby, a new world emerges for her. When the baby starts moving, she has so much hope. This is how women should be. They have many dreams, like the ones God had when He created. To have the thought, "I hope my child grows up and becomes so and so in the future" is in keeping with the heart God had when He prepared to create Adam and Eve. Such are women’s three-dimensional dreams. Thinking, "I am not alone. The entire world is in the hands of my child, and he or she is growing in my womb," her mind embraces the whole world in love. (228-263, 1992.7.5)
Reaching the point of having a baby after getting marriage is to occupy the upper realm. Your rising to God’s position and thereby loving your children is God’s work to allow you to experience the innermost heart of how much God loved human beings following the creation. (224-28, 1991.11.21)
God will come and dwell in Adam and Eve only when they love each other as God loves. He cannot come if they just do as they please. The invisible God will come to them only when they become completely one. In this way, God wants to give them a special title and position in relation to love and wrap them in cloth made of love. This is the ideal. Only then can God smell love. Wherever God goes, He sniffs the fragrance of love. (112-103, 1981.4.5)
Then, would God like kissing? The invisible God knows no stimulation because His two aspects are attached together. When you make love, you come together and separate, don’t you? When the husband and wife love each other intensely in the beginning, their love is like thunder roaring and lightning striking. Their love burns, and then they return to the zero point like clouds receding after the rain. (224-36, 1991.11.21)
God is a harmonious union of dual characteristics. At the same time, He is a masculine being. Since it is the man who stands to relate with God’s fatherly love, this is a vertical relationship. Women do not form a vertical relationship. What do they have? They have a horizontal relationship, which is a partner to the vertical. Observing the attributes of God’s character, the man relates vertically, a relationship of "above and below," and the woman relates horizontally, a relationship of "left and right." Does the vertical or the horizontal come first? Because the vertical comes first, all principles of nature pursue and seek the path to draw close to this place. This is why the son comes before the daughter in relation to God’s love. Only then will everything be arranged in order. (177-324, 1988.5.22)
Women have their period once a month, don’t they? Whom is this for? You should know how precious your descendants are. The purpose of creating Adam and Eve was to produce the citizens of God’s kingdom. There is no such production in the spirit world. God is the vertical master of love, and the vertical has only one axis. It has only one point. Since one point cannot produce anything, a horizontal area is needed. Thus, God’s purpose of creation is to become one with humankind, multiply many citizens of God’s kingdom, and bring them to heaven. (222-72, 1991.10.28)
You should know that husband and wife are a production center for the citizens of God’s kingdom. So God inevitably had to create human beings. These are sons and daughters of the heavenly nation, and sons and daughters of God. Who knows the fact that they are the base for producing the citizens of God’s kingdom on this earth out of the flesh and blood of our first ancestors by expanding the connection to the royal family of heaven? (219-49, 1991.8.25)
God would not have been a lonely being after He saw an original man and woman making love. He comes to feel a reciprocal joy as He witnesses how powerful the essence of the love latent within Him is. Do you think God sees you making love or not? Would God, who transcends time and space, close His eyes at night, when the five billion people of the world make love? How would He feel when He sees them? How many good wives and good husbands are there? Think about it. All kinds of things should happen there. Reluctantly playing a wife’s role, reluctantly being dragged along, reluctantly trying to please your spouse -- you should not live like that. That is not love, is it? Is that life? How great it would be if the whole world turned into an environment where butterflies and bees flew around freely and we could live in harmony within heaven and earth according to God’s ideal of creation -- just as in the Garden of Eden, with the fragrance of flowers -- so that God could fall asleep in bliss? Have you ever thought about this? Try living like this. (222-252, 1991.11.3)
God has not been able to reach the position of husband and wife or to the position of parent. We must restore this. For this reason, True Parents must come. Only when True Parents appear and become the vertical and horizontal parents will everything bear fruit here just as God multiplied ideal children at the time of creation. God only carried out creation vertically, but Adam, standing in the position of having perfected his spiritual and physical self, can create horizontally. Although God only created two, a son and a daughter, people who stand as physical parents on behalf of God can multiply a limitless number of Adams and Eves. They can have ten, even twenty. God cannot do this, however. As many people will be born this way on the path of horizontal expansion, they will make the transition to become citizens of heaven. (236-146, 1992.11.4)
True Parents are the fruit of countless religions, a fruit that can represent God’s great work of creation. They are the culmination of history, the purpose of religion, and the highest hope of humankind. Everything concludes with them. In them, there is freedom. Individuals and everything in heaven and earth are liberated in them. All these things, along with the unified heaven and earth, begin from love. (220-221, 1991.10.19)
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